Prologue - part 2 (introductions)

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A/N: This took literal months to post I'm so sorry T-T I wanted to wait until I have at least half of part 3 done, I will be in the swing of things by chapter 1 hopefully so you all won't be starved of content

I walked along a path outside, snow crunching beneath my feet. Crocs probably weren't the best snow shoes. I sighed and continued walking. I looked around, taking in my surroundings. There was lots of mountain. Cliffs loomed over me, snow fell on my head. The white flakes sprinkled my brown hair.
There were other cabins like the ones Ezra and I were in to the sides of the path. Each had a nameplate to tell the cabins apart.
I eyed a ski lift ahead of me. That means we hopefully can ski! I've never skied before but it sounded exciting.
There was a mess hall, a hot spring, and a lot more exciting mountain stuff. Everyone must be there.

I saw a short guy with a skeleton hoodie near a rack of sleds. He looked deep in thought. He had very long black hair that was hastily tied into a low pony. It was very thick and wavy.
I found myself reaching my hand out and touching the guy's hair. His hair was soft, and very-
"GAH-" The guy whipped around, clearly startled.
"AGH! I'M SORRY!" I yelped.
The boy stared at me, clearly flabbergasted.
"I should've asked!! Why did I do thattt.." I muttered to myself, disappointed in my poor impulse control.
"Did you just touch my hair?"
"I did, I did! And I'm sorryyy... it looked so soft..."
The boy blinked, "that's... valid, actually." He shrugged it off.
" you're not mad?"
"Nahh, it's no biggie."
"Heh.. cool." I gave him an awkward thumbs up.
"So. What's your name?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Uhh.. My name is Ace! What about you?"
"My name's Kenny! Nice to meet ya, dude!" he held out his fist.
"Nice to meet you too!" I wrapped my hand around his fist and shook it happily.
"...?" Kenny blinked.
"Hm?" I was confused by how weirded out he was, "What's wrong? Did I do something weird?"
"Nah, dude! You're all good!" Kenny dismissed it, then continued to look at the sleds.
"Are you gonna sled?"
"Probably, although these mountains are more wack than I thought. There's a bunch of rocks and trees."
"Do you sled often?"
"Not really. I just do it for funsies sometimes!"
"Funsies.. Got it! I bet you'll find a clear slope somewhere around here! Good luck on your quest!"
"Thanks, dude!" Kenny grinned, "I'm going to go look right now!"
"Oh, ok!!"
"You seem cool so far! I'll seeya around!" He walked off, waving a bit. His feet crunched though the snow.
"Oh! Uhh, you seem cool too!" I said, waving back, "Bye!"

I walked a bit more. I saw a brunette in a suit standing there in front of a vending machine near the mess hall. Their face was scrunched up and they were grumbling to themself. I figured they were upset and just tried to walk away.
"Hey, you!" they abruptly turned around, making me jump.
"M-Me??" I stuttered, pointing to myself.
"Do I see another 'you' in here?"
"Then of course I'm talking to you! Come over here!"
"Alright then..." I fiddled with my hands out of a nervous habit. I hesitantly walked over to the vending machine.
"Aren't these prices absurd?!" They pointed to the price tags at the bottom of each of the snacks.
"I guess they're a little high. What are you trying to show me?"
"A way not to do a business. No one would want to pay for a project that costs more than it's worth. 4$ for a tiny chocolate bar? No one can afford that. No one WANTS to afford that!"
"I mean, it's just a chocolate bar."
"A chocolate bar that won't do well in terms of sales. Yes, prices are inflating, but 4$ for a teeny tiny chocolate bar is absurd."
"Anyways, enough about that." The brunette straightened their posture, before holding out their hand right in front of my torso, "Rosa Mejia's the name."
"Umm.. Ace Cohen! ...that's my name..!" I tried to straighten my posture just to seem as professional as Rosa, I lightly shook their hand, only for them to shake it harder and faster, "woah-!"
"Nice to meet 'cha, Mx. Cohen!" They abruptly pulled their hand away, a scowl forming on their face, "Your hand's so sweaty."
"Oh, uhh... sorry."
"Eugh.." Rosa wiped their hand on their pant leg.
"Well, I'm gonna go find some good food with an ACTUALLY affordable price. See you later, Mx. Cohen." Rosa abruptly turned around and started walking away.
"Oh, bye..?" I waved, still kind of confused. Rosa complained about overpriced chocolate bars, complained about my sweaty hands, then left. What a weirdo..

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