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Jungkook is furious after the scene he saw in the garden he could have walk there but he have to go to meet Alpha Jacob Jimin's uncle for some business deal he clenched his jaw then he reminded himself that Jimin doesn't mean anything to him he is just like any other omega to him

Jeon Jungkook is betrothed to Park Jimin with a great purpose the purpose of his life is revenge he wants revenge he is thirsty of blood not any blood but the blood of the Park's he want to shed their blood and complete his revenge

Jimin's father and Jungkook's father were friends so their packs are allies of each other when Mr park died Mr jeon is very sad that his friend whom he love as his own brother died

Park Jacob gain the sympathy of Mr jeon and back stabbed him he attacked his pack when Mrs jeon was ill she was on the bed and Mr jeon is tending her but Jacob doesn't know that jeon's has a son because Jungkook stayed with his grandma(Mrs jeon's mom) in the choi pack he loves his grandma so much that he didn't want her to feel lonely after her mate died she didn't want to leave the house where they lived because it holds the memories of her mate, Jungkook visit his parents on vacations

Mr jeon also didn't mention Jungkook to Jacob because they weren't that close Jacob attacked their pack at night when Mr and Mrs jeon were in healers cabin because she not feeling well that night, blood shed they did not fight they burn the huts, cabins and all the things people can't get away and at last the only thing that left there is the ashes of the people that died and Jacob expended his land as he wanted and remove his biggest obstacle jeon's as their pack is very big and they are well respected

Jungkook was 15 years old when he got the news of his parents death he swore to get revenge for his parents that why he build his own pack hobi and Taehyung were his friends in choi pack they also helped him his grandma died when he was 20 years old he named his pack as blood moon so Park Jacob doesn't get suspicious

He built his pack on his own by his hard work and his friends are his biggest support now they have everything from agriculture to medical supplies his pack is rich and flourish in every aspects
Now its time to take revenge just a little bit more he is very close to complete his purpose

Jacob suggested him to mate to his nephew Jimin he didn't like the idea then he thought if he agrees to this arrangement he will become there family member and can easily get access to their pack so he agreed but he doesn't want to be mated yet so he said that park Jimin and him can be betrothed till he wants to get mated and Jacob accepts it, he knows he will never mate especially Park Jimin  because he's his enemy's nephew he must be like them

Jimin is at his room in his night wear ready to sleep when someone knocks at his door two times to indicate that they are coming in and barge in Jimin's room and locks the door Jimin is surprised to see Jungkook in his room at this hour

Jungkook stares at him from head to toe then look at his eyes 'His eyes are beautiful' Jimin thought and can't seem to break the eye contact Jungkook slowly steps towards him like Jimin is his prey maybe he is and Jungkook is the predator

When he reaches Jimin he pulls the Omega towards his body by his waist Jimin gasped Jungkook has always known that he is attracted to Jimin's sweet rose scent

"There is something in you that lures me in?" Jungkook's breath is hitting on the omega's face making him gulp he just wants to drown himself in his alpha's scent it makes him feel safe
"What is it hmm?" The alpha inhales his scent and pressing him more closer to himself making Jimin whimper softly

Jungkook dips his head in Jimin's neck inhaling his sweet and addictive scent which he can't get enough of he holds the omega's nape to keep him in place he noses along Jimin's slender neck, occasionally placing kisses here and there making Jimin moan softly he smirks by listening the sweet moans coming out of the smaller's mouth 

Jungkook scents him crazily feeling himself getting addicted of the addictive scent
He takes a step back and kiss on Jimin's cheeks then licks his plump lips which are begging to be kissed by him Jimin moans
"My beautiful prince"Jungkook says in a husky voice
"Y-es alpha" Jungkook smirks and crashed his lips to the Omega's plush ones both moan as their lips touch Jungkook kissed him deeply when Jimin kissed back they feel something powerful in their bodies. Their lips molded together like the perfect puzzle

Jungkook pulled away and look at Jimin who's lips are red by now and cheeks painted with beautiful pink tint his eyes are closed he opens his eyes and look straight at Jungkook making his heart skip a beat which he don't like at all

He moves towards Jimin and runs his fingers through the omega soft fluffy blonde locks and clutch on them suddenly the hold is not too tight and not too lose

"What were you doing in the garden at evening my prince?" He spokes beside Jimin's ear his hot breath touching Jimin's ear making him shiver
"Who was the alpha you were holding hands with hmm tell me my beauty?" He speaks again
"Ja-ckson's hyung friend L-lucas"
Jungkook place his lips on his scent gland making Jimin knees weak

"Did you forget that you belong to me my omega,my prince"he says in a dangerous voice but not in alpha's voice, jimin whimpers
"N-no I d-didn't forget" Jimin says shakily
Jungkook steps back and begin to crease his cute rosy cheeks with his thumbs
"Always remember you belong to me and I don't like any alpha touching what's mine, understand beautiful?" He asks
Jimin nods his head
"Words my prince words"
"Yes I understood" Jungkook peck on his lips and press his forehead on Jimin's

"Tell me who do you belong to darling?"
"You,and only you my alpha" Jungkook smiles satisfied by Jimin's answer
He moves back a little "I will take you somewhere tomorrow night, be ready I will come to pick you up my sweet prince" Jimin nods his head with one last goodbye kiss on his forehead the alpha exits his room

Jimin smiles still looking at the door he feel loved and wonders where will Jungkook take him tomorrow he loves how the alpha's scent is wrapped around him like a blanket,he feels safe, he just loves his alpha


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