2. The Unknown

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Ah! The second chapter! I Is this where it gets interesting?

Mentions of physical abuse and killing


Jungkook struggled to get his hotel keycard out of his jacket pocket while keeping one arm around the girl that had been carefully slung over his shoulder for the past two blocks.
He felt a huge sense of relief wash over him when he made it to the hotel. For one: he could finally try to truly assess the young woman and get her help and for two: his shoulder was killing him.
Walking to the hotel in the thick snow and icy wind was not easy an easy task on it's own, but when you add in balancing an unconscious and fully grown woman on his shoulder at the same time.... it was definitely a struggle.How he actually made to the hotel in those conditions, he would never know.

Jungkook nervously rode the elevator to the top floor, wondering how the hell he was going to explain the unconscious woman on his shoulder if anyone was to see them. After a few nerve-wrecking moments, he made it to his floor and rushed as fast as he could
to the door, trying not to jostle the unconscious female too much. He was able to successfully swipe his keycard after a few tries and shouldered his, well, their way into the hotel room.

The band was staying the night in the biggest suite that the hotel had, a present to the band from Hoseok, himself, who had stated that he wanted to 'have some actual comfort before going to a cabin in the woods where he would probably wind up being killed, or worse, attacked by bugs.

Getting the girl up to the hotel room had been much easier than Jungkook had thought it would be and he breathed a sigh of relief from it. On the way to the hotel he had thought hard about what excuse he would use to get past the hotel concierge at the front desk who always seemed to give him, in particular, the stinkeye. However, when he stepped into the brightly lit lobby, a quick look to the right had told him that the concierge was not at the desk. So hoisting the girl back up, who had slowly been sliding down his shoulder, he wrapped his other arm around the back of her legs and walked as quickly as he could to the elevator.

Now walking into their large suite, he balanced himself carefully and kicked off his shoes at the door. He wound his way down the short hallway and into living area. Sinking down onto his aching knees in front of the couch, Jungkook gently let the women roll from his shoulder and onto the couch cushions. Grasping her shoulders with shaky hands, he tilted her body to where she was laying on her back in what looked like a relatively comfortable position. During the process her shirt had ridden up and he glimpsed the bruises that were on her abdomen as well. He closed his eyes for a fraction of a second, letting anger roll off of him and away from him so that he could focus on the task at hand. He gently lifted her head and places one of the smaller couch pillows underneath it.
Sitting back on his crossed feet, he stared at the young woman as his heavy breathing started to finally even out. His lifted his arm over his head to stretch out the shoulder muscle that had started trying to cramp up when they had reached the hotel parking lot. It was aching from the tight and unnatural grip he had for so long, terrified that one wrong move would cause him to drop her into the snow.

'She could be really pretty' he thought to himself as his eyes traveled over her features. You know..if it wasn't for the busted lip, black eye and what he could now see were fingerprint bruises covering the skin on her collarbone and throat.

"WHat the fuck happened to you?" he whispers, nervously twining and untwining his fingers.

Jungkook reached a hand hesitantly up and softly started to press it on her face. He jerked his arm back in shock when he realized how cold she still was.

'I have to get her warmed up quickly!' He thought, while trying not to panic. He stood up and whirled around in place, trying to get his thoughts to even out.

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