Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool) - Dinner

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Requested: on wattpad my beloved
Prompts: 13) "Can you just pick something so we can go already?"
15) "Let's just pretend that didn't happen."
Warnings: none at all, at all

Y/n sat at the bottom of the bed as her boyfriend Trent stood deciding which jacket would look better. "See, I like this black one, but the navy is better for occasions like this." He explained. Occasions like this? He was talking about meeting Y/n's parents for the first time. He had met them before but that was before they started to go out, back when he was simply a friend. "We're just visiting the house, Trent." Y/n repeated for what felt like the hundredth time. "Gotcha." He turned back to the mirror. "So, too formal." She groaned and fell back onto the bed. "How did I take a shower, do my hair and makeup, find a.clothes and put them on and you still haven't decided on a jacket!" Y/n exclaimed. "It's a big thing! I'm your boyfriend now! And I only met your dad, didn't go near your mum for whatever reason." Trent replied, taking off the black jacket. "Can you just pick something so we can go?!" Trent took off the black jacket and threw on the navy blazer he was talking about. "I'll just wear the navy I suppose." Trent mumbled.

"Okay babe, but lose the shirt. That's a business shirt. Just wear the short collared one you were on about earlier." Trent threw his arms up. "Now you tell me." He mumbled to himself. "And don't forget to wear the scarf they sent!" Trent adored that scarf. God knows why but he loved the checked scarf Y/n's dad brought out while Trent was away at a match. "You just asked me to remind you." She smiled and kissed his cheek. "I'm gonna go down and make sure everything is locked up and then we'll go, okay?" Trent nodded. "Alright, see you in a minute."

Trent pulled into the pebbled driveway and parked. "Why am I actually nervous?" Trent muttered. "Because you're overthinking it." Y/n replied bluntly. "You're meant to be helping me here!" Y/n laughed. "When you spent a good hour picking a jacket, I don't think so." Trent groaned. "Listen, you'll be fine." Y/n rubbed You've already met Dad and he loves you. You just need to meet my mother. You'll be fine." For whatever reason it was, Trent had to hype himself up. Why? For confidence and for his girlfriend. "Hold on, let me get the bouquet from the boot." Trent took off his seat belt. "She's allergic to flowers." Y/n reminded him. "Oh right, I'll get the wine then-"

"She doesn't drink it."

"Does your dad?"

"Well yes-"

"Then it's fine." With this new outlook, Trent became more confident. "What type of wine?" Y/n asked as Trent opened her car door. "Pinot Noir, 1990. Had to cough up 50 quid for it! It's mad that!" Trent said, waving the bottle around. "I'd love for you to drop it." Y/n joked, hopping out into the cold Liverpool air. "Don't even think that, you'll jinx me." Y/n laughed hysterically before they walked up together and rang the doorbell. Y/n linked arms eith her boyfriend as he held the wine in his hands and showed the checked scarf proudly around his neck. The door opened and there stood a woman, dressed quite nicely with a soft smile on her face. "Hi mam!" Y/n squealed, hugging her mother tightly. There were some words between the two before Y/n turned back to Trent. "Mam, this is Trent. My boyfriend." Y/n's mother's smile left and was replaced by a fake. Trent noticed, as did Y/n but neither said anything. He held his hand out and smiled. "Lovely to meet you Mrs. Y/l/n. I've heard a lot of great things about you."

"I heard some things about you too." She said,shaking his hand. The trio stood looking at eachother, unsure of what the next move was. "Can we come in or are we eating dinner outside?" Y/n joked, making the other two laugh. As the walked into the hall, Y/n's mother went to the kitchen, leaving the couple to themselves. "You saw you that too, didn't you?" Trent asked, taking his scarf off. "Yeah, she's never done that ever." Trent sighed. "Great start to the evening then."

Thankfully, Y/n's dad came to the rescue and held a conversation with Trent for the evening while Y/n conversed with her mother. "We're just gonna go outside for a bit, love. Back in a minute." Y/d/n name said, standing up to leave. "Coming, Trent?" Trent nodded and stood up, excusing himself from the table. Once they were outside, they closed the door behind them. "So, how's the night treating you?" Y/d/n asked. "Yeah, lovely evening. Thanks for having me." Trent was trying his best to be polite. "It's no bother at all, lad. You're great to have around." It grew quiet between the two as they simply stood in the cold. "She doesn't talk much." Trent suddenly said. "Who?" Y/n's father asked. "Your missus. She doesn't say a lot." Trent explained. A chuckle came from Y/d/n. "She's usually all chatter, but not tonight." Trent looked confused. "Why's that if you don't mind me asking?" He asked. "Well, she grew up in Manchester. She's a United fan." Y/d/n said. "No way." Trent was amused by this new information. "Yeah and the worst part, she somehow convinced me to move to Manchester with her before Y/n was born."

"I could never do that." Trent laughed. "I wouldn't have the patience for them." Y/d/n joined in the laugh. "You'd be surprised what you'd be able to do for the right woman. I sat saying I'd never associate myself with a United fan and here I am married to one." That got Trent thinking. How far would be go for his own girlfriend? Would he move to Manchester? No, but that's because Y/n wouldn't want to. Anywhere else, he would maybe consider it. "Why didn't she just move here? You're here now anyway."

"Well, she was in uni at the time. I was just working. I could've got a job anywhere but her dream course was in Manchester. God knows why it'd be there but I followed her anyway."

"I'm sure the in laws loved that." Trent chuckled. "Loved it." He replied sarcastically. "One time our apartment had a leak and the place flooded so we had to stay at her parent's house. By we I mean she did. I wasn't allowed. It was either just me missus and Y/n slept in the house or none of us did. Slept in our van outside the house. The next day she said we're moving to Liverpool, so we did." Trent caught glimpse of a reminiscent smile from the man beside him. "Good times?" Trent asked. "Not particularly but I had her at least. My mam didn't like her either but we made it work out."

"That's the secret to marriage, eh?"

"Just stick with her and there's nothing that can go wrong." The door opened behind them and out stood Y/n, a smile beaming from her face. "You two okay?" She asked. "I'm just heading in now but if you want, you two can stay out here for a bit." Y/d/n said, patting Trent on the back. "Okay, well be in, in a minute." Y/n smiled as her dad walked inside. "So, what were you talking about?" Y/n asked once they were alone. "Can't tell you. But I can tell you that you were born in Mamchester, not Liverpool." Y/n groaned. "Did you bring up hating Manchester again?" Trent laughed and shook his head. "No, he just brought it up."

"Our conversation got me thinking what I'd be willing to do for you." Y/n fded her arms and leaned on the door. "And what would you be willing to do?" Her features had softened. Trent stood in front of her and lifted her chin. "Well, we've got the rest of our lives to figure that out, don't we?" And with that, Trent placed a kiss onto her soft lips. "We better get back in to finish this dinner." Y/n beamed. "Come on then, we'll get going."

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