Chapter 1:Ah, so she's mine?

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We have no control over how we're brought into this world. However, thise circumstances lead to interesting outcomes, don't they?

The world had changed, that was no mystery. Beings known as monsters appeared along the world. People woth great negativity seem to turn into them overtime, although there us a certain category of people that are unnafected despise being negative is their whole thing.

Anyway, people deal with this the best they can. This change had also lead to the creation of seceral sinister associations.

In the hidden underground of one of associations a woman sat beside a crib, looking upon a red eyed baby with blue hair. However, she was not her child at all.

This woman had worked along a coleague long time ago in the medical field. She has nothing but respect for him, his work was nothing short of incredible.

Unfortunately, her colegue meet his demise under the operation of one of his plans. Poor man was stomped...No, really, he was killed by a man landing through the roof on his colegue. Half of the man she held respect for was completly obliterated in the process. Shehad no idea how that was possible, but apparently it happened.

Sad, and ridiculous, as it is she wouldn't let his work go to waste. As such, she had been gone to the ruins of his former hideout and gathered what she can.

Interestingly enough, there were DNA samples of a man. Said man seemed to have some corelation with the nephew he was alwais so obssesed over, although he also seemed to be wary of the male he took the DNA from despise him being only a four year old at tge time.

Be it as it may, with the sampke and informations together with a lot of help she had managed to artificially create this baby. The research also mentioned of the man who's sample she used to have inhuman strenght and speed together with the ability to learn and adapt very quick and also being able to read, as well as fake, emotions on a whim to manipulate people.

Those kind of abilities and talents do run in genetics. Certainly, thefemale baby in the crib will grow in a ideal weapon for her association.

She was actually busy onserving her behavior fir research right now. However, the child's behavior was just so abnormal.

Woman:Subject is very calm, to a uncany level. She doesn't cry, she doesn't laugh, she doesn't smile, she doesn't scream. She nver even did any noises. Even though there were several atrocious experiments an intomidating agents around her she didn't show any emotional change. She just stares at everything...Bored.

She let go of the revorder after she finished the report. Truly, she and her associates might not be exactly ethical, but this child wss just too apathetic.

She had no time to continue her musing because she heard loud noises and was suddenly splattered with red. Soon enough she came to the conclusion this was someone's blood.

She turned around and was terrified by the sight. The advanced locked reinfirced steel doowith automatic opening was ripped apart and a hodded stranger stand before her. Behind him researchers, guards, robots and other grotesque experiments that could very well pass for monsters were destroyed and dead. Ripped apart, cut, burned and many others. However, the most sickening should be the corpses crucified with oversized screws.

The hooded man brought his face up, now his face visible as the man she had made the baby after. Pale skin and clear blje eues in which the red blood seemed to perfectly reflect together with messy dark blue hair. His name was Kumagawa Misogi.

It should also be noted that despise undergoing this complete massacre he had no speck of blood or dust on his clothes and his face had a cheerful smile

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It should also be noted that despise undergoing this complete massacre he had no speck of blood or dust on his clothes and his face had a cheerful smile. What...What the hell was this!

Kumagawa:[You sure have gone go great lenghts, huh? Stealing poor, dead, Fukuro-chan's research. Tut! Tut! Don't you know stealing is bad? Especially someone's genetic code?]


Kumagawa:[Ah, you wonder how I found all of this. Despise common misconseption, the legal system isn't competly incompetent. Sure, most of it sucks, but a dear justice dedicated kouhai of mine is really good at his job. He had tipped me about all this.]

The woman fell to the ground, tears forming in her eyes. She brought her hands together and began begging.

Woman:Please...Please let me live! I'll do anything you want? You...You want money? Woman? Anything.

Kumagawa stared down at her, his eyes narrowing in dissapointment. This is what he cane for?

Kumagawa:[Ah, this is pathethic. Even though Fukuro-chan was a really horrible person, he would at least accept his death. The fact that his research fell into your hands...Really, what a waste.]

The woman took the oportunity and dashed at him in an desperate attemp to escape. She has also used tge resources of her now dead associations to install cybernetic implants in her limbs.

With the enchancements of those she could push him away and run. Surely, she'll li...!


The woman was in shock as blood fell from her mouth. She looked at her now mussing arms where only blood, flesh and hanging steel sat. When looking down she saw Kumagawa's hand impaled through her chest.

He ripped her heart out with ease. The woman fell and looked her vital organ in the man's hand, the idea of death now seeping in.


Although Kumagawa had paid her no mind and didn't show any empthaty towards her. He began playing with the heart in his hands in sick amusement.

Kumagawa:[Funny fact, most cases of cannibalism isn't induced by hunger, but rather a sense of euphoria. I wonder...]

With the sane calm and friendly smile he wore from when he stepped in he brought his mouth upin her hand and took a bite of it. The warm and soft flesh was muched between his teeth and gulped down.

Kumagawa:[Ah, I don't feel any different. It just tasted gross.]

He dropped the heart on the floor, already losing his interes. He stared down at the dead woman with no emotion. However, his head turned to the crib when he heard laughter.

He saw the baby laughing loudly and clappinh her hands at the horrific display. His face turned to neutrality and his smile dropped while analyzing the baby.

Kumagawa:She's rather cute...Clearly the result of my genes.

Blue stared into red, both having similar voids into their eyes. The baby streched his hands to him and the minus took the intent. He took her in his arms and brought her upon his chest at the time which she took the oportunity to hug him.


At the Japanese Defense building a man sat at a desk. He was quiet tall now, but with the the same silver hair and brown eyes. Although his gair was longer and wilder now. His name was Unzen Myouri.

He had caught the news of someone getting their hands on the deceased Tsurubami Fukuro's research and Kumagawa's DNA this morning

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He had caught the news of someone getting their hands on the deceased Tsurubami Fukuro's research and Kumagawa's DNA this morning. So he decided to rely this information to the King of Minuses himself. The matter did concern him and it was Kumagawa, he could take care of it.

He took a sip of coffee from his mug when he finnaly got a message from his minus senpai. He opened it to the a photo of Kumagawa together with a baby, both making peace sign with corpses around them attached to the message "Spending quality time with new aquired daughter!". Understably, he spit the coffee out of his mouth.

Myouri:What the fuck happened!?

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