Chapter 1

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News about the increasing number of vampires worried the citizens of Yokohama. The vampire slayers were also struggling to kill the vampires since a new vampire appeared. This new vampire was a bit different, the way it fed was clean and it didn't leave any evidence for the vampire slayers and other detectives to find out who this vampire was. There were two groups of vampires in the world, Pure blooded and half breed. These two groups were equally dangerous but pure blooded is stronger. Half breed is half vampire and half human. The only way to kill the vampires is by either decapitating them or shooting a silver bullet into the vampire's head. These vampires in Yokohama weren't the ones from your fairytales. They don't hate garlic and can walk in the sun. The only way to see if an individual is a vampire or not is when their eyes glow red. It's easier to spot half breeds since they can't control their eye colour as well as pure blooded. Both breeds can disguise themselves as a human, join in a human crowd, find the perfect victim and strike. Most victims will be found dead by authorities with exactly no blood left in their body. Since vampires can't be easily spotted and caught, there will always be a gruesome and messy scene with the dead corpse left behind. That was the main reason why the vampire slayers couldn't catch this new vampire since he leaves exactly no evidence and the scene is always clean and neat with only the corpse left.

Finding this new vampire was the vampire slayer's main mission now. Vampires do leave a scent on their victim after feeding but since most vampire slayers are humans, they can't smell it. That's when vampires come in handy...

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