Chapter 4

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Shuffling through the reports and files, Dazai swerved in his chair, tired and bored. They just had another recent case involving the same annoying vampire. Dazai and Chuuya checked the scene and once again, there was no evidence, much to their frustration. Dazai was pretty convinced that the vampire was a pure blood vampire.

Humans feared vampires and were terrified because of the new vampire. Worrying if they will be the next target or not. Dazai would have been scared too if he was still human. Hiding the fact that he was a vampire was the most important. He knew the ADA wouldn't judge but had the small part of his brain telling him that he would be killed. He would be all alone e.Ben if they didn't kill him. His parents were dead, he wasn't in a relationship, he would lose all his friends and would be feared by the majority of the population. He didn't like being with vampires either. They didn't care about the humans at all. Their feelings or pain. Humans to them were just lifeless and emotionless objects for feeding. Dazai didn't like the thought of feeding on human blood so he fed on animal blood instead. It was enough to help him survive. He found out he was a vampire when he was 10. He wandered around Yokohama and realised something was different about him, compared to other pure blooded vampires. He was terrified by most of the vampires. Those few vampires who wanted to fight him or possibly kill him were down on the ground in just a blink of an eye. He was stronger than the normal vampires. His healing process was faster as well. Dazai feared that he was different and would be outcasted so he trained himself to hide his fangs and red eyes. He controlled his addiction to blood and has never fed from a human or vampire before, only animals. By the age of 12, he could control his fangs and eyes. Hie could control his strength and mastered all of his skills, such as, shapeshifting, speed and hypnotism. Hypnotism was hard for him though. So, he didn't use that power much. He couldn't fully control it.

Dazai, who was now relaxing on his chair, ready to drift off into a deep slumber, almost fell off his chair when the screeching of the chair was heard opposite of him. All he saw was Kunikida standing up, wide-eyed. He lifted a brow and sat up straight. Just like he expected, the blonde glanced over at the brunette and passed a piece of paper to him. Utterly confused, Dazai took it and glanced through the small words which were all squeezed together. That's when he read a few words in bold. His eyes widened as he gripped the paper tighter and he brought it closer to his face. The gap between the paper and his face was only a few centimeters. He looked at the blonde and a smirk crept up his face. The brunette hastily ran towards Chuuya and pulled him up and dragged him out of the door with Kunikida following behind. The ginger looked at Dazai was eagerly dragging him to the car and gave the brunette a weird room. That was until Dazai and Chuuya sat at the back seat, Kunikida in front, driving. That's when Dazai exclaimed, thrilled. "We have a victim of the vampire case which is still alive!" Upon hearing that, mentalky jumped for joy. Their first victim who was a witness and was still alive! That meant that they could have an interview with the individual and find out mote about that mysterious vampire. The vampire slayers have named their recent case which is not solved yet, 'Pure blood mystery'. They named it pure blood even though they weren't sure whether it was pure blooded or half breed. They just named it that because the guessed it was a pure blooded vampire behind all these attacks. Chuuya roughly snatched the paper from Dazai's hand with the brunette pouting and trying to retrive it bacm from the ginger but Chuuya didn't allow it as he scanned thouroughly through the report and the victim's information. However, when his eyes looked at the name of the victim, Chuuya dropped the paper, with Dazai catching it before it fell to the floor. Noticing that something way wrong, Dazai stared at tne ginger and his voice, full of concern, "Chuuya? You okay? " The ginger didn't reply but leaned forward towards Kunikida who was driving, "Kunikida-kun, can you drive faster? " thw blonde founs it strange as he glanced at the back set with Chuuya who had concerned and pleading eyes with Dazai who noticed and shrugged signalling that he didn't know what happened. Kunimida didn't question as he stepped on the pedal. Chuuya leaned back intot he car seat, breathing deeply and Dazai found it even more concerning. He checjed the paper as his eyes trailed diwn to the nane of the victim, 'Kouyou Ozaki'. That name sounded familiar but Dazai couldn't put his finger in it as he glanced at the ginger beside him and back to the paper. That's when Dazai removed the paper clip attaching the report with the pciture of the victim. That's when something clicked in his brain. Kady with pink but slightly ginger hair. Dazai's eyes widened as he looked at the ginger who was teying to calm himself down. Hwoever, it couldn't be... If the victim of this case had any relationship with Chuuya, shouldn't her name be Nakahara Ozaki? Dazai scrtched his head as he shrugged to himself. He had to find out for himself when they reached .

