[Chapter 28]-Is There Anything Left For Us?

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[Chapter 29] - Is There Anything Left For Us?  
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-Maycie's Pov-

   Just Kenzie and I were left, everyone else was dead. I can't believe it. They were all just taken from us, just like that. Where has the time gone? Just last year all of my friends were safe in our group. Just last year I had all of my friends. Every single one! Now they're all gone! They were taken from me!

   I'm currently sobbing on the ground, my face buried in my hands. Kenzie is trying to coax me up but I won't listen. We have traveled a good distance away from the herd, not one Zombie was in sight. I was just too broken at the moment to even move, my legs were trembling which made it too hard for me to get up. My face flushed from all the crying I have been doing. I'm surprised my eyes can still develop tears at the moment. "I guess we can rest for now, but once you're all ready to leave we can.," Kenzie mumbled as she sat down on the road next to me.

   I looked up at Kenzie, "Do you think we'll survive." I mumbled to her. She then looks over at me, slowly I might add.

   She inhales a deep breath before exhaling. "I don't know.." She mumbled.

   I also sighed but mine wasn't as deep as hers. "Is there anything left for us?" Those words made Kenzie freeze right then and there. What's so wrong with asking that question?

   Kenzie sighed before speaking, clearing her throat a little. "No, the is nothing left for us... " My eyes widened slightly at her. Kenzie of all people would never say that. "Maybe Jess was right... No one will come for us, no one will rescue us.."

   I balled my fists and clenched them tightly. My knuckles bled white, and I swear I felt some blood. I quickly grabbed my knife, pouncing on her. My knife was against her neck, "Who are you and what have you done with McKenzie!?" I screamed at her.

   Kenzie sighed once again, "I'm Kenzie, no one else. I'm just stating the truth. This kind of world breaks you, you know. No one will ever be the same after losing all of their friends. Just like us..." She looked up at me, her eyes were glazed over. This was hurting her more than me. How could I be so blind? She is right, no one would ever be the same after losing everyone close to them. Just like us...

   I get off of her and plop myself back on the ground. My face that was once flushed with anger was slowly dialing down. "Sorry for my outburst..you do have a point.," I said lightly as my gaze stayed fixated on the ground.

   Kenzie leaned up off the ground and scooted over to sit next to me. "It's okay, I understand. I wasn't myself, but then again who would be?" Kenzie tried her best to comfort me. It managed to work, I chuckled to myself which brought a smile to her face. Which resulted in a smile on my face. "It's nice to see people smile in a world like this.." Kenzie whispered lightly.

   I looked at Kenzie, her eyes now showing color. "It is.." I replied. We chuckled lightly as we looked up at the sky together. The darkness of the night surrounding us with the shimmering and glistening. I swear I could hear some twinkles here and there. The moon was at its fullest, shining like there would be no tomorrow, but for us, there would be. A tomorrow filled with Zombies and terror, something that our dearest friends failed at. I sigh as Kenzie and I sit in a comfortable silence just staring at the beautiful stars glowing above the two of us.

   Kenzie was the one who breaks the silence first, "We're gonna make it out here.." She mutters. "Together.." She said lightly, I looked at her. A soft grin plastered on her lips. She held out her hand for me to take.

   I gladly took it, "Together.." I repeated as we laced out fingers. We will survive this together, hand-in-hand. As friends.

   The night went by slowly, the cold breeze blew all around me. I stayed up, wide awake as I had watch duty while Mckenzie slept peacefully. I had no idea what time it was but I was taking a wild guess and was saying it was about midnight. I would have to wake Kenzie up soon for her watch because I am really sleep deprived. She insisted on taking the first watch no matter how much I protested. I was the one who obviously won the argument, now she sleeps peacefully as I take the watch to make sure she sleeps in peace.

   My eyes begin to droop and they slowly close. My body slipping on to the ground as the world around me becomes dark.

   I soon feel pain course throughout my body, I open my eyes and a Zombie is above me. Guts in his mouth and his hands digging into my stomach. I wanted to scream but I couldn't, my next reaction was thinking of Kenzie. I quickly look to my side and see my friend on the ground. She wasn't moving an inch and a puddle of blood was under her. The crimson liquid was soaking her clothes.

   My eyes begin to water as I slowly close my eyes and lean back on to the ground...accepting my fate.

    I gasp lightly as I jolt awake, the sun was beginning to rise and I was sweating like a maniac. I see Kenzie staring at me, "Nightmare?" She questions and all I could do was nod. "Well, I saw that you were asleep when I woke up for my shift so I decided to let you continue to sleep..we should get moving now.." She gets up off the ground and extends her hand to me.

   I take her hand gracefully as she helps me up. "Thank you.." I muttered my voice hoarse.

   "Let's survive together.."

[Author's Note]
Word Count: 1056
[Edited at 6:13 pm on April 14th, 2018]

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