Chapter Twenty Eight

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The fluttering of wings.

Little steps scurrying through the trees.

My senses are heightened as my body flies through the trees with ease.

My hearing picks up Wes' curses as he grunts.

"I'm coming," I can only hope that Wes can hear me.

My arms swing gripping the trees and flinging me forward. They have a huge head start and I have a lot of catching up to do.

"Abigail," Wes hisses out a breath, "stay out of this!"

"Are you insane? You're outnumbered and outmuscled," I growl my eyes zero in on him up ahead and then he vanishes.

Running faster I reach where he vanished and I see the edge before me. Taking in a small breath my body loosens up and I throw my body into the air, freefalling, I see Wes running below me and that is when I see Christopher.

He is running at full speed now free from anything that might hold him back. The wind whips around me as my feet hit the ground with a solid thump. With all my strength I push my legs up and run after him.

"Abigail," without realizing I am next to Wes and he seems to be surprised that I was able to reach him.

"Chris is mine," my fangs release a liquid in my mouth and I know that my killer's senses are rising.

"I'll take on his cohorts," Wes pushes himself to keep up with my pace.

If Chris was not involved with this at the moment I would have Wes' back but he took Hannah and held her hostage before me. He tried to hurt her and I will not stand back and let him try again.

Wes flings his body into the vampire before him and takes him down swiftly his hands wrapping around his neck with ease.

The cracking noise resonates in the air. My eyes are then locked on Chris. He is passing his men.

My fangs protrude and my body starts to feel weightless. The trees pass by me even faster I pass two of his men and they try to attack me but I am so much faster than them.

I will come back for you two!

Chris is almost at arm's length. His body tightens when he senses my nearness and his head turns back a bit.

"Damn it," my body lunges at him he senses it and throws himself to the side. My hand whips out and grabs the side of his head and with the utmost ease, I fling his body to the ground. Rolling to a stand I stare at him on the floor.

"You want me on your side? How am I suppose to be ruled by a vampire that can't even look out for himself!" I hiss at him and he turns around ready to make a run for it, my leg pulls back and then it swings forward with so much force that the wind whistles by.

My foot connects with his side and he is thrown to the side, groaning in pain as he looks over at me.

"You need me!" He yells at me. His eyes reddening and I can feel my senses grow more alert than ever.

"Funny you're not the first person to tell me that," I lower down making eye contact with him.

The anger and pain in his face vanish and he stares at me as if he were completely mesmerized by my face.

"Why on earth would I need you?"

His has is impassive as he stares at me with absolutely no interest, "you think that I don't have a boss to answer too? I might have wanted you for my own selfish gain but there is someone else out in the world that knows you and what you are," he laughs maniacally, "Oh sweetheart go ahead and kill me I have nothing left to lose. If you don't he would certainly come after me."

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