takahiro hanamaki

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hanamaki looked at the , gold haired boy on his knees as he saw some tears fall from his eyes, rolled down his  checks, and onto the snow.

'Don't cry. Don't despair. Now's not the time for that. I know your devastated. Your family was massacred, and your brothers become a demon. I know it's painful. I know you want to scream. I get it.' hanamaki thought silently to himself. Those were words he wanted to say to the gold eyed boy, but didn't know how to phrase it to him. 'If only I'd gotten a day here a half-day sooner, your family might not have ended up dead. But there's no way to turn back time. Feel the rage. The powerful, pure rage of not being able to forgive will become your unswerving drive to take action!'

hanamaki again then moved his sword to face the  boy's brother as he turned his head to look at the demon trying to get out of is grasp. 'With such a fragile resolve like yours, you can't protect your brother or heal him... or get revenge for your family!'


atsumu and the man just stared at each other in silence that didn't seem to end. But he then saw the man again point his sword next to his brother.

"No!" atsumu said while trying to stand back up on his feet. he then watched at the man stabbed his yonger brother with his sword, as suna made a noise of pain.

"Stop!" atsumu on intent found the closest thing to throw at the man, which was a rock, and threw it at him. Which the man just merely threw back down at the snow with his sword that was now out of her brothers chest.

atsumu looked around and saw his brothers axe lying in the snow a few feet away, he got up onto his feet and ran over to grab it, while throwing rocks at the man while trying to hide where he was in the trees. But the man just kept merely dodging them. he then charged at the man, yelling while hiding most of his arms and hands from the mans sight. 


~hanamaki watched as the boy ran through the trees and threw rock at him, which he dodged with ease. He then saw the boy coming at him, with his hands hidden behind his back, which he assumed that they were holding his axe.

'A straightforward attack driven solely by emotion...'

"You fool!" He said to the boy, and hit his back with the handle of his sword. He heard his make a grunt of pain as he hit him, and fell straight onto the snow. But he then noticed something weird about his posture.

his axe was missing.

hanamaki put his sword back down to his side as the demon he was holding finally stopped struggling against him and just starred at his unconscious sister. 'Where's his hatchet?' He thought confused as he looked down at the unconscious boy .

He then heard the sound of air being slashed, he looked up and saw the girls axe, spinning through the air, coming straight for him. He moved his head to the left as the axe just barely missed his ear, hitting the tree that he was standing in front of.

hanamaki looked at the boy, then looked back at the axe. 'Just before he hid behind the tree, he hurled that rock toward me and, at the same time, tossed his hatchet in the air. he hid his  hands as he pretended to attack so I wouldn't realize he was unarmed. he knew he couldn't beat me. he tried to bring me down after I struck him!'

hanamaki looked back down at the boy. 'This kid...'

hanmaki was the brought back to reality as the boys brother went back to struggle against him screaming inhumanly, and broke out of his grasp, kicking him in his stomach, sending him flying backwards. He landed on his feet, then saw the demon head straight for his unconscious brother.

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