Info on Y/n

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In this story Y/n is a demon slayer who uses a mix of Ice breathing and Flame breathing. She learned Ice breathing from a former Hashira and learned a little bit of Flame breathing from her close friend Kyojuro.

The two breathing styles work well in her favor, as it can change the temperature in the area from hot to cold. It has also helped her kill many demons since learning the two.

As a child Y/n would get in many fights with the other children in her village. Most of the fights she hadn't started, but she did finish them. Her parents thought it would be a good idea to put her in a fighting class to help release whatever anger she had inside of her.

That only led to her getting in more fights with the boys in the class for calling her weak. As Y/n got older her fighting habits got worse. She would fight people because they either disrespected her or her family.

This led to her getting punishment by the village chief. First it was just little slaps on the wrist and warning, but then turned to her getting beaten up by the people she had beaten up.

More and more fights happened and so the chief had to do something about it. Despite her parents telling the chief that she was a good kid and that she could change, he wouldn't listen.

So the chief cast her out of the village, but not without a tattoo on her neck of a the word "evil" writed in Japanese.

This left Y/n to have to defend for herself. That was until she met a man who was a former hashira. He taught her how to put her anger and frustration towards the world into fighting demons.

She learned Ice breathing from the man and went to final selection where she met Kyojuro. In the beginning Y/n found Kyojuro to be annoying with his loud and extroverted personality. But slowly as the two hung out more, she learned to see him as a friend and ally.

Of course, she doesn't get along too well with some of the other hashira such as Shinobu, but she does talk to some hashira besides Rengoku.

Y/n fights with a sword that is light blue. She will sometimes also carry around a pole arm with her as well. If her weapon gets broken or is knocked away from her, she will use her fists as a last resort.

Some demons she has fought with her fists ended up either passed out, or severely hurt. This is probably due to the fact that she has been fighting since she was a kid. She also can use some Ice breathing moves with her fists, just not all of them.

That's all you need to know about Y/n for this story, I hope you'll enjoy it.

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