7: The Inside Man

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Brenna decides to take her fear of Jungkook head on. Will this cause them to become friends or to push her away from him even more? And in doing so, both Yoongi and Jungkook's jealous begins to grow. Can they bury it for the sake of Brenna?

Wooyoung and the gang talk about what Lee Know discovered at the Niragi residence. What does this mean for Brenna? What does this mean for them going forward? Are new players coming into the game??

TW: Brief mentions of physical abuse, however, there is nothing graphic.

"G-good morning."

Jungkook stuttered out in shock and slight panic, his dark brown eyes growing large at the sight of Brenna standing behind him in the doorway.


Jungkook had been sitting in deep thought, staring into the metaphorical abyss while he was eating breakfast when Brenna had walked in, thinking back over his earlier conversation with Jin.

Jungkook had come into the kitchen shortly after Brenna had left with Jimin, sniffing the aroma of the coffee wafting through the air. Jin had immediately started hanging all over Jungkook, pestering their youngest member.

"Stooooppppp," Jungkook groused, laughing as he pushed at Seokjin's chest as the elder tried to plant kisses on Jungkook's face.

"JAAYYYKAAAYYYY. LET ME LOVE YOOOUUUU." Seokjin had yelled in a sing-song voice.

Jungkook laughed at the older man and gave in to Seokjin pinching his cheeks and cooing over him. Jungkook let himself be pushed onto a stool and watched as a full plate of food appeared in front of him. Looking over to the side, he realized that there was a cold plate of foot on the table in front of the other stool.

"Who decided not to eat?" Jungkook asked, inhaling the tantalizing aroma of eggs, bacon and pancakes.

Seokjin looked over at the plate in question and rolled his eyes playfully.

"Brenna apparently decided that taking a shower was more important than eating the delicious feast that I prepared specially for her."

Jungkook choked on his milk at the mention of her name.

"Oh.. Brenna is already up?" he asked, keeping his eyes strictly on his eggs.

Seokjin gave him a knowing look and leaned over the counter on his elbows.

"You know, Kookie, it's going to be okay. She looked a lot.. better this morning. She even seemed to be more emotionally stable. Well..." Seokjin frowned, "as mentally stable as she can be in these circumstances." His shook his dark hair and sighed, "Anyway, like I said, it'll be okay. Just give it time."

"Time..." Jungkook repeated.

Seokjin nodded sagely, "Time. That's what she needs and what she deserves. Plus, after everything she's been through... it would be selfish of us to expect a lot from her immediately."

Seokjin patted Jungkook's shoulder and went back to cooking more food for the other guys.


Jungkook was startled that A: Brenna had actually wanted to talk to him and B: That Brenna had cleaned up and looked even more stunning than before.

His could feel his heart racing and he could swear that it was loud enough that Brenna could hear it across the table. They stared at each other in awkward silence, blushes creeping up both of their necks, Jungkook's ears turning a deep red.

"I'm sorry-"

"How are you-"

The silence was broken because they had both started trying to talk at the exact same time and then immediately stopped talking when they heard the other trying to speak. A few more seconds of embarrassing silence ticked by, Brenna looking everywhere but Jungkook's eyes, and Jungkook nervously chewing on his bottom lip in anticipation of what might be said.

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