Just Who Is She?

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Hanji led me down the halls into her lab, taking my time to analyze my surroundings. She had a lot of tools, machines, and strange liquids. Everything was so clean and pristine though, it was hard to tell exactly what everything was used for.

I brought my attention back to Hanji as she pulled out a metal stool to sit on. I sat down as she started examining me like I was some piece of meat. She first examined my eyes, then my mouth, then my ears. She poked, pushed, and pulled my skin as she took notes. Exactly how crazy is this lady?

She then leaned backed and started laughing, practically drooling over me. Is this some kind of crude jokes I don't understand?

"You're very interesting (y/n). Very, very interesting... could you strip for me please? I need to do a full body examination," Hanji yelled and she started digging in her drawers for something.

What is with this lady? Why do I have to get naked for a complete stranger? Just remember (y/n), it's all for a good cause.

As I stood completely naked, she gasped. She then ran around everywhere in the lab, laughing like a manic. She came back with bottles upon bottles of liquids in her arms. She made me drink every single one as she checked my vitals.

She then shoved me into a machine, writing down every single detail. When the machine beeped, she threw a hospital gown looking thing at me and started cheering. I raised my eyebrow at her and she ran over, grabbing my shoulders.

"I don't know if these tests are wrong. I mean there's no way you can be a titan shifter! I thought Eren was our ticket to a happily ever after, but you just might be the next best thing! Here, follow me (y/n)," Hanji said excitedly as she let go of me, pushing her glasses up.

She led me outside to what looks to be a training ground. There was the horse stables to the left and to the right looked to be a forest for training. A few cadets were around, staring at Hanji and I once we were noticed. Hanji started jumping around and mumbling things that I couldn't understand.

"I need someone to fight (y/n)! I need you to use full strength like if you're gonna kill her! It's all for my tests! I NEED to know!" Hanji yelled crazily as everyone stared with mixed emotions.

Say what now? This crazy lady can't possibly want me to fight? Yes I can shift into a titan, but that doesn't mean I want everyone to know! I don't even want to fight! Plus I'm in a hospital gown! This lady is crazy!

I tried walking away when a few cadets blocked my path. I huffed in annoyance and glared at them.

"I'm not in the mood to fight, move," I said as coldy as I could, but they wouldn't budge.

"Why does a beauty such as yourself need to fight," A blond muscular man said, giving me a wink.

"Excuse me?"

Who is this man? Why is everyone here so strange?

"Reiner! It's so great for you to volunteer!" Hanji yelled again, her voice really getting under my skin.

Just put up with this (y/n) and soon you'll be on your way again. It was a stupid idea for you to stop here, even stupider to let whatever her name is run tests on you.

"Let's just get this done and over with big boy",

Reiner held his fists up as I raised up mine, my hospital gown slightly blowing in the breeze. He then ran forward, attempting to do a full body tackle.

Does he really think I'm that stupid?

I moved to the side easily, watching him land on the floor with a thud. I furrowed my eyebrows and sighed. If this is really their way of "killing" someone, they definitely don't stand a chance.

Well isn't this interesting?(aot levi x titan shifter reader)Where stories live. Discover now