Chapter 1 - Daily life - part II

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A/N so sorry for the short part today!! I promise, the next one will get more interesting, I originally was gonna make this part and the next part into the same part but I realized it was probably smart to split it, also no cgs this time due to lack of motivation and ideas, sorry!!anyways,, enjoy!

"GOOOOD MORNING EVERYBUNNY!" A loud voice boomed through the cabin.
"hAH!" I yelped, quickly shooting up. BONK! I slammed my head hard against the bed above me. "owowowowow.." I rocked back and forth, coddling my forehead.
"...are you okay?" Ezra asked sleepily, looking down at me.
"Yeah..! I just hit my head.. like.. kinda hard! But I-I think I'll be fine!" I awkwardly stammered.
"Hm.." Ezra narrowed his eyes. I couldn't tell if he was annoyed or just thinking, "Ok. Just be careful next time." He grumbled before curling up back in his bed.
"Alright..! Sorry! ..ow.." I groaned a bit, rubbing my now throbbing head. This was definitely going to leave a really nasty bump later. I slid out of bed to go find that loud voice that woke me up, "Hey Ezra? Did you happen to yell 'good morning everybunny' REALLY LOUDLY just a few seconds ago?"
"No..?" Ezra turned back towards me, "I'm assuming that's what startled you."
"Mhm.. it might've been Monohare.. but I don't know.. what do they want?" I did a quick turn around before going to grab my glasses off the coffee table.
"Don't know, don't care." Ezra flopped back down once again.
"Ahem! AHEM! ONCE AGAIN. GOOOD. MOR. NING. EV. ER. Y. BUN. NY!!!!!" Monohare shouted even louder.
"GAH!" I covered my ears. Despite how loud Monohare was, I still had no clue where the voice was even coming from.
Ezra just grumbled and covered his head with his pillow.
"It is now 9 in the morning, and a lot of you are SOMEHOW STILL IN BED. Wow, I knew teenagers these days were lazy but this is just disappointing! Anywhoo.. meet me in the mess hall. I have something to show you!" Monohare cackled. I looked up and saw a speaker right above the front door. That explains a lot.
"..." I slowly removed my hands from my ears and reluctantly went to go get my shoes, "Ezra, are you coming?"
"It's 9 am."
"It's too early for this shit." Ezra groaned from under the pillow.
"Ezra, you heard the hare. It could be important! Possibly the secret key to our escape plan!!" I grinned.
"...alright, fine." Ezra groaned, sitting up once again, stretching his back. He climbed down the bed, brushed his hair, and put on his big ol blanket.
"Yippee!!" I cheered, throwing on some crocs and skipping out the door, Ezra eventually catching up to me and walking beside me.

"So.. um.. how'd the melatonin gummies work out?" Ezra tilted his head over to me out of curiosity.
"Apparently really well! I passed right out!! Haha! I think I went to sleep at like, what.. 7? 7 pm!" I giggled.
"Sleeping from 7 to 9, huh? Seems like you really needed that sleep." Ezra notes.
"Yeah!! Think so! I haven't had that good of a sleep in uhh... weeks!! Maybe even months.. who knows?? I kind of just, sleep whenever I feel my brain stop functioning or I pass out. Hehe." I giggled nonchalantly.
"That can't be good for you.." Ezra shook his head.
"Yeah, yeah. I know." I sighed, rubbing the back of my head.
"Still glad the melatonin gummies worked." Ezra shrugged.
"Yeah! Thanks again, Ezra! You really are the Ultimate Medic! Hehe!"
"Ah, thank you." Ezra nods, turning his head a way "this also could've been solved with a quick Booble search too."
"Still. Thank you!!"
"No problem." Ezra nods.
I smiled at Ezra once more as we made our way to the mess hall.

