Chapter 14

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Just like that Summer swept everyone away, with ice cream, t-shirts, floral dresses, and amusement parks- to Ni-ki it was amazing and this time his father even let him go out with his friends which did surprise him, but day by day his relationship with his father did get better and he did acknowledge that his mother was sober today for the first time, even though she ordered pizza instead of cooking, but at least they were sitting in their kitchen together eating it and Ni-ki missed that.

"So, how was school?' His mother asked with a smile present on her face with visible dark circles under her eyes. "It's um- good, mum but it's already summer..." Ni-ki shrugged while his mother widened her eyes in response to that. "Sorry about that, Riki..." She glanced down while Ni-ki's father sighed in response. "It's been a while." He commented and Ni-ki remained silent on that, he never had a great relationship with his father, he would even dare to say
that he had a better relationship with his mother at some point.

This is weird to me...

He glanced down for a second before deciding to eat his slice of pizza.

"It was nice, right?" His father asked him and Ni-ki could only nod in response to that as he stood up. "Well, gotta go my friends are waiting for me," Ni-ki said. "Okay, have fun!?" His mother let out and it sounded somewhat enthusiastic. "Take care." His father said and Ni-ki smiled back at them before leaving.

It's still weird...

He glanced down for a second until he saw Sunghoon walking in the distance, that was when he decided to rush up to him slightly surprising Sunghoon in response who stopped walking as he spread his arms while waiting for Ni-ki to embrace him in a hug and Ni-ki did that, willingly with a smile on his face as his heart beat fastened slightly and it wasn't only from running.

The sun that shines brightly at them, the children eating ice cream, running around, some of them racing with their friends on their bikes, it felt great, and it felt great to Ni-ki as well. It reminded him of times when he was running around with Sunoo and Jay or how he had to travel by train (which he still does now), to see them, or how his parents (mostly his father) would drive him to Sunoo's or Jay's house so that he could play with them...

"You seem like something's bothering you..." Sunghoon said out loud and Ni-ki did slightly flinch since he was lost in thought, thinking about all of the things he did and didn't do in this town. "Nah, it's not that hyung..." He muttered as he glanced at their hands being intertwined. "It's just that I have so many memories made here, it's kind of insane." He chuckled while Sunghoon smiled at him before responding. " That's good, now you're even making memories with me, so that's something." He teased while Ni-ki glanced at him and just like that he started laughing at him while Sunghoon glanced at him, slightly confused.

"Indeed I am, and I feel happy about it." Ni-ki proclaimed as he felt his cheeks flush at what he had said, while Sunghoon only chuckled at him as they walked to the park where they were supposed to be meeting their friends.

"Well, I think that we should-" Ni-ki stopped speaking as he let go of Sunghoon's hand and soon after that he shrugged his neck. "go." Ni-ki let out while Sunghoon glanced at him somewhat confused, but he quickly shrugged it off as they proceed to the park where Ni-ki was quick to spot Jay.


"Hey hyung!?" Ni-ki smiled at him as he rushed to Jay's side, leaving Sunghoon alone, and just for a moment Sunghoon felt like time had frozen and no, it wasn't because he could hear Jake's voice in the distance or how Jungwon was jumping out of happiness to see him, it was because Ni-ki had done something indifferent and it bothered him a lot.

He just wanted to spend time with him, be the one he was smiling for but that would only seem and sound possessive and as if he likes him even more than he thought and maybe, just maybe that was true, but Sunghoon didn't want that, he didn't want to ruin the friendship he has for some weird feeling that he is probably confusing with platonic ones, that was probably why he was so quiet when he did meet his friends.

But, Sunghoon's life was going well, he did stand up to his father and his father did accept on circumstances and one of which was that he doesn't see him anymore, Sunghoon gladly accepted that he told his friends about what happened and they were slightly mad about it, but in the end, they did accept it after Sunghoon had bought some Panda Express goods for them.

"Can we go home now?" Heeseung asked while Jungwon rolled his eyes at him. "Hyung, you are such a party pooper you know?" Jungwon argued while Heeseung widened his eyes at him, feeling offended. "We are not even at a party though..." Heeseung sighed while Ni-ki laughed at the two of them. "Yeah, sure..." Jungwon replied while Jay was quick to interrupt. "Okay, okay stop fighting you two," Jay said while Sunoo agreed. "Yup, you two are impossible."

"Says the one who can't even talk to Hee hyung properly." Jungwon frowned at him and Sunoo did remain silent on that.

"Well, this is awkward now..." Sunghoon whispered loud enough for Ni-ki to hear who chuckled at him. "Yup, it is..." He replied. "I wish that they'd sort out whatever they have though..." He whispered back and Sunghoon did nod at him. "Yeah, same but what can we do?" Sunghoon asked while Ni-ki shrugged.

We can do nothing...

Ni-ki thought.

I don't even know what to do with those confusing feelings for you...

Sunghoon thought and soon after that, he sighed.

Maybe, we're better
off as friends...

Ni-ki thought as he glanced in Sunghoon's direction.

Maybe, I only like
you as a friend...

Sunghoon smiled at Jake and Heeseung who were arguing about cats and dogs until he locked eyes with Ni-ki which did surprise him since Ni-ki did quickly look away, probably out of embarrassment and Sunghoon did chuckle at that, after all, he found him cute.

"What's wrong with you Hoon-ah?" Jay asked. "Nothing, it's funny how Hee hyung is arguing with Jake." He sheepishly smiled, even though he did lie. "Oh, so you find it amusing that dogs are way better than cats-" Jake said, but was quickly interrupted by Sunoo. "Hyung, let's not fight over that, okay?" Sunoo smiled at him and soon after that Jake did let out a sigh. "Okay, okay I won't..." Jake assured.

Though, little did Sunghoon know that Ni-ki was waiting for them to leave, so that they can hold hands again.


"And I'm in love and I'm
terrified, for the first time and
the last time in my only life."

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

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