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third person pov

"Did you guys find anything " Mari voice echoed through the empty library "No ,not yet ,Nick what about you" her best friend asked the same " No" Nick replied from the another side of the library

" God,so there isn't a stupid spell or potion that can make me breath under water for an hour" she said throwing the books aside in frustration,pulling the chair aggressively and sitting down she put her head back and took a deep breath

"Mari, calm down,there gotta be something here "Mitchell tried reassuring her " we have been looking for hours, its 4am Mitchell" she replied luckily they were allowed out at this time for obvious reasons

"listen I always try to be the positive person-" Nick was interrupted by Mitchell " No you don't, continue " Key word "try" But Mari is right we have been looking since seven and it's 4am and all I can think about is my bed ,my pillow and my blanket" Nick said
"Oh, I get now ,you can go up and get your beauty sleep" Mitchell said " No-" Nick try to argue but Mari interrupted them "Both of stop arguing like a married old couple, I can look alone if you guys want to go ,you can go I don't mind beside this my task-"
" NO" both of them interrupted her
" we are looking together finally decision" Mitchell said continue looking
Nick and Mari looked at each other
" well,Mitchell made the last decision-" Nick said " You were the one crying a few minutes ago for your sleep-" BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP AND KEEP LOOKING" they didn't even realize Mitchell was on the another side of the library "sorry" they both said

"Here" Mitchell said skipping her steps towards them " This might have something"she said " Its doesn't,don't waste your time" the voice that wasn't neither of them said

all three look up to the voice to see a tall,brunette,male figure he was wearing a an oversized gray shirt with dark blue baggy jeans they knew who dressed like that

Theodore Nott

"what" Nick said looking at him confused
" sorry if I came out like that,I have read that book and it doesn't have what you guys are looking for, Sorry I didn't meant to be nosy but you guys were very loud and it was clear you were struggling, I think I can help" he said " Thank you so much" Mari said rosing up from her chair " Mariposa Potter" she pulled out her hand " Theodore Nott" He shook her hand

Nick rolled his eyes "You guys already know each other" he said in annoyance "Nick!" Mitchell pinch him "what-" sorry hes like that with new people sometimes" Mari said glaring at Nick " It's okay" Theodore said trying to not make the situation more awkward Nick rolled his eyes again and Mitchell glared at him

" Where were we,you were saying that this book has nothing in" Mari said "hm yes I actually know something that can help
god,what was the name,ah Gillyweed" he said as his eyes lit up "you can get them in the greenhouse" he finished " Thank so much Theodore,How can I ever pay you back" Mari said the stress has left her
" well you can come to hogsmade with me,of course if you want to, You can also bring your friends" He replied he sounded...nervous?

" Of course That would be amazing" Mari said "Well I wont taking much time of yours,Good night" He says " good night "
Mari says "Good night" Mitchell also adds
he waits for a second or two before leaving Nick didn't says anything

Both of the girls turn to Nick glaring at him
" what, That thing he had told you could be drugs hell yea or poison" Nick says trying to defend himself "Theodore is not like that He doesn't hang around with Malfoy or Riddle,Besides why were so rude to him he was just trying to help, you had to no right to be like that" Mari said " Listen Im just trying to protect you,Im a slytheirn myself,you don't know them like I do
they're snakes-" Mitchell interrupted him
" so you're calling yourself a snake" NO-"
there stupid arguments was interrupted by
professor McGonagoll
"Mr Adams ,Miss Williams I expect you two follow me" they both stood up
"Not you Miss Potter" she says as Mari try standing up

Mari smiled awkwardly and nods " good luck with Tomorrow" she says as Nick and Mitchell say there goodbye before leaving

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