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Idaña perzyssy kessa forever zālagon hēnkirī
Twin Flames will forever burn together

Idaña perzyssy kessa forever zālagon hēnkirīTwin Flames will forever burn together

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When Elaenaerys Targaryen was ten name-days old she kicked Daemon Targaryen in the balls

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When Elaenaerys Targaryen was ten name-days old she kicked Daemon Targaryen in the balls.

The young princess was beyond enraged that her elder cousin had teased her on the matter that her dragon, the cannibal, would devour any man that wished to become her husband and so she would have to become a Septa.

Elaenaerys Targaryen was not happy about that.

Not only did she cause bodily harm but as the young prince entered his bedchambers that very evening it was to find live rats scuttling across his bedsheets.

A piercing scream, that to the end of his days he would deny, echoed throughout the walls of the Red Keep.

Harmonising with his high-pitched wails were the giggles of a satisfied child that rang out in the secret passageways as she watched her revenge play out.

Daemon Targaryen changed his bedchambers the very next day.


When Elaenaerys Targaryen was five and ten name-days she caught her cousin Daemon rutting into a servant girl against the wall in the library.

Rather than make her presence known the young girl turned back out of the room and brought her grandfather to that very same library.

Daemon Targaryen screamed once more when his grandfather caught him mid completion softening his cock instantly.

The servant girl was swiftly dealt with.

Daemon Targaryen was wed to the Lady Rhea Royce as a result.

Once more the giggles of a young girl could be heard throughout the walls as Daemon was forced into his worst nightmare.

Daemon Targaryen poisoned Elaenaerys in revenge.

At his wedding feast many witnessed the delirious princess stumble around the dance floor suddenly unable to breathe.

The maesters made quick work on saving her.

Turns out Elaenaerys would be fine after a night's rest for the poison used was a mere illusion to the deadly drug Deaths Hand.

The giggles of a grown man could be heard throughout the walls of the Red Keep that night.


When Elaenaerys was six and ten namedays her father died.

A bolt straight through his head in Tyrosh.

Tears were the only thing the young princess knew.

Tears and struggles for breath.

Her elder sister had a family of her own by now and could not spare enough comfort for her younger sister.

At the flames of the funeral pyre Elaenaerys was in a trance.

The young girl was a mere shadow of her usual mischievous light.

Now darkness shrouded her and formed a wall of shadows that flickered with every tear down her cheek.

Daemon Targaryen held her hand.

Elaenaerys Targaryen could suddenly breath again.


When Daemon Targaryen was six name days old, he was handed his life's purpose.

Screams of a mother birthing a child had rattled the walls of the keep for two full days truly irritating the young boy who simply wished to play with his sword.

When the two days had come to an end Daemon was dragged by both his brother and father to the room in which his aunt Jocelyn resided to meet his new cousin.

A bundle of swaddling was dumped into the young boys' arm and as Daemon turned his lilac gaze onto the young girl in his arms, he felt his heart stop.

Eyes the shade of violet pierced his soul.

Daemon Targaryen was immediately infatuated and knew this was his gift from the Gods.

His Valyrian bride in the tradition of his house.

Daemon Targaryen held Elaenaerys Targaryen close and placed a gentle kiss upon her forehead that day.

Vowing to be her eternal protector and, later, life partner.


When Daemon was ten and six years old Elaenaerys Targaryen kicked him in the balls and made him wish he had never opened his mouth.

It did not help that he could've sworn Caraxes had laughed at his misfortune.

Admittedly, Daemon should not have taunted her over her marriage prospects, but he didn't truly know how to express that the only husband she should want, and need, had been by her side from the moment she had come into this world.

Her faithful shadow, Daemon Targaryen, had been loyal to his cousin-princess and would secretly follow wherever she led to ensure she remained safe.

He should've known her revenge would not stop at the kick.

He did not scream at the sight of rats.

He did, however, choose to change rooms upon hearing the giggles of his manipulative little dragon.


At one and twenty name-days Daemon Targaryen wished he had never been so easily led by his cock and dragons' blood as he was the day he rucked up the skirts of the servant within the library when the fantasies of his cousin had become too much.

The same cousin that caused her greatest nightmare to become a reality.

Now he had a Bronze Bitch instead of a Wild Dragon.

He felt justice was served as he watched his beloved stumble and fall along the dance floor of the feast.

He would've preferred to have been able to carry her to her bedchambers and care for her himself, but his Bronze Bitch kept him stiff in his chair with her rough, calloused hand clinging to his wrist in the hopes he would spare her glance.

As if he would ever disgrace his sight with what she deemed a face.

He couldn't help the chuckles he let loose when the panic calmed as the people of the keep realised their princess would be just fine.

As if he would ever truly harm his dragon.


When Daemon was two and twenty, he felt the first piece of his heart break away at the sight of a grief-stricken Elaenaerys in front of a burning funeral pyre.

He could see the shadow of darkness threating to take over her fragile soul in the wake of her loss.

Now that would not do.

His dragon would not lose her light.

Not his Wild Dragon.

So, Daemon Targaryen held his sweet treasures hand.


Here's the prologue folks! I'm super excited about this Daemon fic and I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.



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