21. Scared & Lonely Hearts

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I was sitting on the couch when someone started knocking on my door erratically which scared the shit out of me.

I got up and heard Melanie's voice 'Calum! Calum we need to talk!' She's probably yelling about something that she is blowing way out of proportion.

'What is it?' I asked as I opened the door.

'Hey.' She said calmly walking in.

'What's got you so energetic today and what do you want I was in the middle of being lazy watching tv?' I asked sitting down.

'When aren't you being lazy and I just wanted to tell you that I saw that guy who was with Luke that time at the restaurant kissing up some chick so that means he's free.' She said as she grabbed a bag of chips sitring next to me.

'So why do I care?' I asked.

'Cause he's single and you need to get with him.' She said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

'Will you stop with this it isn't going to happen so I don't know why you keep pestering me about it.' I said agitated.

'I'm just looking out for you okay? I just hate seeing you so unhappy.' She said lovingly.

'I know and thank you plus I'm with Harry.' I said happily.

'Really? Damn I really wanted you to-' She started but I cut her off as the front foor opened revealing my mom and Zayn.

'Don't talk about this now.' I said.

'Hey Calum and Melanie.' My mom said as she went threw the living room to the kitchen.

'Hi Mrs. Hood.' Melanie said kindly.

'How have you been dear?' My mom asked.

'Good and you?'

'Oh I've been okay can't really complain.' My mom said and Zayn took a seat across from us and eyedme weirdly.

'So when are you two going to get together?' My mom asked and I felt sick.

'Well never since he's-' She started.

'Just a friend and plus she has a boyfriend.' I finished and eyed her to not say anything.

'Well that'sa shame I've always thought you two.would but it's okay. You're more than welcome to satay for dinner.' My mom said.

'Thanks.' She said and I grabbed her hand and brought her up stairs.

'What was that about?' She asked confused.

'Well I kind of haven't told my mom or brother that I'm gay.' I said in shame.

'I'm sorry what?' She asked sitting on my bed.

'You heard me.' I said sitting next to her.

'So that's why you never told them about Harry and everything damn.'

'Yeah I know i'm a mess. I mean I don't think my mom wouldn't care but my brother is extremely homophobic and I just can't tell him, at least not now.' I said.

'Olay that's fine it's your life.' She said understanding and we sat there waiting for the food to finish.


I woke up from a nap and went downstairs to be greeted with a sweaty Michael.

'Hey babe.' I said walking into the kitchen.

'Hey.' He said he grabbed a water from the fridge.

'Did you go out or something?' I asked.

'I just went for a jog.' He said.

'Okay, so I was thinking maybe we'd go out for dinner and catch a movie and then do some other things.' I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

'Sounds great babe but I actually have to go to work.' He said with a sad face.

'What? Come on take the day off or something I want to spend time with you on my week off.' I said.

'I can't and you know that, my boss would seriously kill me.' He said as he wrapped his hands around my waist comforting.

'Okay but I'll miss you and you'll miss me.' I said as I kissed his neck and kissed down his chest.

'And why do you say that?' He asked teasingingly.

'Because you're gonna miss this.' I said as I knelt down and grabbed his crotch tugging at it.

'Fuck.' He moaned out.

'Well i'll see you later.' I said as I stopped abruptly and walked up the stairs smirking.

'Hey! You can't just do that!' He said running after me.

-Whoops what have I done?

Sorry if it sucks I've been busy lately

Love you

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