Chapter 6

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Warning: Fighting, choking out of anger, if you get triggered by fighting then I suggest you skip this chapter

Y/n pov

It's been a couple days since the incident happened. There is tension between the two of us. We still talk, just not like we use to.

I want to know what happened that night. Why he came back injured that bad.

We were currently sitting down at the table having dinner.... or his breakfast if you think about it. I decided to start the conversation this time, like I've been doing since.

"So..... you plan on doing anything?" I asked.

"Maybe." Short like always.

"Are you going to be going out?"

"Maybe." ........Really?

"Well if you do don't get injured badly again. What even happened that night?" I brought up the question. Only i didn't know it would have consequences.

"That doesn't concern you. All that's important now is that I'm alive and healed."

"But don't you think it's important for me to know? You just ran in the house liek your life depended on it. And then I helped you out. Don't you thing that's enough for an explanation?" I started to raise my voice a bit.

"I said it's none of you business." I could he the way his tone changed.

"It is my business! I basically live in this house as well Akaza! I deserve to know what-"

Akaza's hands slammed on the table, interrupting me. This wasn't the same Akaza I've lived with for almost a year. This was a new side of him I had yet to see.


"You just don't know when it shut up." He looked dead at me. I could see the anger and frustration in him. Something that scared me deeply.

"You really wanna know what happened?" He shoved the table to the wall, leaving a dent in it.

"The reason I came back in a hurry was to check on you. The reason I came to check on you was because Muzan said he would send Douma to find you. And the reason he was sending another demon was because I lied about you." He got closer and closer to me. Eventually my back hit the wall.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you lived, but I did. I knew I shouldn't have grown attached to you, but I did anyways." He was looking down upon me.

Making me feel small and weak. Just like how someone did before.

"Akaza, you're scarring me."

He just laughed in my face.

"I'm scarring you? Me, scaring the second most powerful Hashira in the entire Demon slayer corps? Oh wait, you're no longer a hashira."

"After all, you have been 'missing' for almost a year. Even if they did find you, they wouldn't let you back in with that bite on your neck."

He's right. I can't go back.

"You could have gone back. You could have run away from this place so many times, and yet you choose to stay. Why is that?"

I couldn't answer him. He reminded me so much of someone from my past, and it scared me. Scared me because I couldnt move past that. How I choose to ignore the problem and never solved it.

He gripped my chin and lifted me up to his face.

"I expect a answer when I ask a question."

"I don't know.." I said quietly.

"You don't know. How funny, because I can tell you why. You've grown attached to me, haven't you?" He let go of my chin and stepped back a bit.

"Why did you lie? Is it because you all of a sudden want to leave? Is that it?"

His voice, it's changed.

"No it's not that i-"

"Then what is it? You said it yourself we shouldn't keep secrets. Why did you lie? Why didn't you tell me?"

His words were starting to make less sense the more he talked. I was too scared to speak. To scared to do anything with him so close to me.

"No. Shut it. Just... just be quite!"

So then why did he say that?

His hands went around my neck. Tightly squeezing it and pushing his nails deep into he back of my neck. Surely to break the skin.

Before I could say anything I felt something in my throat break. My windpipe, he had crushed it. Leaving me unable to speak.

I looked around to see if I could grab something to hit him with. I grabbed the plate that was on the floor and hit him on the side of his head with it.

That seemed to knock some sense back into him. He blinked a couple of times before he realized what he was doing.

He let go of my neck and backed up. He looked at his hands then me. All I did was stand there holding my neck as blood trickled down from the back for my neck.

"Im...I...." He started out, lost of words.

"I.....I'm sorry." Then he ran out the house.

I tried to yell out to him as I ran after him. Only for nothing to come out because of my now broken windpipe.

Once I got outside the front door he was already gone. I didn't know where he went and I didn't know my way around the forest. For it had been too long since I came here.

I walked back inside the house thinking he might come back.

'He can't stay out forever. He has to come back before morning.' I thought.

I walked back to the main room and looked at all the mess.

"That was quite a show he put on, don't you think? Ms. Hashira."

Hello everyone! Thank you for waiting for this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Next chapter should come out soon since I already have an idea of how I'm going to write it.

I hope you all have a good day/night. Bye bye 👋

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