It was roughly a 15 minute drive because Kunikida drived faster halfway to the destination. Dazai observed how the ginger hastily jumped out of the car and immediately made his way to the building. Kunikida just glanced at Dazai and quickly followe behind with Dazai. When they reached the apartment, Chuuya frantically knocked on the door and once they heard a 'Come in', Chuuya didn't waste a second and rushed in. The lady must have predicted that the vampire slayers were coming to vsjit her so she knew it was them. The ginger, much to Dazai and Kunikida's shock, hugged the lady tightly. The lady was obviously shocked as Kunikida walked forwars to seperate Chuuya and Kouyou away from each other but when Kunikida took a glance at Kouyou, he backed away swiftly before shooting a silver bullet at her. Chuuya obvioualy tried to prevent it but before he could do anything, Kouyou sliced the bullet in half and in a blink of an eye, Kunikida's gun was frantically out of reach as the Kouyou sighed before keeping her katana. Kunikida was met with a death glare from Chuuya. However, Kouyou just ruffled Chuuya's hair gently and looked at the bmonde opposite of her. "It seems that you're a friend of my little brother?" Kunikida's mouth turned into a 'O' as he bowed respectfully while apologising. Dazai at the side, smirked. His prediction was right. "If I wanted to attack you, i would've have done it a long time ago. So calm down."She willed herself to stand up with the support of Chuuya. It was visible that she was hurt. Scratches abd bruises on her forearms were obvious. "I assume you are here to ask about the 'Pure blood Mystery' case?" Kunikida nodded as was about to talk but he was stopped by Kouyou looking at Dazai and immediately, she pulked Kunikida to her side and gripped Chuuya tighter. She glared at the brunette who tilted his head in confusion but his eyes widened in realisation when she threw a small ball like object near Dazai's feet. Kunikida wanted to walk forward and ask what happened but got pushed back by Kouyou. She, too, backed off as she mentally counted down. Dazai who took a closer inspection at the object, realised what it was as he stumbled out of the way but was too late. The object opened up like a flower and electricity was produced from it as it hit Dazai like a streak of lightning. The brunette screamed in agony as he tried to claw at the object on the floor but to no avail. Chuuya looked concerned at Kouyou but when he saw the familiar strict look, he kept silent and watched in pain as he saw one of his best friends suffering from the ekctric shocks. Kunikida was clueless on why Kouyou did that but his unanswered question was soon answered.

When the elctricity stopped and the ball like object closed up again, Dazai collapsed to the floor, he struggled to support himself with his hands. Kouyou slowly but warily walked to the weakened brunette and held her katana at his neck. Dazai was panting as he slowly and shakily stood up, his hand covering his face in pain as his other hand grabbed Kouyou's katana blade. She watched, shocked as Dazai slowly stood up straight and when he clenched his fists, her katana blade broke. Kouyou clicked her tobgue in annoyance as she backed away quickly, shielding Chuuya. Dazai chuckled as he dropped the broken blade. His removed his hand and the two behind Kouyou eye's widened as they gasped. Dazai's eyes glowed and eerie red as he glared at Kouyou. He stretched slightly before walking up to Koyuou rather confidently. "Why did you have to do that. It hurts like hell... " Kouyou warned Dazai to back away but she went silent when she saw the wound Dazai got from the katana heal up ever so slowly. 'How is it healing up so fast?!' Was what she thought as she golden demon appeared behind her back. Dazai didn't back down as he stepped a few steps closer to Kouyou, his eyes still glowing crimson red. As golden demon dashed towards Dazai, Kouyou's eyes widened when she saw Dazai nullify her ability. "I'll rip your head off..." he mumbled as he rushed towards Kouyou. With nothing to defend herself with, she gulped as she saw Dazai give her a smirk.

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