Prologue - part 3

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A/N: YALL IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG T-T although, you have a little over 6000 words to read and 17 pictures to look at while I start on chapter 1 :D super excited for the BDA ehehehe
Also don't mind how weird my writing style is- I noticed I switch a lot between past and present tense, I might keep it but I might fix it possibly,,, just not now though
Anyways, enough yapping. Enjoy the story!!!

I walked into the mess hall, just about everybody else was there. Including Ezra, to my surprise. Although he didn't really seem to want to be here. His body was wrapped in a fluffy light pink blanket with sleeves and his hair was a complete mess.
Everyone else seemed to be chatting with each other excitedly. I kicked my shoes off and left them by the door before walking over tithe group. I usually don't like wearing shoes unless I absolutely have to.
A screen in the center of the mess hall lit up, the screen still showed static, but the audio was still nice and clear, "alright! Now that Everybunny is here, please pick up a snow-pad from the nearest table. Once you tell every person here your name, your ultimate talent will appear right on your report card in the Student Report Card app. You may also view other students' report cards, these report cards will reveal a student's name, pronouns, ultimate talent if revealed, Meyers-Briggs Type, and more! Now. CHOP CHOP!" the voice explained.
Everyone, including myself, hesitantly picked up a snow-pad, it was a black tablet with a blue snowflake on it. A bunny head lay right in the middle of the snowflake. I opened up the student report card app.
"Okay. Guys. Get in a circle. Now." Rosa ordered.
"Nuh uh. What's the magic word?" Nash asked mischievously.
"...Do I have to?" Rosa raised an eyebrow.
Janna nodded at Rosa, "Yes. Yes you do."
"Fine. Everyone get in a circle. PUH-LEASEEE-UH." Rosa ordered everyone, now using the 'magic word'.
Everyone got in a circle.
"YOU! With the hair pencil. Go first." Rosa ordered to me.
Everyone's eyes darted in my direction.
"Oh. Um, my name is Ace!!" I smiled awkwardly. I looked back down at my snow-pad, "and I think I'm the.. Ultimate conspiracy theorist! That's cool, right??"

 Ultimate conspiracy theorist! That's cool, right??"

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"So do you like.. think the earth is flat or believe the government is trying to hide something orrr..?" Kim tilted her head.
"No! They make conspiracy theories for games and stuff, like that one TouYube channel!" Oggy explains.
"Yes. To both. It's sorta like tha-" I try to explain.
"So you are a flat earther?" Kim blinks surprised.
"No! The earth is round- of course I don't think of anything as stupid as that!" I explained, "what I was saying was, I come up with conspiracy theories for both fiction and reality! I like to analyze all my favorite shows and games, and can often find things casual fans can't! And when it comes to real life, I can tell that the government is definitely hiding things from us for sure. Oh! And not to mention, aliens DEFINITELY exist among us. Just like my second grade teacher! I swear, nothing could possibly explain what I saw when I hid in the classroom storage closet and spied on her that da-" I rambled on and on.
"Ahem. Ace. Other people have to go." Rosa cleared their throat.
"Oh. Sorry." I looked down, embarrassed and ashamed.
"Blanket guy, it's your turn. We're going in a circle." Rosa looked at Ezra.
"Oh. Um. Okay. My name is Ezra." Ezra looks down at his snow-pad, "and I'm the ultimate medic."

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