Part 26

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                           -------------Part 26--------------------

You go for the throat 'I hope this works. But I hope I don't hurt him'

You thought. You shit Dustmane's face and swiped at his throat. Dustmane fell off of you and got up and bolted back Into your territory. The remaining patrol members chased you but stopped at the border. "Bye!" You said and scrambled off


You get back to camp to be scolded by Daisybloom and Earthstone. (Plus one leader.)

"Rant! Rave! Blah. Blah! Scold!" Said Daisybloom

"Scold, scold! Blah, blah!" Said Earthstone.

"Disappointed! Scold! Blah, blah! Rave! Rant! You shall be punished! Warrior code! You broke! Scold!" Sunstar said. You walked over to your den and moped for a while before falling to sleep. You wake up to a clan meeting.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highledge for a clan meeting!" You had totally forgot

'Oh yeah! I hope I go!'

"As some of you may know, the gathering is tonight so I will select some cats to go.

Swanfur, Ratfur, Daisybloom, Redfoot, Onefoot, and Skypaw and Briarpaw." Sunstar announced "Now get some rest. Meeting dismissed!" Sunstars voice rang across the clearing. There were lots of excited murmurs around the clearing.

Go to part 29

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