Chapter 11:Reocurring side characters can get annoying

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The news were in dissaray, mainly covering one topic. After all, it isn't every day a meteor fall from the sky only to be broken in pieces.

Of course, damage was still done by the spacial rock. Although it was much lesser than what'd happen if the meteor wouldn't have been destroyed.

Kohina:Look, papa! Look! Kohina is a celebrity!

Kumagawa:[Yes, yes. But they're paying too much attention at the rock and not enough at you, if you ask me.]

Genos:It's been three days already...If the Association would have called you instead of me, you and Metal Knight could have worked together to minimize the damages.

As usual, Kumagawa together with his daughter and Genos sat on the tatami and watched the news. The headline continued.

Even though Genos was repaired recently, he had crashed down once again after trying to destroy the meteor and would have been reduced to dust if not for Kumagawa and Kohina who arrived at the last moment. The cyborg might have been an special, but he sure had the luck of a minus.

Kumagawa:[I don't know about that. That guy doesn't seem like too much of a team player.]

Genos:Ah...Now that you said it, he didn't even try to cooperate with me or Silver Fang.

Kohina:Hmph! From what I heard, he's an annoying old man. Aunt Suishou is much better!

Genos:Hm? I'm sorry, but who is this Suishou-san you're talking about?

Kumagawa:[Ah, she is a kouhai I had back in high school. Well, she's a bit quirky, but she's the typical girl you could find anywhere.]

Genos:Then why is she relevant to this subject.

Kumagawa:[Because she's an android.]


Kumagawa:[If I had to name something striking about her...Oh, she speaks a french accent!]

Genos:No, sensei, I think the fact that she's an android is much more striking!

This wasn't a new occurence by any means. Genos learned that Kumagawa either didn't have any, or simply choose to ignore, common sense.

Kumagawa:[But the damage was minimalized. It's good we got there in time. If I was a few seconds late we could've still destroyed the meteor, but because of it being closer to the ground a few people would have wound up dead. Fortunately, nobody died.]

It's true. Genos was surprises when Kumagawa had calculated the force he'd have to use for Kohina to act in time in such a short time, even though his sensei was completly human and had no advanced mechanical sensors.

While his sensei wasn't aware, much of the people considered him a villain that lead to the destruction of many homes because of the damage caused by the meteor. Genos decided not to say anything, prefering to let the conplains die down.

Genos:I'm curious, who created this Suishou-san?

Kumagawa:[A woman by the name if Mifune Ifu.]

Genos:I see...So Mifune-sensei would be the appropiate term, then. What can you tell me about her.

Kumagawa:[She's pretty hot.]

Genos:That's...Not really what I was interesed in.

Kumagawa:[By the way, had our rankings changed? I didn't check.]

Genos:Hm? Oh, yes. I went from Rank 17 to Rank 16. Kohina-sama went from Rank 16 to Rank 15. Metal Knight went from Rank 7 to Rank 6 and sensei...You went from S-class Rank 18 to Rank 12.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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