Chapter 10:Collateral damage is sometimes encouraged

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It was an average morning in the apartment Kumagawa, Kohina and Genos were sharing. Kumagawa was reading Weekly Shounen Jump with Kohina leaning against his body, still a little sleepy, while Genos was reading today's newspaper on the opposite side of the table.

They have been eating konbu on a few occasions now. It wasn't because they had a special craving for it.

No, rather, on their way home a few days ago Kohina and Kumagawa were attacked by a monster who's most promniscient was it's seaweed covered body growing from it's head. That monster attacked with speeed and precision, using the seaweed that was as sharp as steel to deal lethal blows to it's targets.

However, it was nowhere ready for an onslaught of Kumagawa's screws, leading to a somewhat lackluster ending for said monster. Once dead, the seaweed he used in it's attempt to attack them turned to normal seaweed and Kumagawa was not one to turn away good fortune.

Although a thought just came to him as he recalled those events. Because monsters were once humans, does that mean he commited cannibalism repetadly for the past few days.

Kumagawa:[Huh, it's not as bad as when I first tried it.]

Genos:Sensei, I have great news.

Kumagawa looked over at Genos, the cyborg's optics staring at him. Although his face remained as stoic as ever, there was undeniable excitement in those yellow orbs.

Kumagawa:[What's got you so cheery?]

Genos:After your public performance against that ninja the Hero Association changed your placement from the last place of S-Class, rank 19, to rank 15.

Kohina:Eh? Myabe they're not all that dumb.

Kumagawa:[I see. I wonder if someone filmed it or something? Well, there's no bounds to human recklessness. How about you, Genos-chan.]

Genos:No, I haven't been very active since becoming a hero so my rank remained the sane. Although seems there's sime kind of hero popularity pool made by civillians in which I'm ranked sixth. Although I think that's a nit nonsencial.

Kumagawa:[I see, I never was a very popular guy to begin with. Although if there was a pool of a manga I guess I'd be affected by the underdog effect.]

Genos:From what I found out heroes are alocated an certain scores after being given a value up to 15 in different categories. Stamina, intelligence, justice, endurance, power, popularity, effectiveness, and fighting ability.

Kumagawa:[An interesting fact that they put fighting ability to the very end. Well, scores are only by the limited observation the Hero Association makes. They're not cold hard facts. They might have very well missplaced some of the heroes.]

Genos:I guess so, heroes are mostly known to deal with monsters to begin with. Huh...

Genos went through his pocket after hearing his cellphone ringing. He answered quickly and ended the call after a few words.

Genos:It seens I am requested by the Hero Association, on their branch of our city Z.

Kumagawa:[Well, it's work, so it can't be helped. You might even meet some of our close collegues. Ah, even though I said that about rankings, don't forget they're also our fellow S-Class heroes. Be a good kid and try to get along with them, okay?]


As Genos walked away from the apartment Kohina began waking up for real. That was helped by her cup of hot cocoa.

Kohina:I didn't know they had scores like that, it's more like a game than a manga. Although I know one aspect both me and papa would score zero...

Kumagawa:[Yeah, there's no way people with moral values as skewered as us would make any points in justice.]

Kohina:Ah, today's too bright...

Kohina looked out the window, putting a hand over her temple to shiels her way with the shadow of her hand. However, she saw one patch of darkness looking like it shielded people from the sun getting exponentially bigger.

Kohina:Papa, I think I just figured out what Genos-nii's job for the day is.

Kumagawa:[Well theh, let's pay him a visit.]

Genos was standing on a rooftop watching as the meteor was getting closer and closer to city Z. The full power of his incinerator was unable to destroy the meteor, as were the weapons of a fellow S-Class hero Metal Knight.

He seemed very arrogant, but Kumagawa told him to try to get along with the others so Genos didn't comment on it. Anyway, now he laid down on his knees his energy spend, black steel breaking off from his head and the spot of the rooftop under him cracked the release of energy of his attemp to stop the meteor.

Behind him stood and old man with gray hair, accompanied by a moustache, and silver eyes. His name was Bang.

This old man was also a the third ranked S-Class hero

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This old man was also a the third ranked S-Class hero. A man of phenomenal martial arts skills.

Bang:Wait! I think the meteor slowed down a bit...Nope, just my imagination.

Genos:Damn you, old man!

Bang's Flowing Fist of Water Crushing Rock was made to redirect power of attacks, but he wasn't sure how well that'd work on a meteor. But he was still going to try.

Perhaps his former martial art would've been more effective. However, he swore to never use it again a long time ago.

But his dojo, the place he worked so hard for, was in this very city. He wasn't gonna abandon it now.

Genos was comlletly exhausted, waiting for his demise. Except that in the next moment he wasn't.

As he felt a hnd ruffling his hair his energy was once again in full, there was no steel missing from his face and the shirt that was not long ago shredded by his release of energy was intanct on his upper body. Even the floor under him was in perfect condition, like nothing ever happened.

Kumagawa:[Really, wgen it comes to mental training maybe the first thing you should try is not to give up so easily.]

Bang stared with wide eyes at the scene before him. One moment Genos laid on his knees helpless and the next he was restored to a perfect state as a boy with a little girl on his back appeared behind him, petting Genos on the head.

Bang:Who are...

Kumagawa:[Old man, can you look after this silly little kid for me for a while.]

Kohina:Papa, you got Sonic and the seaweed guy. So it's my turn now! I'll just devolve in background character otherwise!

Kumagawa:[Yes, yes. Papa will just hold it for you...]

Kumagawa bend his knees leaping at an incredible height. As he reached the meteor he thrust his foot upwards in a kick, meeting the meteor with equal force.

The sky rumbled at such a clash, clouds being moved aside. Kohina acted quickly threw a blade dealing a measilly small slash on the meteor, but it soon crmbled to small pieces falling from the sky.

Bang stared in utter shock at this turn of events. Even so, he's still able to hear Genos's mumbles.

Genos:I see, so even an object or celestial body can be dealt a lethal blow...

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