Finding dean.

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I walked around backstage looking for Dean.
"Have you seen Dean?" I asked Nikki and Brie.
"No. But we saw the wyatts and Seth talking about their plan to hurt the new shield so be careful." Nikki said.
"Okay thanks." I said.
I walked up to ro.
"I have an idea of where he might be. You'll have to go out to your match alone. But I promise I'll be out there. I love you. Gotta go." I kissed him.
I ran and got dressed. (The outfit above).
I marched into the authorities office and saw Dean shaking hands with the wyatts and the authority.
I knew I made a mistake by going in there.
I ran out to the ring where roman was.
He had just won.
"Dean shook hands with the authority! And I want an explanation right now!!" I yelled into the mic.
Then the shields music started.
"Guys it's not what it looks like." Dean started. But roman interrupted him.
"Really?! Then what does it look like?!" He yelled.
"I was trying to get them to give you a title match against Brock lesnar at wrestlemania. I wanted to surprise you." Dean said.
I stood there shocked and guilty.
"Dean, I'm so sorry." I said.
We all stuck our fists out and went backstage.
"Thanks bro." Ro said fist pumping Dean. "No problem." He said. "I love you Ro." I said. "I love you too." He said kissing me.
We went and got on the bus and hung out with Brock and kaitlyn.

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