Chapter 2: Rebirth

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"So... where the heck am I exactly?" New York asked out loud looking around. He appeared to be in a sort of bluish void. "Am I in some sort of ship heaven?"

"You are dead." A voice sounded out.

"That doesn't really answer my question-" New York said, "And you're kinda stating the obvious here."

A white light flashed in front of me and a woman with orange eyes and white hair floated out. "You are currently in a pocket dimension that I created." She said, "I dragged you here to make you a deal."

"What's the deal then?" New York asked.

"In another world much like yours, is being invaded by an alien civilization who call themselves Sirens." The woman started, "As of now, the Sirens have not yet made any major moves, they are currently... testing the waters. In this world, a number of factions grouped together and formed an organization called Azur Lane. These factions have much similarity to ones in your world."

"So, you want me to help the factions to defeat these Sirens?" New York guessed.

"Precisely," The woman answered, "However, just so you to know, the members of the factions are ships with human forms, and... they are all female."

"That means..."

"Yes, you will be the only ship who is a boy." The woman finished.


"So do you accept?"

"I have some questions first."

"Go ahead."

"You said that there were factions in this world, would you mind telling me about some of them?" New York asked curiously.

"Hmmm... let's see, there's the Eagle Union, which is the equivalent of the United States in your world, the Royal Navy, which is like Great Britain, Sakura Empire is Japan, Iron Blood Germany, Northern Parliament Russia, Dragon Empry China, and Iris Libre which is similar to unoccupied France." The woman explained.

"Unoccupied France? Does that mean this world is WW2 era?"

"Yes, 1940 to be exact. Now, do you accept my offer or not?" The woman sighed.

"One last question, why me?" New York's tone was dead serious. "Why not pick someone else? There are plenty of others who may be more capable so why?"

The woman coughed looking away. "The other ships I tried to recruit may or may not have had their souls ripped into oblivion upon entering this dimension."


"But that's not important," The woman hurried on, "The important thing is that you are still perfectly intact and without any harm and if you decide not to get reborn, a world may get destroyed. Think about all the innocent lives that would be lost."

'So, she's trying to guilt trip me into agreeing?' New York thought with a sweat drop.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, the Sirens may be planning to use nukes."


"Then I bid you farewell." The woman said smiling, "Good luck."

A bright light flashed and then, New York was gone.

'I hope he doesn't find out the Sirens don't actually have nukes.' The woman thought before she too disappeared in a burst of white light.  

To Live Again (USS New York in Azur Lane) !ON HIATUS!Where stories live. Discover now