[Chapter 21]-With Light comes Shadows

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 [Chapter 21]-With Light comes Shadows
-Maycie's PoV-

   We all walked quickly to see if our families had survived. We were unaware of any dangers that lie ahead of us. Happiness and rejoice was to come. That is what we all had hoped, and prayed for. I saw it in Jesse's eyes that she was hoping with all of her heart to find someone they knew, anyone in fact. All of us full of hope to see family, and familiar faces. A hope that was lost in our own insanity. We could only hope that they somehow had water and an abundance of food. Sadly, for many of the group our spirits were not raised that high.

We had reached Lena and Macy's house and were filled with disgust. Our hopes and newly found dreams were crushed. We found all of their cats dead in their basement. And their father, James,  dead with a bottle in his hand. "Your Dad had good taste," Jessica said, looking at the bottle. His body twitched and without hesitation, he was stabbed in the head. I looked over to see who had done it. I figured McKenzie, but I was wrong. McKenzie, Cassie, and I stood by the bar. All I saw was Macy, pulling the knife from her father's head, and muttering the words "I know." Lena's eyes widened in shock. I now understood why Macy had become heartless all of a sudden. Alec walked up and placed his hand on Macy's shoulder. I would hate to be in her position. She found all of her animals (The cats) dead, and her father probably drank himself to death after her mother left in fear of zombies. I got up from the chair I was sitting on and hugged her. She pushed me away without a single word. She was lost. Not physically, but mentally. Lena didn't know what to do, it seemed, it looked like she wanted to help her sister but how? Jessica, Tia, Alec left us, but I was left with the words of 'help her, I know you can' by Jess. Tia joined McKenzie and Cassie's conversation while Jess looked at the booze that rests on the shelves and under the bar.

The basement was nearly silent as Macy sat down on the ground, her sister joining her, they held hands as they sat in silence.Macy's eyes no longer a bright blue, but a dull, lifeless green. She had the bottle of Jack Daniel's in her grasp. She hadn't taken a drink, but a swig would soon be in order. I sat across from her, looking into her eyes. Nothing. No tears, no emotion, no sign of life. "Macy..." I said, leaning towards her. "I know how you may feel..."

"No, you don't!" She snapped, looking away from me. I saw Lena grip her sister's hand tightly.

"I would understand what you're thinking..."

"Shut it Maycie! You still have a chance! A hope! You at least have something!" Macy hissed.

"You know damn well I don't. You know you have something, you have more than one thing actu-"

"What then?!?" She cut me off.

"Macy..calm down, nothing good will come from arguing," Lena said, being logical.

"You have us. We have each other. If we don't have a family, you have us. We are family. We are friends. We are always there until the very end, Macy," I said setting my hand on her shoulder. She pushed it off, that gesture hurt me emotionally. Lena then took the bottle from her sister, which stunned me. She then proceeded to drink from it. She coughed. Her first drink, It was obvious. Tears filled her eyes and ran down her cheeks. "Is it from loss or the burn of whiskey goin' down your throat?" I asked. She coughed and looked up at me. Macy looked up at me as well, eyes full of dread and a feeling of worthlessness.

"Both damnit," Lena choked out. 

"Do you need a hu-" before I could get out my words I was pushed into a hug with Lena. Her sobs rang out. I understood now. She couldn't understand what had happened. She and her sister were the last of her family. She knew but refused to accept and understand it.

"Thank you..." She said.

We heard multiple voices behind saying the same variation of different words. Lena backed out of the hug, and I turned my heard to see Jess behind me. She leaned down and said, "Yes, I pushed you into the hug."

We all packed up and left. Jess did bring some whiskey, but only the ones she knew we would like. How did she know what ones? I don't even know myself, so don't question it. Okay?  Olive was very quiet, and at points, she was gone. We have no idea where, but Jess and Macy questioned her, McKenzie kept to herself, and Lena, Cassie, Tia, and I were almost always talking. We were the last. Tia, Jesse, Tia, and Alec, the most original, McKenzie the quiet yet "murder-y," Lena and I the (basically sisters) with Cassie our best-friend. We could of had those boys with us, but we didn't know who they were. CRASH. "Shit!" Olive yelled. We all jumped for the ditches as Jesse and Olive stood in the street. Jesse holding gun at-aim, and Olive prepped with her knife. "Who are you?!" Olive shouted drawing back her knife. 

"Olive honey!~" The male exclaimed. An older man approached. He was mid-thirties, with a long Jacket, stupid grin, rough-up jeans, and long black hair. It was pulled into a ponytail on the back of his head.

"Olive, Who is this guy?!" I shouted. I needed answers. We needed answers, and right now too. She began to shake. Was Olive actually afraid? What? This guys shoes pounded on the ground with every slowly, mind churning, blood-curdling step. "Olive!" I shouted.

--Olive's PoV--


All I could think. It's not like I could tell them who he is. Or his past. Or my past with him. I shook. I couldn't think, and I can't breathe. I was suffocating myself from fear. I-I-I-I-I-I didn't do my job. I will die soon. From myself, or him. My boss. He watches, he takes note of my every move, and even worse he was confronting me now. In front of them. Then Jessica's words brought me back. "Olive, I swear to god. If you don't tell me who this son-of-a-bitch is, he's gonna die here and now. Damnit Olivia NOW!" She shouted. I dropped my knife. Tears. Yelling. Laughing. Gunfire. Screams. Shouts. More Tears.

Damn it. I- I could have helped... No, He wanted them dead. Now I'm gonna die...


A 12-year-old voice called.



He wasn't shot... I was...

Before all sight was gone, I peered over through the tears, and darkness that surrounded me. Jesse was shot in the arm, and it probably just missed her artery. She will live. I won't. The blood from the bullet hole in my head ran down my face. Tia hugged me, and that's all that I remember. I-I died. .   .    .

[Author's Note]
Word Count: 1186
[Edited at 12:44 pm on April 13th, 2018]

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