Chapter 1 - Daily life - part I

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"So you're telling me you got NO sleep?!" Ezra exclaimed in disbelief.
"Nope." I shrugged.
"You just... lay awake for 9 hours straight?"
"Uh huh!"
"Didn't even doze off once?"
"Ace.." Ezra sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose like a disappointed dad.
"Well I couldn't stop thinking about the killing game!!" I tried to defend myself.
"Still. You gotta sleep at some point. There's serious health consequences from not sleeping."
"I take a couple power naps every now and then!"
"You still need to have a sleep schedule so you can have energy during the day!" Ezra put his hands on his hips.
"I'll be fineee. I have trouble sleeping at night anyways."
"Jeez.. I'm getting you some melatonin gummies."
"Umm.. y-you don't have to. Why are you even worried about it?"
"I'm not that worried about it. I just want to make sure everyone here is healthy. Not sleeping can seriously mess up your health. Would you like to try some melatonin gummies?" Ezra offered.
"I mean, I'll try them... Thanks!" I smiled at Ezra.
"Yeah. No problem. I'm sure there's somewhere that sells them."
"Yeah, probably... for now, let's just get some breakfast, I'm hungryyy,," I sighed.
"Mmkay." Ezra gave me an awkward thumbs up.

We walked to the mess hall together. Everyone else was happily preparing their own meals. And for those who can't cook or didn't want to, Lila cooked healthy meals for them.
"There's too many people here." Ezra muttered to himself uncomfortably. He shuffled towards the kitchen.
I walked inside the kitchen as well and started looking through the cupboards, hoping there was instant noodles. Low and behold, there was! ...But it's the gross shitty 50 cents kind that nobody likes... Still better than nothing! I pulled it out of the cupboard, poured some water in and threw it into the microwave.
I figured while I was waiting, I'd watch what Ezra was doing. Ezra just ended up grabbing 3 frozen waffles and scurrying out of the mess hall, without even toasting them. I barely knew Ezra but that sounded like such an Ezra thing to do.

Once my ramen was done, I stirred it with a fork and walked out to the cafeteria tables. I didn't really know where to sit, since every table was taken. Even Rosa's! Well, mostly because they had a massive plate and Kim and Oggy was trying to harass them into giving them one of their sausages. Rosa's food actually looked really good. Too bad they were keeping it all to themself.
"Hey! You!... Ramen kid!" Kenny waved me down, "I forgot your name?"
"Huh-? Oh! I'm Ace. Why?"
"You're Ezra's friend right?"
"Well I wouldn't say we're friends... not yet at least." I shrugged, stirring the noodles more.
"Bummer. Do you know where Ezra is?" Kenny sighs.
"He... grabbed some waffles and then ran out." 
"Did he.. at least toast them?" Alex tilted his head.
"Nope. He just grabbed the waffles and walked out the door."
"That sick bastard." Alex mutters dramatically.
"Yeah. That's a very Ezra thing to do." It's almost as if Kenny read my mind.
"That's what I said! ...mentally! In my head!" I clarified awkwardly.
Kenny chuckled a bit, "how's Ezra treating you as a roommate?"
"...I don't even know. It's like he likes me... but he doesn't. He was concerned about me and my sleeping habits and didn't seem to have a problem being my roommate. But other times he's all quiet and weird. I don't really think he likes talking to me." I stuffed a forkful of ramen into my mouth.
"Oh, yeah no, that's just typical Ezra behavior. Don't take it personally." Alex shrugged it off.
"Yeah he's been like this since middle school. But he will warm up to you eventually! As long as you are nice. He definitely doesn't hate you, if he did it would be very obvious." Kenny sighed.
"Sure.. okay." I nodded.
"What are you doing just standing there? Why don't you sit with us?" Kenny offered.
"Uhhh.. yeah, sure!" I sat next to them, "you guys are actually a lot nicer than I thought..." I thought out loud.
"Uhh, thanks??" Alex tilted his head.
"Why wouldn't we be??"
"Oh, y'know, boys are scary. Also Alex making fun of Rosa made me a bit scared of him. Y'know." I awkwardly tried to explain, "also I'm sorry, I just realized how blunt I was being."
"Ah no, you're fine. I'm not offended. If anything I'm just curious how you're scared of Kenny's short ass." Alex laughed.
"Shut the fuck up dude." Kenny spoke in a playful tone as he ate a spoonful of cereal, "but yeah, you're cool! Alex is just kind of a bully sometimes."
"I'm not a bully, I just speak my mind." Alex adjusted his hat, "besides, I only acted that way to Rosa because they deserved it. They act like they're so much better than all of us. But you don't, you're cool."
Kenny gave an forced laugh before going quiet.
"Thank you! You're really cool too!" I grinned, "also be careful, Rosa might hear us." I whispered.
"Right right." Alex lowered his voice to a whisper, he then noticed Kenny's discomfort, "oh. Whoops, my bad, dude.."
"Huh?" I looked over at Kenny.
"I forgot we can't really say the 'r-word' around here." Alex muttered guiltily.
"It's not that I don't want to talk about them, it's just that I don't like talking bad about them. And most of the time, you have nothing good to say about Rosa." Kenny shrugged.
"That's because there IS nothing good to say about Rosa." Alex angrily took a bite of his pop tart.
"You never even got to know Rosa!"
"I know, but I've heard and seen enough. They're a complete asshole and I don't like them. Besides, they hurt my pookie wookie bear's feelings, and you know I won't let that slide." Alex flirted as he pulled Kenny's face closer to his.

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