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Her eyes were unstable and trembling seeing him on his recliner, sacrificing his own comfort for her sake..

He woke up sensing her eyes, he is light sleeper. “What?”

“I’m sorry I took your bed last night. So you slept on the recliner.” She apologised.

Made him chuckled at her, “You’re still so innocent Khushi.. I will sleep on floor if you say so you know.. Khushi it’s very long time since I slept peacefully. Thank you..”

She remembered how Arnav wakes her up by pouring pool water on her face.. “Sleeping peacefully Khushi Kumari Gupta?”

She shudder thinking of it. Rathore could see what she thinks of.. He ruffle her hair to distract her which is successful.

“What will you be doing Khushi?” Rathore’s appearance was almost on par with Arnav extremely impeccable handsome face, cut and chiseled. But his ear length hair cut in a layered style, pair of gold-rimmed glasses, gentle mannerisms and friendly smile covered up his strong and sharp aura, which occasionally flowed out when he wasn’t paying attention.

He had underworld organizational into his hand, and his family was a top-ranked family in the world, their arms business covering the whole world. Such a powerful man is like puppy before her.

“I will learn business from you Mr.Rathore. Maybe that way I can take revenge.” She said with hope.

He drooped his gaze to the stubborn figure sitting perfectly straight, an extremely provocative smile bloomed on his face.

“Khushi you should not take risk in something you haven’t experienced before. Compare to ASR, whom have talent in business, you will be crushed by in mere seconds.” which now is impossible because she got him as her support. But she wants to take her own revenge.

“What talent do I have?” She asked him and also asked herself.

“Lot of things Khushi, shall I tell you?” His hand hold her hand.


“Hotel Business, Event planning, Flower arrangements, Dancing, Acting, etc, etc. So many things.” He said with smile as applied some ointment on her bruised hands.


“Start with the easiest thing Khushi. Produce a film, select the script you like from directors. Choose one of them, about money..” He took bunch of key that in a right and hand it over to her, “Keys to our treasury safe room. Take as much money as you needed and don’t worry it’s your allowance.” He said simply.

Khushi still gasping at his words what the hell is this man is thinking..

“Be powerful Khushi, that would make them die in shame, they will envy of you. I will do whatever to make sure they suffer but I want you grow as a person. Not as my woman but as an individual person. Show them what you capable of.. I will teach you everything and make you a successful woman.” He said Confidently. He trust her talent, hard work and luck.. Khushi stared at him silently.

Unlike someone who called her unlucky, bad omen, uneducated, fool… He called her many things that she seemed to forget but she will never forgive.

His treasury keys in her hand, as Queen of this castle.


She went to her room back to her room and look at herself in the mirror, looked thin body frame, dark circles under her eyes, her bruised hands, her hair which mamiji cut with scissors and she had cut it down to her shoulder to hide the mess mamiji left.

She looked at her treasury keys that should attached to her waist, she tucked it in, as his QUEEN. Her hand touched her Mangalsutra, only thing she ever got From Arnav Singh Raizada. She feels ashamed of herself for ever loving him. This is symbol of her pain.

The wife of Raizada lived a maid, even lower than a servant.

Rathore’s Queen, living like a real queen. Everything given to her to was best of the best. There was one time, Anjali accused her of stealing Anjali’s necklace, only to torment her mentally and physically. When Arnav come home they act all like Saint.. Even if did he knows, would he care?

The day her revenge is fulfilled she took her mangalsutra off and throw it Arnav Singh Raizada's face, this reminder of the humiliation and abuses she faced for six months.

She left her room and made her way her study. To read the scripts like Rathore said.


Every breakfast, lunch and dinner Rathore will definitely accompany her, eating with her, she noticed how he frowned at his broccolis.. “They are very healthy and good for your health.” She took a sip of water and spoke these words to him.

He ate everything without a single complain, and thanked for making every meal meaningful. Khushi feel treasured by him.. He is keeping her safe, giving her everything before she could even ask for it.

He appointed a dietitian for her, a personal chef, martial art teacher, he change his entire garden to her liking because she likes to walk around after her meal. She once said accidentally “it would be great if there was roses here in this garden..” He got rid of the garden the very next day.


One day..

“Breaking news, There is an ongoing marriage discussion between Arnav Singh Raizada, Sheetal kapoor, Daughter of Kapoor family. One of his former Girlfriend? According to our sources Miss Kapoor had pregnant with his son 6 years ago, and now they are getting engaged and soon to be married with family’s blessings..”

Rathore quickly turned off the TV. But it was too late. It was after she heard everything from the TV.


“Garden plants needs some water. I will go water them” she rushed out, forgotten that they have diligent gardener who watered all the plants on the time.

His face was hardened, seeing her disturbed by Raizada again. He throw a vase at the TV and broke it down. “This house doesn’t have any need for TV. GET RID OF IT NOW!!” Rathore said at his servants before chasing after her..

She stood by the water fountain, crying. Her eyes were red with tears rolling down her cheek. His arms wrapped around her, comforting her.

“Are you done watering our plant?” He asked looking at her. She closed his eyes with her palm and told him not look at her pathetic state.

“I’m still weak. Ain’t I?” She asked slowly.

“Yes.. But soon you will be the most strongest person ever. Everything require time” He said, promised her. His forehead touched hers. Making her believe whatever he says.

“Sheetal Kapoor is a fraud. She is a gold digger Khushi, she is cheating that family.” He told her, his eyes are still closed even after she took her hand off. She chuckled lightly hearing that. He opened his eyes when she told him so after she wiped her tears.

“Mr. Rathore look at me, then who I am? I also the same using you for money, deceiving you and your feelings for my own advantage. I’m also a gold digger.” She stated her fact holding back her tears.

He hold her shoulders softly, “Then dig Khushi. No matter how many years you dig, I will never run out of gold Khushi, just stay with me.” Wishing she could give him a chance.. A chance to love her.. Give him her heart.. Not her body..

Soon Raizada family will suffer for everything they did to her. He will destroy them soon.. They will pay for her every tears shed today.

To be continued..

Next update- His small revenge, their huge damage.

Please let me know what you think about this chapter Tq

TALE OF KHUSHI THE GOLD DIGGER. (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now