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[{Note: As of now, (Y/N) has NOT stolen the speed of another, travelled through time, travelled to another dimension or entered the Speed Force. He is fully capable of doing so, but he has yet to actually do it}]

[{Narrative P.O.V}]

[{Location - Outside Mount Justice}]

[{Time - 10:56 A.M - Saturday}]

The sound of crackling electricity sounded out in the late morning. Two blurs can be seen dashing around on the beach of Happy Harbor

The blurs quickly, no pun intended, came to stop, revealing it to be (Y/N) and Wally West. The two brothers are wearing their hero outfits, although they've kept their masks off

Off to the side, their teammates can be seen cheering them on as they rush around to see who's truly faster, although it's blatantly clear that (Y/N) has the edge

The two brothers continued to rush around, although they did strike up a conversation that nobody could understand due to their speed

Wally: Man, how do you do it?

(Y/N): Skill. Nothing more, nothing less. It also helps that I train my speed more than you

Wally: Alright, I'll give you that but we're both nowhere near uncle Barry. Neither of us can come close to what he can do

(Y/N): Speak for yourself. I've done the calculations, and I'm awfully close to being able to create Flashpoints

Wally: What?! No way!

(Y/N): It's the truth, although I hope that day never comes

Wally: We can agree on that. I wonder how uncle Barry does it, you know? All those memories, all that pain... He'll always have that...

Seeing that things were going down a bad road, (Y/N) sped forward and knocked Wally into the sand by punching him in the face with his fist being coated by a small amount of yellow lightning. With all this, the two returned to speaking normally and a massive smirk grew on (Y/N)'s face

(Y/N): Stop getting distracted, Kid Flash!

Wally: Oh zip it, Godspeed!

Off to the side, their teammates laughed at how ridiculous their friends were. You'd expect more maturity for a superhero team but they were also teenagers, this was normal for them

M'gaan: They're really going at it today. (Y/N) even left his gauntlet inside to truly test Wally

Conner: Yeah, they've gotten pretty fast. Makes you wonder just how fast they'll become in the future

Robin: Let's not worry too much about that. It's like (Y/N) once told me: "If you worry about the future, you'll miss out on the present"

Artemis: Nice advice. Seems off for (Y/N) though, right?

The team laughed at the subtle joke of (Y/N) being an "idiot" when in reality it was Wally. The whole inside joke coming from a past interaction where (Y/N) was too tired to care and ended up calling Batman "dude", this instance leading to the team calling him an idiot as a joke

Returning to said Speedster and Wally, the two clashed their arms against each other with competitive smirks on their faces. Electricity generated around (Y/N) and he allowed it to discharge within a nanosecond, the explosion from the discharge causing Wally to be sent flying into a boulder

Wally: Gah! Ouch! You couldn't have been a little more gentle?!

(Y/N): Oh grow up. If you had trained more then you'd have electrokinesis like me too

𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞: 𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐝Where stories live. Discover now