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"Park Jimin, my omega prince will you be my mate?"
Jungkook is looking at Jimin with eyes filled with hope

Jimin chocked on a sob and take his hand away from Jungkook to cover his mouth Jungkook panics seeing Jimin cry like that
"I am sorry Jimin i-", the omega didn't let him finish
"Yes" Jimin says
"What?" The alpha is confused
"Yes I-I want to b-be your mate alpha"

Jungkook can't believe his ears
"And I love you too Jungkook" Jimin further said
The mighty alpha didn't waste any time he quickly slip the ring in the Omega's cute small finger and stands up on his feet
"I love you very much my beauty" the alpha says and gather the beautiful omega in his arms to kiss the hell out of him
Their lips meet in a meaningful and love filled kiss

Jungkook can't believe his ears "And I love you too Jungkook" Jimin further saidThe mighty alpha didn't waste any time he quickly slip the ring in the Omega's cute small finger and stands up on his feet "I love you very much my beauty" the alpha s...

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The taller male growled at the sweet taste and deepened the kiss he bites the bottom lip of smaller male and slip his tongue inside the sweet and hot cavern.
But they don't know that their declaration of love is being watched by someone

Two pair of eyes watching it with pure rage and hate
Tuzuyu was standing there watching her alpha kissing some bitch of an omega

"You are mine Jungkook that was suppose to be me not that bitch but you wait once I kill that slut you will be mine forever" saying this she went away from there while stomping her feet
Jimin is standing beside the lake witnessing the beautiful sunset the yellow, purple and pink color of the sky with his beloved alpha who has arms wrapped around his tiny waist from behind the omega's back is pressed against the alpha's broad build chest
Jungkook's head is placed on his shoulder occasionally kissing his omega's milky smooth and soft neck

"You know my prince this ring I gave you today is of my grandmother's she gave it to me and said that I should give it to the one who will own my heart and my entire being and that's you my beauty"
He turn the smaller male around in his arms and lean towards the others plump lips and kiss him passionately

He begin to sucks and nibbles on the omega's lips like a starve man after few minutes he broke the kiss and the omega was a vision to see with messy blond fluffy hairs, red swollen lips and he was also panting from the lack of air he was looking so ethereal that Jungkook swore he has never seen someone so beautiful before

Jungkook takes his small hands in his and kiss on the ring which is placed on his ring finger of the left hand
They spend their time together while the feelings of pure love which they have for each other surrounds them
Now the important people of blood moon pack are making a plan to kill all those people which were behind the deaths of Jeons and the innocents.

So the plan is simple the corrupted officials and the Park's except for Jimin will be present in the forest cabin for a meeting they will burn the cabin and let all the people inside it burn as well just as they let all the innocent people and children burn of the Jeon's pack including Jungkook's parents

The corrupted officials also help alpha Jacob in his plan to destroy the Jeon's pack
Jungkook wants to complete his revenge as soon as possible so he can mate his beauty and spend his happy life with his mate, his omega, his beautiful prince
The cute and sweet omega prince is sitting on his beloved alpha's lap who was teasing him
"You are so so smol my prince" the alpha is saying these words in a baby voice although he is looking cute while saying those words but the words irritate the omega

"You are I just want to squish you" saying this Jungkook squish the hell out of him
"And kiss you" the alpha kiss every inch of his face
Jimin can never believe that this big mighty alpha can behave like this also
"No leave me don't squish me I am not a toy" Jimin whines but Jungkook didn't stop he keep squishing him and Jimin keep wriggling trying to break free from the alpha's strong grip
At last he freed himself and run away from the alpha

"Where are you going my little bean?! Wait!"
"Go away you big bad wolf" the omega says giggling he is trying to not laugh because he can't really see when he's laughing Jungkook is running behind him
Jimin changes into his wolf form

He looks so pretty in his wolf form seeing that Jungkook also change into his wolf form so his alpha can play with Jimin's omega

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He looks so pretty in his wolf form seeing that Jungkook also change into his wolf form so his alpha can play with Jimin's omega

He looks so pretty in his wolf form seeing that Jungkook also change into his wolf form so his alpha can play with Jimin's omega

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Now both are in their wolf forms Jimin run fast and Jungkook run faster to catch his omega

At last he caught the omega and hover over him he growls loudly Jimin whines in response
He begin to lick Jimin's face mouths his muzzle and scents him they growl playfully at each other
They feel happy with each other they complete each other
"What do you want for dinner my alpha?" Taehyung asks hobi
"Can I have you for my dinner?" Hobi asks while circling his arms around his pretty omega
"But I am for dessert baby" Taehyung smirks and kiss on his alpha's cheek

The alpha kiss him immediately molding their lips together
"No, I want to have you now omega!" Taehyung feels a shiver down his spine
"You taste like chocolate, smell like chocolate, you are the best dessert I have ever had and now I am going to eat you" saying this he takes his omega in his arms and walk towards their bedroom
The moon is shinning brightly, it was a dark night but the bright moon light helps the people to see in the dark

A figure lurks in a room towards the bed where a sleeping figure can be seen the intruder holds a sharp object above the sleeping figure maybe planning to kill them


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Hope you like it 💜
Words: 1,052
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