{Harrison x reader}

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I feel like Harrison is kinda underated atleast that's just me so I made this cause he's one of my favorite campers anyways let's continue

[Y/n pov

]You were nothing short of weird infact you'd say you were absolutely kooky, insane going do far to say maybe even psycho which is why your parents signed you up for camp Campbell's Magic camp but sadly they were robbed of their money would you tell them that... Nope. You have to say you've developed a crush for a kid at camp more specifically Harrison his magic was just I guess fascinating it was pretty amazing none of it could be an illusion it was just to complicated to be a simple trick of the hand. Which brings us to today. You were in Nerris's tower as she was showing you her newest card set that she'd gotten when everyone's parents sent them something of course your parents forgot so you didn't get anything new or just anything in general. "So this card does 10+ crit rate and also 8+ healing only if you use the daricy card and- (y/n) are you even listening?" She asked as she saw you looking over the tower fence in to keep kids from falling snapped your mind "oh yeah in listening the daricy card does 10+ crit rate right" you said a bit panicked and stammering a bit "what are you even looking at usually your as immersed in this stuff as I am" she said standing up to see what you were daydreaming about she gagged "You looking at him again" she said gagging mid sentence when she said 'him' she shook her head disapproving of what you were looking at "I don't get it my magic is way more funner then his lame trick of light tricks, no offense (y/n) your tricks are fine but his just suck" she said looking away from the edge as she looked at her mage cards you smiled sheepishly "you always say that it gets funny at some point" you said as you started down the stairs you heard Nerris audiobly sigh and she whispered a small bye as you waved "and now its time for me to get back to my assigned camp" you said to yourself as you walked up the stairs or the stage that magic camp had. You say down in the corner of the stage just reading a magic book about how to do certain tricks then you had a thought "what if I were to practice the dark magic in this book" you whispered to yourself then you heard tsk's and footsteps approaching "Really (y/n) stooping so low to just learn magic. If you needed help why didn't you just ask me for it" Harrison said his arms crossed as he looked towards the right clearly disappointed. You threw the book at him but to no use he used MaGiC to stop it from hitting him in the face "Wow did you just throw a book at me" he grumbled still clearly mad you scoffed as you looked towards the wooden floor and sighed "Yeah I did I had hoped it hit you in that pretty face of yours" you answered with a snide remark as you saw his face blush red lighting up like a christmas light "Uhh-umm your being weird umm and.." he said mumbling the last part "what was that I couldn't hear it" you asked and saw his face only further redden "I-i said that I'm not the pretty one here you-u are" he said stammering a bit. You smirked and just pulled him down to sit with you. You hugged him as you felt his heartbeat gradually slow down as he got more comfortable. "Your just weird aren't you, we were arguing and now this argue has turned into this" he stated as you only giggled "I wouldn't say weird I'd say mentally creative" you said as you both just took a nap.

*Snap a camera flash "now I have something to embarrass her about" Nerris said as she walked away looking at the picture of you and Harrison cuddling while also being asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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