[Chapter 9]-A Story We Were Never Told

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[Chapter 9]-A Story We Were Never Told

Beginning of the apocalypse...

Dear Diary,

I was so close to doing it today. I know I've been talking about it for months, but I actually tried to commit today. I made sure to look as innocent as possible. Pull my hair into a ponytail, long, white, childish, sundress. I liked how my curls waterfalled around me. I need to rewrite the rules again so I don't forget them again.

Rule #1- Don't look back unless you need to see if it's clear

Rule #2- Don't tell anyone when you do it

Rule #3- Have a safe place, and only tell those people your plan. Don't tell them when.

I tried to remember those words before going to the woods today. I was actually into the wood line before this old hobo pushed me to the dirt. He was so heavy I couldn't move. Some weird guy came and killed him while he was still on top of me! If I hadn't screamed I would be long gone by now though... I'm hoping that her child covered in blood will convince her to leave this stupid farm house without a farm. I was tired of being lonely. More people around means more opportunities, right?

I love you,

We'll talk later.

Dear Diary,

Mother moved us to the family 'house.' This place is huge for anybody. So many hallways, and rooms. It was poorly lit though. When you walk through the double doors, there is this giant living area. Two large staircases that curled into the balcony. It had hallways on the two far walls leading to tons of rooms. There was a fireplace in the living area. It's chimney extended through the balcony and into the ceiling of the house. On both sides of the fireplace were dark wood doors leading to the kitchen, and the other to the basement I think. The basement door was always locked, but the last time we came here I found this nifty little key!

Last year I was too scared to go on an adventure. This year I have to be careful of Amy. She is thirteen and a giant twat. You wouldn't like her my lovely... She called me a twerp because she caught my sneaking. But, the second time I tried I was able to go downstairs. I had never been scared of the dark. You keep me safe. 

I found a candle and actually used matches. I wanted it to be a quiet place, but every move I made seemed to make noise. I hear something... Like there is someone else down here... I'll be back soon, my love.

I... I will never... I can't understand what this is... There's this girl down here, surrounded by dead bodies. The smell and sights are horrid here... She eats these people. She is chained to the wall, and something feels... weird...

She's asking me to end her life... She's suffering... She gave me the knife to do it... She's completely willing... Something feels.. right... but I feel as if I'm about to barf...

Dear Diary,

I don't remember what happened. I woke up in my bed, without a stain or scratch on me. When I went downstairs I started to cry, and I nearly fainted. I will have to clean up my vomit later. I don't understand why I have all of these bad feelings though. Seeing her dead and absolutely torn to shreds... It kind of excites me... She looked like a suicidal maniac who had been a cutter, and she finally couldn't take it. Blood tastes really good to me... I didn't pay much attention to her face, but I noticed her eyes had been gouged out, and her mouth sewn shut. There's more vomit for me to clean. Dammit.

I have a sick plan. Amy's a bitch.

Dear Diary,

I performed a live autopsy on Amy today. 

Everything that moved got a cut if it continued. She stayed alive a lot longer than I expected. That kind of made it fun. Her organs were really weird feeling. Not squishy, but not stiff. Who could eat this?

Months later...

Dear Diary,

Mother found Amy's body. It took so long to convince her that Amy was at her friend's house. Mom's screams were irritating. Like she actually cared.  I couldn't let her keep screaming like this. I had the chains from the basement on me at all times, so I finally used them.  I watched as she suffocated by the bathroom. I chained her there. It was pretty to watch her die.

I did this for months. Killing visitors, and my Family. Shot my mom and my dad. You read what I did to Amy. Yes, you did read that, Diary... And you are to tell nobody else. Ever. Signed, Olivia your Love... Night-Night, Babe.

{{ Author's Note }}
Word Count: 833-ish
[Edited at 10:32 am on April 11th, 2018]

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