Here Goes Nothing

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of someone loudly knocking on my door. I yawned and walked towards it groggily, opening it to reveal a very ecstatic Hanji.

"Gooooood morning (y/n)!", Hanji squealed as I responded with a groan, "Oh come on miss grumpy pants! We have a whole day planned just to helping you shift! Let's go!"

Hanji grabbed my hand and started leading me out the door when she suddenly stopped. I crashed into her causing both of us to fall onto the floor. She started giggling and I hugged angrily, pushing myself off the floor and dusting myself off.

"Silly me! I need to get you a uniform! Wait here!",

Hanji zoomed away leaving me confused. Not even a minute later, Hanji was shoving a uniform in my arms. She closed my door and sat down on my bed, watching me intensely.

I started putting on my uniform and struggled badly; What's with all of these straps? I managed to put on the shirt just fine, rolling up the sleeves since I hated them down. I left the jacket on my bed, it wasn't really my style, and put the white pants on. I was struggling with the gear, and was about to give up, when Hangi giggled at me.

"Here, let me help you with that!",

As quick as a flash, Hanji helped me put on the gear. She stepped back and clapped her hands before grabbing my arm, dragging me out once again. She led me down the hallways and out to the training grounds where the dynamic trio was waiting.

"Good morning (y/n)! Did you sleep well?", Armin asked as I glared, causing him to cower behind Eren.

"Something tells me she's not a morning person.", Eren chuckled as I growled.

"(Y/n), as you already know we have Titan shifters. I see you already met Eren, he is one of them", Hanji stated as I widened my eyes.

This skinny little twig is a Titan shifter? They're just letting anyone be "gifted" with this nowadays.

"Not all Titan shifters have to have 8 packs and look like a body builder (y/n)", Eren huffed as if he could read my mind.

"Eren if you would, show (y/n) how you shift!",

Hanji grabbed my arm once again and dragged me back. Eren watched us back away until we were a safe distance apart. He then bit into his hand, dark clouds forming above him. Yellow and orange lighting struck around him with a loud BOOM, a cloud of dust engulfing him.

Once the dust cloud disappeared, a giant Titan with long brown hair and green eyes was staring down at us. I looked over his figure as he reached down, opening his hand to let us up. I hesitantly got on, letting Eren lift us up.

I looked down, watching the ground get further and further away. I looked back up to see everyone staring at me, watching me. I HATED when they did that.

"Do I have something on my face?", I spat, Armin and Mikasa widening their eyes.

Hanji laughed and put her arm on my sholder, causing me to flinch again. Hanji immediately let go and stepped back, staring into my eyes.

"I was hoping that would jiggle something in the noggin on yours. No worries, we'll keep trying!", Hanji excitedly said as Eren let us down, Mikasa slicing his nape and getting him out.

I can tell this is going to be a nightmare.

The next couple of hours went by so slow. Hanji did everything she could think of to get me to shift. She had Mikasa fight me...again. She kicked, poked, slapped, flung, punched, etc. No matter what she did, nothing was working. What felt like forever, she finally stopped.

"Man I'm beat. How about we go get some lunch! We've been working tirelessly!", Hanji exclaimed, skipping away to what I assume was the mess hall.

I followed behind the trio, tuning out their small talk. Once we got there, it was packed. Everyone seemed to focus on me as I got some food; meat and potato soup with a half slice of bread to be exact. I was about to leave back to my room when a firm hand grabbed my arm. I was turned around and met a taller boy who sort of reminded me of a horse.

"Hey there cutie, I haven't seen you around here before. Are you the new shifter I've been hearing about? Never knew someone like that could be so beautiful", Horse face said with a smirk as I narrowed my eyes.

"Listen horse face, I don't have time for romance and pathetic attempts of flirting. I don't care to know you and I don't want to know you. Do all of us a favor and shut up; nobody wants to hear the shit that comes out of your mouth," I replied back coldy as the mess hall erupted into laughter.

"Titan girl got you good Jean!" Another male with a sort of bald head yelled ecstatically.

"Who exactly are you baldy," I yelled back as the hall erupted into more laughter, shocking the male.

"Don't hurt me please! I was only joking, but i'm Connie!"

"The name is (Y/n) (L/n). I'm not Titan girl, that girl, cutie, etc. I have a name and I suggest that if you want me to so called help, don't call me disrespectful remarks",

The laughter soon stopped as they heard my response. I noticed the trio motioning me over as I huffed, walking towards them. I sat down and started eating my food. I raised my eyes to everyone as they glanced around. People were whispering as Eren slammed his fists on the table, earning stares.

"You should all be ashamed of yourselves! (Y/n) just arrived and you're already acting like pigs? Just because she's a girl, doesn't mean she isn't as good or hell even better than me! We are both Titan shifters, that doesn't make her less human than any of us," Eren yelled as the hall went silent again.

"Yo Jager has a crush on Titan girl now!" Some brunette girl yelled as another girl with blonde hair tried to stop her.

I whipped my head over and shot her a death glare. Mikasa and I both got up, cracking our knuckles. Eren held Mikasa back as I went straight towards her. Right when I was in front of her stupid face ready to fight, I heard a "tch" sound.

We both whipped our heads over to see Levi and Hanji staring at us; Hanji was intensely watching as Levi had his arms crossed over his chest.

"(L/n) head to my office now and take your lunch with you. The rest of you, clean the headquarters. I want this place spotless by the time I get back," Levi said more pissed off than usual as the Cadets saluted.

I grabbed my food and started walking with him, the steam from my soup heating up my face. As I was walking away I was able to catch a few remarks from the Cadets.

"Stupid girl",

"She was ugly anyways",

"Why does she get special treatment?",

"She'll definitely die first",

I shook their thoughts out of my head and pushed on. The walk was an awkward silence; I'd pay for something to happen to stop this tension. I soon ended up on the training grounds. I shook my head and looked over at Levi a little confused.

"I don't care about your little clique or your problems. You are here to help us win a war, not make enemies with your own team. I want you to run 20 laps, right now", Levi spat as I nodded, sighing as I took off.

As every lap went by, the more and more angrier I got. I felt my face get hotter, my vision get blurrier, and my muscles get tighter.

Stupid girl, stupid horse face, stupid levi, stupid Titan shifting. Why do I have to be cursed with this? Why do I HAVE TO deal with this? Why can't I just be a normal human living a normal life. Why do I have to bear this responsibility!

My body started to ache as I felt an overwhelming sense of anger. My right shoulder felt excruciating hot as a pain shot down my spine. I swung my arm over, digging my nails into my shoulder. I felt the air around me get hot as someone yelled my name.

I looked over and saw the trio and cadets run by, watching me with scared expressions. I looked up to the sky to see it get dark. Lighting engulfed around me as I felt my bones snap. I screamed as loud as I could, the excruciating pain of my bones rearranging sending me into a blind state of mind. My screams turned into a loud roar; Then everything went blank.

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