Prologue - part 1

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A/N: I am publishing this just so I can show a friend, I don't have an uploading/writing schedule yet so just bare with me if I take forever to release the next part
Also this is my first fanganronpa I've uploaded in at least a year, sooo be nice.
Also also! As well all know, most, if not all Danganronpa stories touch on heavy subjects such as murder and death. But I will try my best to put content warnings on chapters that need some. Let me know if I miss any :D
Content warnings: implied death/murder, cursing

??? POV

I sat at a table, and stared at the plate of eggs and bacon in front of me. I was the first awake, and my friends were all asleep, for understandable reasons. Last night was a really, really, really long night.

What the fuck even happened last night?

Everything was already starting to feel hazy, or like a really bad nightmare. All I remember was losing hope, we were all trapped in a scary environment and put under strange circumstances. My class, which was once filled with bright, cheerful, and kind students turned on each other. A lot of them killed. A lot of them were killed. Only me, and a few others survived.

By the time the other survivors and I managed to escape, we all were exhausted, physically and emotionally. We were in the middle of nowhere too, so we had no idea where to go. When all of a sudden, this rando approached us. None of us had any idea who they were, but they were over the moon to find us. They realized how tired and shaken we were and we give them our best explanation of what we've been through. They believed our story somehow and did not hesitate to offer a place to stay, even if just for the night. We all agreed without hesitation and went to their home. And there, we got to sleep through our first whole night, without having to worry for anyone's life.

Now that I think of it, did I even catch that stranger's name?

"Hey! Are you gonna eat that?" A voice snapped my out of my thoughts, it was the stranger from last night.
"Oh. Yeah. Sorry." I stared at the stranger, then back at my eggs and bacon.
"You're totally fineee! You don't have to eat anything you don't want to, you know. You've been through so much, I understand if you're still in shock. But just try to take a couple bites." The stranger sat next to me.
"Mkay.." I hesitantly took a bite of bacon, it was perfectly crispy yet chewy at the same time, and had that perfect savory flavor, "Mmph-! this is really good!" I admitted, gobbling down the rest of the piece.
"Yippee! I'm glad! There's more in the kitchen if you want some." The stranger offered.
"Yeah..! I'm good, but thank you!" I smile softly at them.
"No problem, really!" they grinned, "I'm gonna go check on your friends real quick! Be right back!" they stood and sauntered down the hallway.
I nodded, then went back to slowly picking at my food.

I eventually noticed a messy junk drawer sticking out of the counter across the kitchen. It was so full of, you guessed it, junk that it could hardly even close.
Out of curiosity, I absentmindedly walked over to the junk drawer and opened it. Maybe I could reorganize it.. or would that be rude?
There was a few cat keychains, a couple business cards, and even some legal documents, which I decided not to snoop through, of course.
What caught my eye though, were some really old newspapers. I picked one up and read the date and headline.
20XX, Entire High School Class Disappears Without A Trace
This was about 20 years ago.. I thought, flipping through the newspaper. The story seemed to be about how a class from Star Trail Academy mysteriously disappeared and only a few were ever found.
My eyes widened. Was this perhaps another killing game?
I flipped to the next page, it showed 15 different teenagers, and a warning saying that these teenagers were missing and told us to alert the police immediately if we found them.

"Hey! You snooping through my junk drawer?" I heard the voice of the stranger behind me.
"AAAAA- n-no..? I'm sorry.." I stammered weakly.
"Eh, it's fine!" the stranger dismissed it, "I don't think I've cleaned that drawer in like.. years! What did ya find?"
"Nothing special, just some newspaper about a whole class that went missing."
"Another killing game perhaps??" The stranger picked up the book and started flipping through it.
"Seems like it. Although I think it's from 20XX"
"...I see." They paused, "Heyy! I know that person!" they pointed to the picture of some silly looking brunette with a pencil propped in their hair.
"Wait really?? Who—"
"And that one." they pointed to an underdressed blonde, "And that one!" they darted over to an overdressed brunette next, "I actually remember all these people.." the stranger let out a kooky giggled.
"Wait what..?"
"You see, I was in a killing game too. Right when I was around your age. ...Man, I can't believe that was 20 years ago... AGH! I'm 35 now..! I FEEL SO OLD!" The stranger realized.
"You definitely don't look it." I reassured them.
"You're too kind."
"Anyways. YOU were in a KILLING GAME?"  I blinked, dumbfounded.
"Yeah, I was." The stranger shrugged.
"And you've never told us??"
"I didn't want to bother you with my killing game horror stories. You guys were already so tired!"
"I mean, yeah... but it's also kind of validating to share experiences with someone."
"That is true. ...does this mean you want to hear about my killing game?"
"I mean, only if you wanna." I sat back down at the table.
"Yippee! It'll be nice to finally tell someone besides the other survivors about my killing game without them thinking I'm insane or making this up!" The stranger's eyes lit up. They then paused, "although, this story can get pretty heavy. Are you sure you'll be alright?"
"I've seen pretty bad things happen.. go ahead and fire away." I leaned into the chair comfortably.
The stranger smiled softly and began with their story...

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