Chapter 6

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Stepping under the caution tape, Atsushi's eyes narrowed when he saw the corpse underneath the thin white sheet, the legs and hands creeping out and was visible to Dazai and Atsushi.

"This is the 33 one this month..." Atsushi mumbled to Dazai as he glanced down to his two feet. Dazai pat Atsushi's shoulder in a comforting matter. Chuuya flipped through the files as he kicked a nearby stone on th ego run to the floor. "12 years old." Upon hearing that, Atsushi sighed, "she's only a child!" Eyes closed as the brunette took a deep breath, "The worst thing I hate most is telling the parents..." Atsushi nodded in agreement and the younger suggested that he tell the parents about the devastating news instead. When Atsushi left, Dazai walked forward to the corpse and he didn't even needed to lift the white sheet of the corpse, he glanced over to Chuuya and sighed once more, "Same vampire..." Chuuya clicked his tongue in annoyance as he walked away from the scene.

Using his hand to comb his wild strands of brown hair, Dazai was about to turn around and leave. However, a black figure which passed him speedily caught his attention. As he glanced at the dimly lit alley way, he raised a brow and walked warily into the alley. Looking at every corner of the confusing alley, Dazai didn't spot anyone or anything but he swore he saw a black figure pass him just now. He decided to continue looking for a while. He just had to leave and catch up with Chuuya before the ginger head realised that he was gone. "That hatrack is oblivious anyway..." The brunette mumbled to himself as he took his own sweet time to walk around the alley. That's when he dodged a punch and jumped backwards only to see emptiness and nothing else. Glancing around, Dazai pushed his hands into coat's pockets. He remained still and waited. That's when he gripped a person's arm tightly as he gave a hard kick to the individual's stomach. The man coughed loudly as he clutched his stomach with his free hand. Dazai's eyes widened when he saw that the man was actually a vampire as well. Sadly, this vampire's scent wasn't the one on the corpse. Sighing, Dazai punched a hole through the other vampire's stomach and ripped his head off afterwards. Cracking his knuckles, Dazai stretched a little while kicking the headless corpse which was on the floor away to the side of the narrow alley and resumed his walking. He was thinking of catching up with Chuuya now before he gets a hit in the head from the ginger. It didn't hurt but he didn't like it either so he rather not get into trouble with Chuuya.

Ready to leave the alley, Dazai dusted the dust off his coat as went back the way he came. However, much to his surprise, when he turned right where he first entered the alley, it was a plain and solid wall. Clicking his tongue in frustration, Dazai turned and turned left instead. Did he remember wrongly, that's not possible. He was sure he went the right way. Someone is obviously messing with him. There was more than one vampire afterall. Dazai huffed out when he was met with another wall. Each turn he made, it was just a wall. Getting impatient and frustrated, when Dazai was met with another wall, he punched the wall. Naturally with his strength, the wall cracked and crumbled, a hole in the middle of the broken wall. A smirk crept up his face as he hummed satisfied and left through the hole in the wall.

A figure who was standing on the roof of a nearby building stomped his feet onto the floor irritated. "Calm down...We'll get him the next round." A rough voice said as another figure appeared to the first one. The figure at the front looked at the other in disbelief. "He broke a fucking hole in the wall made by me! The walls I make are impossible to break!" The other placed a cigarette between his lips and blew smoke at the other's face. The other figure waved his hand to get rid of the smoke as he coughed slightly. "Patience is the key..." The figure said before taking another puff of his cigarette.


The ginger took the report from the file as he glanced through the words. Suddenly, he jumped from his seat as he muttered curse words under his breath but kept silent when he saw Kunikida giving him the 'Watch Your Language!' look. The first person he rushed to was a certain brunette who was dozing off, his head on the table. Knowing that Dazai was a light sleeper. He gently patted the brunette on his shoulder and whispered, "Oi, Dazai! Wake up!" Dazai slowly lifted his head to meet Chuuya's blue eyes. He honestly didn't expect that. He could smell Chuuya's scent walking towards him but he didn't think that it was Chuuya who woke him up. He thought it was Atsushi. He tilted his head to ask what Chuuya wanted. "You said you killed one vampire and sensed that there were two more vampires right?" Dazai, the day he was attacked by the vampire, got a hit from Chuuya for not following him. However, the ginger knew Dazai wasn't the type to just wander on his own so he asked what happened, concern plastered on his face. Dazai explained bluntly what happened with Chuuya sighing and checking if he had any wounds. Chuuya was the only one who knew what happened that day. Dazai was too lazy to report to Kunikida. So, he would rather just tell Chuuya only and keep it a secret. It wasn't a big deal anyway. What Chuuya said piqued his interest as he glanced at the paper Chuuya was holding. The report said that there were two dead vampires found at the same alley way the day after Dazai got attacked.

Kunikida, opposite of them, noticed them whispering and he spoke up. Chuuya looked at the blonde and glanced back at Dazai. Dazai just made a lie without even blinking his eye, "Kunikida-kun, Chuuya and I are going to meet someone to discuss the Pure blood mystery case. We'll be going!" Dazai didn't even wait for the annoyed blonde to respond and dragged Chuuya away with him, closing the door before Kunikida had the chance to shout at them. Kunikida who just adjusted his glasses and decided to just leave the two alone. He didn't have time to bother anyway. He doesn't want his schedule messed up again.

Arriving at the scene, Dazai went straight to the corpses and Chuuya was right. These two dead vampires were the one he sensed the other day. A police officer walked forward and gave a brief explanation and report. "Maseru Yuu and Fyodor Dostoevsky were criminals we were catching for a few months now. We found them dead on a roof this morning at 8.35 am. It seems that Maseru Yuu and an ability called 'Walls of blood' which allowed him to create walls which were impossible to break wherever he wanted, Fyodor Dostoevsky's ability is unknown but it seems that it was dangerous. They were both assumed to be attacked by the same vampire who killed the girl from yesterday." The police officer bowed with Dazai gave a small thanks. "Maseru's ability sounds useful. Impossible to break huh..." Chuuya commented while glancing at Dazai who was trying not to laugh. Chuuya noticed that and asked what happened. "Chuuya...I broke a hole in the wall he made with just a punch." With that, Dazai clutched his stomach and bursted out laughing. Chuuya stared in disbelief. "You broke the wall..." Chuuya face palmed himself as he dragged Dazai out of the scene. The police officer who managed to catch what they were saying, looked at Dazai with wide eyes. He looked down when Dazai and Chuuya walked past him. He shouldn't get involved with those two...

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