Chapter 3

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A loud bang was heard on the door as a young brunette slowly stood up and walked towards the door, wanting to open it. However, before his hand reached the door knob, he was pulled back by a figure as a hand covered his mouth. 10 year old Dazai glanced up and sighed in relief when he saw his father who was behind him. Dazai's father removed his hand and put a finger to his lip to signal to keep quiet. Nodding, Dazai was guided to his bedroom where Dazai's father pushed him underneath his bed. "Stay here and don't go anyway. You understand?" The tone of his father's voice was serious so being any obedient kid he was, he nodded and crawled deeper underneath the bed to follow his father's instructions. The gap between the floor and bed wasn't exactly large enough for him to sit up so Dazai just lay on his stomach and waited for his father who had gone out of the room and pulling the door close, leaving it to be ajar.

A thud was heard, then thumping of footsteps. Muffled yelling was heard as Dazai had an urge to get out of his hiding spot but as his father's words drifted into his head, he decided to stay put. That's when Dazai saw a glimpse of red eyes using the gap between the door. The figure with glowing red eyes walked away and running footsteps were heard, going up the stairs. Dazai wrecked his brain a little and that's when something clicked, red eyes meant vampires. His heart skipped a beat when he heard the door opening softly, he clenched his fists and clamped a hand over his mouth in fear. He saw black shoes and the figure stopped right in front of the bed as the figure started kneeling down. Dazai was beyond frightened, he shut his eyes closed as he awaited death. However, he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He hesitantly opened his eyes and was overwhelmed with relief when he saw his father's face. His father dragged him out of his hiding spot and his hand reached into his pocket. As Dazai's father took out a small cylinder container with crisp on red liquid in it, Dazai's eyes widened as his father cupped his chin and forcefully opened his mouth. Dazai squirmed and tried struggling out of his father's grasp. Pouring the red liquid into his mouth, his father threw the kept the container into his pocket once again and hugged Dazai one last time while muttering the words, "I'm sorry Osamu...survive for me." That was the last few words Dazai heard as he slowly passed out, his world turning black. Noticing that his son passed out, Dazai's father pushed him under the bed once again and the vampires came rushing into the room. Blood curling screams were heard but Dazai didn't hear it, he was fast asleep under his bed. His father was a vampire but he was born a human. He predicted that it was because of his mother who died after he turned 1 year old. So, he didn't really have any memories with her. He was the closest to his father and their bond was beyond leaps and bounds. So, it was obvious when Dazai cried and screamed after he woke up...

His eyes fluttering open, Dazai turned his head to the side only to be met with his own father's lifeless eyes and bloodied face. He was beyond recognisable anymore. As tears trickled down his face, screams came out of his mouth for the first time. He didn't dare to go out of his hiding spot after seeing the corpse. He knew it was the vampires who did it. That's when Dazai realised some different smell in the room. His eyes glow red as he gritted his teeth, "Pure blood vampires...I'll kill them..." he had the motivation as he slowly and warily crawled out of his hiding spot and tried to ignore the sight of his dead father's body. He went to the nearby mirror which only had a few stains of blood and opened his mouth. Much to his shock, he saw a pair of fangs, piercing out of his gum. That's when he realised his blood red eyes which flowed in the dim lighting in his room. He gasped as he immediately closed his mouth. He glanced over to his father, tears threatening to fall as he saw the small cylinder container creeping out of his father's pocket. He went over and picked it up and his brain told him that whatever was in the container was the thing that made him a vampire. He placed the container on his nightstand and slowly left the room, glancing around the house to see if there was any traces of any more pure blood vampires. There were none. He crouched to the ground, tear droplets falling to the ground once again. 

Dazai's father made Dazai a  vampire and covered his scent so that his son could survive. However, the number of pure blooded vampires who infested his house outnumbered him greatly and he was beat to death.

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