A Narrow Escape

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Officer Anita Barnes had just replaced her partner’s phone on his desk, hands shaking at the words that she had just been told. The way the cold voice hissed onto her ear had chills running straight down her spine. Anita had never been one to be seen as a scaredy-cat but something about that voice set her nerves on edge. It was almost as if she could feel the vileness leaking out of the phone and flickering around her ear.

‘I have to warn them!’ She thought to herself, hastily grabbing her gun from the desk and taking off running, ignoring the phone call that was being patched through from a Wooyoung Jung.


Brenna curled closer into Yoongi’s chest as they sat on the couch, pressed together. Her face was resting into the area between his neck and his shoulder, her chin slightly digging into his clavicle. Yoongi’s arm was wound tight around her, giving her a strong sense of security and safety.

Brenna’s eyes began slowly closing as the exhaustion that had built up over the course of the long day began to sweep over her form, her mind thick with thoughts. Yoongi’s scent was a comforting balm to her anxiety-filled mind and she could feel the tension slowly leaving her body with every deep inhale that she took.

Yoongi’s fingers held one of her hands tightly in his grip, his eyes glued to where their hands were joined, almost as if he was unwilling to let her hand slip away for even a single second.

On Brenna’s other side sat Taehyung, his fingers moving at warp speed over his phone’s keyboard to a mystery girl that he was absolutely refusing to tell any of the member’s about, only using what his members called his “Tata Mic” face and grinning.

Earlier, which Brenna found hilarious, Jimin had even tried to pull the Soulmate card, stating that “Taehyungie is my absolute soulmate so whoever he likes, I’ll like toooooo,” but it was to no avail. Taehyung continued to remain tight-lipped about the mysterious female, only a small hint of a smile was hidden in the very corners of his lips. However, that didn’t stop Brenna from noticing how his eyes widened every time that he received a message from the mystery girl or how when replying, he would sometimes bite his bottom lip, a delicate blush stealing over his cheekbones.

The rest of the men, aside from Namjoon who was still in the kitchen talking with their lawyer and manager, were sprawled out in different ways around the large hotel room living room.

Jin was siting cross legged on the floor in front of the flat screen TV, a game controller in his hand as he proceeded to yell every single time that he messed up in the game, his neck flushing red all the way up to his ears. Jimin, being the ever supportive love that he was, was sitting on the floor beside their eldest member, his arms wrapped around a pillow, squishing it into his chest, cheering Jin on as he played his game and offering words of encouragement every time Jin would get aggravated.

Hoseok was sitting in the chair facing the window, drinking a hot cup of tea and listening to some mellow music while skyping his sister, keeping her updated on the events that had been taking place.


Namjoon was followed into the room by non other than Officer Barnes, BTS’ manager and lawyer tailing closely behind the two of them.

Anita’s eyes zeroed in immediately on Brenna and her body shifted visibly as she was filled with relief at the sight of the young woman still safely with the group of men.

“Here, take this seat,” Hoseok said, standing up to drag the chair he had previously been sitting in to the circle formed by the group of people. Anita sat down in the chair, offering her thanks to Hoseok as she had begun feeling her legs shaking a little bit, visible tension running through her body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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