51) Jack of Hearts [1]

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"I just want to make myself clear. I never once wanted this role. I never once wanted things to turn out this way. I never once wanted anything but to return back to the old world."

===Charī Kasutoro===

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"Top scorer of your class again!" My mother shouted. "Your guaranteed admission into Shujin Kawa Academy now!"

I beamed, as my dad cut a slice of the chocolate cake, plopping it onto the plate and passing it off to me, sharing my smile.

"I'm so proud of you." She said, crouching down so we met eye to eye. "You had us worried when you fell down to fifth, but as usual, you bounced back up. As you go into high school, you'll now have to bear some more responsibilities, okay?"

My face twitched, but I nodded.

"We've signed you up for both the science robotics program and the medicinal internship program at Shujin Kawa Academy!" My father said, patting my back.

"...Oh!" I said. "That's... Wonderful!"

"Just don't be like your sister, okay?" He said, taking a bite of cake. "Don't lead us on only to disappoint us, okay?"

"Oh honey." My mother said softly. "Don't bring her into this so harshly. But yes, your father is right. We just want you to be the best you can be and have the most opportunities, okay? Just try to do your best."

I nodded, as the maid entered the room, greeting us, and began cleaning the cake crumbs off the table. I liked her. She was nice. "Yes, mother." I said. "Don't worry, going forward, I'll continue to put my best effort into everything I do."

That was a lie.

I couldn't handle it anymore.

That's why, I made it a mission to actively attempt to disappoint them. It'll start small at first: missing more than just a few questions on a quiz, or getting a referral for talking too much in class. Then, I'll go bigger—failing tests, skipping school, maybe even start a fight.

Then, my magnum opus: creating some scandal or prank astonishing enough to make provincial—or national, if I'm lucky—news.

"Don't talk about her so lightly." Father said. "No need to sugarcoat anything."

"Not this again." Mother sighed, rubbing her eyes.

I could sense the argument brewing, and pulled myself away from the table. Our maid, Asai, flashed me a sympathetic smile, guiding me to my room.

"Let me know if there's anything you need, alright?" She said. "Togoshi will be here by seven, he'll make okonomiyaki."

Togoshi was our personal chef. I nodded, thanking her, as she closed the door, the sound of shouting already flooding into the room. I sighed, dropping onto my bed.

Someone knocked at my window. The pattern could be recognized at once; it was Nakata.

I rushed over and opened the window, falling backwards in the process. He laughed, as I rubbed my head. "That weak?"

"Shut up, at least I have a face that looks good." I spat back, smiling.

"Damn! We're feisty today, I see?"

I rolled my eyes, stepping out the window. "Nakata, test me any further and I'll no longer help you cheat on every exam."

He laughed, making eye contact. "Okay, you got me there. Let's go to the roof and ditch this room."

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