Through thick and thin.

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Roman had a match verses bray. Roman got hurt really bad.

I was really concerned about him. He wasn't acting like himself.

Turns out randy orton had told him something.

I walked up to randy.

"How dare you tell roman the one thing that I told you not to tell anyone especially him! I trusted you! you just broke my trust!!!" I yelled. I ran off crying.

I bumped into john cena.

"What's wrong malia?" he asked sitting me down on a bench.

"Randy told roman that I have been pregnant before. But I got in a wreak and had a miscarriage." johns mouth flew open and we sat there in silence.

I got up and went to find roman.

"Ro look I am sorry I didn't tell you it's just that I thought you wouldn't love me anymore if I told you." I said.

"I will ALWAYS love you no matter what." He said kissing me.

My love roman reignsWhere stories live. Discover now