Chapter Nine: Lovely Date

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Benjamin fairest p.o.v

We both stayed on that park bench for a few minutes as we awkwardly sat in silence holding each other's hands we would lick eyes now and then before looking away and Pico had pulled up his mask to hide his blush, "so I ... I know it's not much but we could start with a walk around the park ... And maybe talk some more" Pico suggested as he rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb "oh er sure" I said giving him a big smile and with that plan in mind we both stood up ready to walk around when I heard a low rumble come from Pico, I looked at him but he was looking away from me and avoiding eye contact "erm ... Pico when was the last time you ... Ate?" I asked him he did try to walk off to do what we had planned but I held his hand tight and stood firm.

"Pico ... Tell me please" I begged he let out a sigh before looking me in the eyes "I don't know ... Like three or four days ... I used the last of my money on a meal." he explained once again looking away in shame but I just shook my head before dragging him in the opposite way he was going "hey where are you going?" he asked as I kept dragging him along towards the star mall, "I'm taking you to McDonald's and I won't be taking no as an answer" I stated as I continued to walk towards the mall and soon enough we were both walking side by side holding hands as we entered the mall and searched for the McDonalds and of course it wasn't hard to find the shop with its bright yellow and red sign screaming out at us once inside we walked up to the line and waited.

"You know you don't have to do this you already got me a phone charger and battery bank last time we met" Pico stated as the line moved slightly "I know but what's a date without something to eat plus I have a lot left over from my "date" with grace so I can get you something" I said with a smile he let out a sigh as the line moved even more "I have said this before but your too kind" Pico had let go of my hand so he could lift my beanie and pat my head, soon we came to the front of the line where we had to wait some more as the person at the counter started to make some drinks that needed to be done for peoples orders "so what do you want toughie" I said smiling at Pico and once again he sighed "kind and stubborn... fine I'll have a nine pack of nuggets some fries and a coke" he answered I gave him a nodded before I looked to check the prices, but before I could do any calculating I heard a loud gasp coming from behind the counter when I looked down from the menu sign and standing behind the counter was a blonde-haired women who was looking at me with a huge smile oh no she recognises me.

"OH MY GOD is it really you like fairest Jr the son of world renowned rapper couple MR & MISSES Fairest" she asked me with a twinkle in her eyes I let out a very silent groan before answering "Yep hehe that's me I'm just trying to order something" I said in a very passive aggressive tone but she didn't seem to catch on but instead continued fangirling "oh please let me have a selfie" she said but I shook my head, "I'm sorry but I'm a bit busy right now" I stated she then looked at Pico and then back at me "omg you're on a date but erm why him?" she asked looking Pico up and down and now I could feel everyone's eyes glued onto me but I didn't start to panic instead I got offended by what she said and her gesture "excuse me I'm sorry but I decide who I date with or not and instead of talking about whether this is a date of mine or not how about you get our order please" I said in a frustrated tone this drew the attention of the manager who was originally collecting some food up for someone else's order.

"Hello I couldn't help but over heard what was being said is there anyway I may help" the manager asked me and now I started to panic cause with the scene that was made plus now having to talk to another person was finally getting to me, "My friend here is just trying to order a meal she recognised him and so far has refused to take his order" Pico answered for me as I started to breath heavily "I'm so sorry Kessy please go back to the drink machine I'll take this order the after your shift you and I will have a chat to remind you how we treat celebrity guests" the male manager stated and the girl walked away her smile gone and her head hanging down "Ok so what may I get you" The guy said and after I had calmed down a little I finally answered, "I'd like a twenty pack on nuggets two medium fries and two medium cokes" I asked and the male nodded as he typed away on the machine "in or staying" he asked and I thought about "we'll stay in" I stated and the manager nodded "your number is 420 and that will be $12.50" The manager stated and I payed up and took the receipt then we got ourselves a table and sat down opposite to each other.

"wow I knew you was famous but really you can't even get a meal without been hassled" Pico asked and I gave him a shy nod "hmm must be horrible" Pico stated before we went back to silence, "thanks you Pico" I said as I looked at the receipt I tried not to make eye contact out of embarrassment "what for? I'm the one who should be thanking you tho I didn't expect you to get a twenty pack of nuggets but I guess we're sharing" Pico said with a chuckle but I didn't reply "look softie you don't need to thank me for helping you out... its not fair that you can't have a simple meal without someone wanting a picture or an autograph" he explained but all I could do was continue to look down at the receipt as tears fell onto it "softie? what's wrong" he asked his voice sounded concerned as he held my hands, "I *sniffle* I just *sniffle* wished I had some type of control over my life I'm a rapper *sniffle* when I want to be a painter I have a girlfriend when I'd rather have a boy friend and I'm home schooled when I'd rather be at College" I said as I tried to control my own tears but failing at the one thing I do have control over... my own body and emotions.

Once again we entered a moment of silence as Pico held my hands we stayed like this until our meal finally came but even then I didn't eat which caused Pico to not eat but after a few more minutes I did cheer up a bit enough to start eating, finally Pico pulled down his mask and took his first bite of a nugget and then he let out a loud-ish groan which got some people looking "wow this is good I haven't had McDonalds in soooo long" he stated and I couldn't help but chuckle "oh you find that funny huh" he said with a smile which instantly warmed my heart I couldn't help but smile.

"you should lower your mask more ... I er... Think your hot" I said my voice getting quieter until I was finally whispering but he heard me loud and clear cause his face went bright red "I thanks ... I would but you know ... People see my face and think ... School shooter" he started as he ate the rest of his nugget, "now it's your turn ... I will not eat all this myself softie" Pico stated as he grabbed a nugget he then guided it to my mouth and at first I was hesitant but after he nudged my lip with the nugget I just laughed which let him place the food in my mouth and I just gave up and are it.

"See ... Feel better?" he asked and I chuckled before nodding as I took another nugget and started to eat without his help but when I brought the nugget up to my mouth I saw my bracelet and I remembered my spare bracelet "oh ... Yeah ... I er got you a gift ... I don't know if you'd want it but here" I took out the jewelry box and handed it to him, "what no ... I can't take this you already paid for the meal now jewelry," Pico said as he tried to push the box back to me but I shook my head "I hate that gf has that bracelet but I'd be happy to know someone I love has it on" I explained and he took a moment to think before he grabbed the box and opened it revealing the second boyfriend magnetic bracket.

He took it out with a small smile on his face he then put the bracelet on "thanks softie ... But try not doing this ... More pointing at the fact I'm homeless ... It might get stolen" he explained as he grabbed my hand that had my bracelet on and they both clicked together making the heart ... To be honest I couldn't believe this was happening I mean here I was on a date with my best friend guy crush from high school but then it kinda hit me we were in public holding hands and ... Pico is a homeless suspect of a school shooting.

And although our date went on without any hitches I hoped that nobody took any hidden pictures cause I think I will be dead when I get home ... But the likelihood of that happening is slim I'm sure I'll be fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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