Nash, Rosa, and Janna were already clustered together, plotting away about who knows what. Well, it was mainly just Nash and Rosa yapping and occasionally arguing. Janna just looked confused and tired.
Everyone else eventually stumbled in, some still in their pajamas. Oggy ran in, straightener in hand with only half of zer hair straightened. Rachel still had a tooth brush in her mouth and Kenny's hair was sopping wet. Alex walked over, his red hair a mess. His hat was off, revealing a couple inches of pitch black roots in his hair. He was wearing red flannel pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt that read 'I ❤️ hot moms'.
"You know what's going on?" Alex groggily asked Ezra and I.
Ezra shrugged.
"No clue. I just came because there might be a key to a possible way to escape!" I explained.
"Sick, better hook me up with that escape plan once you're done." Alex smirked, resting his arms behind his head.
Kenny suddenly approached Alex from behind, grabbing a bundle of his hair with one hand, shushing Ezra and I with the other.
"AHCK-!" Alex suddenly yelped as Kenny whipped him in the back with his wet hair, "holy shit, Kenny. Hi." he shook off his now wet shirt.
"Hehehe.." Kenny shook out the rest of his hip-length hair, ultimately flinging small water droplets everywhere, "whatch'all talking about?"
"Just why Monohare called us here. Ace is gonna make an escape plan." Alex pointed at me.
"I mean, I'm gonna try to.. hehe." I shrugged awkwardly.
"I don't think Monohare has anything important to say though. I'm just gonna leave." Ezra sighed.
"Aww, what? You never know, man! It could be a secret clue, like Ace said." Alex rubbed his head.
"I gotta dry my hair too. Seeya in a bit, Alex! Oh, you too Ace!" Kenny waved goodbye to both Alex and I.
"Damn. Looks like Ace is the only real one here." Alex sighed dramatically.
"Hehehe.." I awkwardly laughed.
"I'll be back, you drama king! And I'll force Ezra back too!" Kenny called, making his way towards the door.
"Nuh uh." Ezra weakly protested.
Before Ezra and Kenny could leave the building, the door slammed shut right in front of their faces and the lock clicked.
Ezra tilted his head and knocked on the door, "can you let us out?"
Kenny gave the door a hard kick, but it wouldn't budge.
"Can you wait just ONE moment? Good LORD!" Monohare's voice came over the speakers, louder than ever.
"AGH-!" I covered my ears again.
"QUIET!!!" Rosa barked, somehow managing to be even louder than Monohare.
"AHEM. Sorry." Monohare cleared their throat before adjusting something, "IS THIS GOOD NOW????" they boomed even louder than before.
"AGHHHH!!" Rosa physically recoiled, covering their ears.
Everyone else covered their ears and loudly complained. The only ones unaffected were Nash and Oggy, who both just looked mildly annoyed.
"AHAHAHA. Just kidding. Here ya go." Monohare turned the volume down to a loud, but listenable level.
I removed my hands from my ears once again. So did everyone else eventually.
"I see that all of you are still alive, unfortunately. I see Rosa, Nash, and Janna kept you busy all day. Which is disappointing, but I'm not here to stop them. I'm here to give you something that would help with your will to murder, A.K.A... a motive!" Monohare began. Nash, Janna, and Rosa shared a group high-five.
"A.. a motive..?" Crystal piped up.
"Yeah, that's what I just said! A motive! Perhaps that will get you killing! Let's see.. what's the motive today..." Monohare thought aloud, scanning everybody through the big screen in the center of the mess hall, "how about this... within 48 hours from now, you can bring a person of you choice home with you after the trial if you successfully kill someone and get away with the murder. How's that sound? If that's not a good motive, I don't know what is." they grinned maliciously.
Everyone tensed up, looking at each other. I just looked around, cracking my knuckles nervously. If this really was the motive, I was already at a huge disadvantage. Everyone else had seemed to know each other and be connected in some way while nobody knew me. Lila and Rosa also didn't know much people, but at least people like Lila. Rosa on the other hand, was actively disliked and therefore probably had the biggest disadvantage. I stared at the ground, nervously picking at the skin on my hand. Ezra stepped back over to my side, took a good look at me, and then just looked away, hiding his arms inside his blanket sleeves.
The other pairs, such as Alex and Kenny, and Mariah and Delilah just glanced at each other worriedly.
"It's a bit... underwhelming compared to the other motives I had in mind, but I was told to save those for later. But don't worry, we have a lot planned for you guys. Just you wait." The split-furred hare stared at everyone coldly.
"We..." I repeated to myself. That must mean there's more than 1 person behind this. But who? And why?
"Oh! And before I forget. To 'spice' things up a little... -well.. I can't give it away, but here's a hint. Watch what you eat. Toodles!" before anyone could process, the screen shut off.
"Watch what you eat, huh.." I sighed.
"So wait does that mean they poisoned certain food items orrr..?" Delilah questioned.
"I.. doubt they'd do that." Lila reassured.
"But it's a killing game. They WANT people to die!" Crystal squeaked.
"It's more like they want to see murder. I don't know exactly what they mean but I doubt it means they're poisoning the food." Lila explained.
"Then what would 'watch what you eat' mean?" I questioned to myself.

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