Chapter 4

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I stayed downstairs for a bit trying to process what just happened before going to my own room. The rest of the day I stayed in my bed not wanting to jump into Hayden again. The rest of the week I only saw him a few times in the hallway or at dinner. He never made eye contact with me. I just decided to ignore him back. Two can play this game.
Finding a job still wasn't as easy as I thought but I already wanted to give up when I was offered a one month contract at a diner. They only needed a replacement for that time frame because someone on their team had some kind of operation and wouldn't be up and going for another month. So I took it. One month of work is better than nothing. Gives me plenty of time to find something else. The diner was really cute and they asked me if I was able to start working right away so I obviously agreed. It was actually quite fun and the co-workers were really nice. It was quite a small diner so not many people worked there. There was this girl Mindy who mostly worked the cash register. She's also a college student, studying art. She had short pink hair and brown eyes. She had one of those really kind faces. She was just a year older than me. There was Theo, who the main chef. He was really nice and always smiling. He was also really concentrated while cooking so I couldn't talk to him much. But he didn't look a day over 30. Carol was Theo's kitchen assistant, she was a single mom in her 30s. She seemed quite stressed most of the time but she was very sweet. And they only had 2 waiters since the other one was sick. One of them was Nick, a 25 year old guy who's gluing to law school currently. He was really funny. We got along well. The other waiter was Max but he didn't work much since this was his second job. He also worked in animal shelter which I found quite interesting. He was really nice as well. After my first day I was so exhausted. I didn't even realise I was walking around carrying plates for 8 hours until my shift was over. I said goodbye to everyone and called it a day. I took the bus home. I had also finally gotten a key so it was no problem getting into the house. It was 8pm and the house was quiet. Maybe they're still at work or they went out. I went upstairs to take a long warm shower. I needed this. When I got out I took my time with my skincare routine and blowdried my hair. I went into my room getting changed in some comfy clothes and lied down on my bed for a bit. My stomach was growling. I sighed and gave in. I got up and went down to the kitchen. I opened the fridge searching for something edible. There was a box with leftovers in the back that I tried to reach when the front door opened and closed very loudly. The loud noise scared me for a second and I hit my head, that was currently still innige fridge on one of the shelves.

"Ow." I said while standing up straight. "You scared me."

I turned around to see Hayden in the doorway eyeing me up and down. Oh so now he's looking at me. Can't he just make his mind up for once.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to." he apologised.

"Where's Jackson?" I asked.

"He went out. Some bar I think."

This has happened a few times this week. Jackson goes to the bar after work and Hayden comes home.

"Why don't you ever go with him?" I asked curiously.

"Not really my thing." was all he said.

He put his blazer and keys down on the counter and filled himself a glass with water. He leans against the sink taking a sip. I watched his every move. He usually always left the room when I was there. But now he's standing here when he could just go upstairs.

"Jackson said you got a job." he said.

I still can't believe he's actually talking to me.

"Yes. It's only for a month but I like it. The people are nice and the diner is really cute."

"That's good." he almost seemed lost in thought.

I remembered my food and reached back into the fridge taking out the leftover pasta from yesterday. I put it in the microwave and waited. Hayden was still leaning against the counter with his glass in hand. There was a strand of hair hanging over his face that I wished I could push back. His arms and shoulders looked tense and there was a light shadow under his eyes. He looked tired but still handsome as ever. I noticed me checking him out and turned his head towards me. Our eyes locked. I couldn't look away. It was as if his blue eyes had a spell on me making it impossible for me to move. We stood like this for a while. Our eyes seemed to search for the other's every thought. Unsuccessful. I couldn't read him.
We were pulled out of our trance by the sound of the microwave. My food was ready. I looked away and took my food out. I heard him clear his throat behind me. He went upstairs without another word. I don't know if this was a step forward or into a direction I'm not sure I wanted to go into.

The next week I mostly spend at work or reading alone in my room. I didn't see much of Jackson or Hayden. It was Friday night and me and Nick just finished our shift. He suggested to hang out and I actually agreed. I don't have any friends here really and Nick is really great. Otherwise I would've just gone home and spent the rest of my night in bed. He has a very annoying roommate so I told him he could come to my place and we'll watch a movie. He went home to change and I gave him the address. Then I went home myself. I hear voices from the kitchen. Jackson and Hayden were sitting at the table eating.

"Hey. I thought you might be out." I said.

"Nah. Today was stressful enough. Do you wanna watch a movie later?" Jackson asked.

"I actually already made plans to watch one with a friend. But you can watch it with us. I'm sure he doesn't mind."

"What friend? Who is he?" Jackson asked with s raised eyebrow.

"Just Nick from the diner. He's great you'll see. He'll be here any minute so I'm just gonna get changed." with that I went upstairs to put on some sweats and a comfy sweatshirt. When I went back downstairs the front door was open. Hayden stood with his back to me looking at Nick who was waiting to come in.

"Hi. Come in. Don't mind him." I said to Nick while slightly pushing Hayden out of the way.

He looked down at me with an unreadable expression. I just looked back trying to get him to leave. He didn't. Instead he followed us into the living room. Jackson already sat on one end of the couch flipping through some movies.

"Jackson, Nick. Nick, my brother Jackson." K said while pointing from one to the other. "He also wanted to watch a movie, that okay right?"

"Of course. The more the merrier."He sat down next to Jackson and I next to him. To my surprise Hayden set down on the other end of the couch, next to me.

We got some snacks and drinks and Jackson seemed to actually get along with Nick. Hayden however stayed pretty quiet. We decided to watch Friends with benefits, or more likely Nick and Jackson decided. So we started the movie and watched in silence. After 30 minutes the first sex scene started and I could feel myself getting more and more uncomfortable. Hayden was sitting so close to me. Too close. I looked over at him for only one second through the corner of my eye. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were fixated on the tv. I quickly looked down at my hands. I noticed his hand was pushed into a fist lying on the couch between us. He was tense. Nick and Jackson were concentrated on the movie while also cracking some jokes to each other. I don't know why but I reached over to grab Hayden's fist. I could feel his entire body getting more tens under my touch. That didn't help. But after a few seconds he relaxed and unclenched his fist. Taking my hand into his. His hand was so much larger. It was soft and warm. I kept my eyes on the tv but noticed him looking over at me from the corner of my eye. I didn't look back because I was sure I wouldn't be able to look away. What was he doing to me. Jackson got up to got to the bathroom which made us pull back our hands. I already missed his touch. We continued watching the movie without anymore incidents. Afterwards Nick still stayed for a bit but I honestly only wanted to run to my room and lock the door behind me. Hayden was making every hair on my body stand up. After a while Nick went home and I walked him to the door. We said our goodbyes and Jackson went to his room as well with a last goodnight in my direction. I was about to go upstairs when Hayden came out of the living room. I looked at the floor and continued going to my room. He followed me up the stairs and went to his own room. Before I opened the door I looked back only to see him do the same. We held eye contact for a while before be both went to our rooms. That night I couldn't fall asleep for hours.

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