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The night has finally arrived the night where there will be justice for the ones that died although they were innocent the people, the children and Jungkook's parents today will be the night to fulfill Jungkook's revenge

The night is very dark but the shinny moon light is helping the people to see in the dark
According to the plan everyone is inside the forest cabin all the corrupted officials and the Park's except Jimin

Jungkook and his people including soobin and hoseok has covered the cabin with crude oil to burn it
They will lit the match stick and burn the whole place down on Jungkook's signal

Now the alpha is standing in front of the forest cabin
Jungkook knocks on the cabin's door after a few Knocks Lucas comes out (if you don't remember him go to chapter 1)

"What do you want Jungkook?" He said with a spat face
"Call alpha Jacob its an emergency" Jungkook says with a fake worry expression
"Okay" saying this Lucas goes inside and after some time alpha Jacob came outside the cabin
Jungkook takes him a little far from the cabin

"What happen Jungkook Lucas was saying that there's an emergency?" Alpha Jacob asks
Jungkook signals jhope that's its time to take action
Jhope and soobin immediately lit the matchstick and threw in the direction of the cabin

The cabin catches the fire in a second the screams of people inside can be heard the burning flames can be seen from a far
"Jungk-kook help do...some-th..thing" Alpha Jacob says while pleading to Jungkook but the young alpha was standing there with a devilish smirk on his face

"Why aren't you doing anything Jungkook!" The older alpha screams as the burning flames increases
"How does it feels to be back stabbed?"
"What do you mean?" The older alpha pants he was getting crazy over the fact that the wooden cabin is burning and he can't do anything to prevent it
Jungkook punches him square in the face he kneed him the old alpha falls on the ground with a broken jaw blood was coming out of his lips Jungkook straddles him and punched him, punch after punch were delivered to the old hag's face

"See your family burning just as those innocent people and children burn because of you" the young alpha says between the punches
Then he stop and growled loudly the old hag shivers
"Wh..who a..are you?"Alpha Jacob shutters

"Jeon Jungkook! the one and only son of the Jeons! whom you killed brutally with their pack!!" the younger growls
Alpha Jacob shivers and his eyes widen the look of horror on his face can be seen
"You are so greedy for power and wealth that you turns the blind eye towards my sir name!!" Jungkook is yelling at him then he spit on his face
The younger eyes were red he is about to go feral but he is controlling himself from doing so
He clawed the old hag's chest with his claws and growled loudly the older alpha is screaming in pain now

"Pl...please for...forgive me" he is pleading and begging now
Jungkook stands up with the older alpha then throw him towards the burning flames, the fire that is caused by the burning of the wooden cabin

"Go burn!! with your family just like all those innocents burn including my parents!! and die than go to hell and burn there as well!!"
He watched the older alpha burning with his own eyes the satisfaction he felt is indescribable
The alpha is screaming in agony and pain but Jungkook seem unaffected
After some time jhope comes towards Jungkook and hugs him trying to comfort him
But Jungkook's alpha is restless like something bad is going to happen but what?

His revenge is now fulfilled he is happy for that but his alpha is restless like telling him to do something but what?
"Hobi hyung I am going to my prince my alpha is restless I just want to hold my omega in my arms"

Alpha's Prince (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now