Chapter 8

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Yn pov

I cleaned up the best I could after Douma had left. I hid my polearm and blade somewhere I would remember incase this situation happened again.

There really wasn't much I could do about the hole in the wall or dents in the floor. Guess I'll have to figure that out later.

Akaza didn't come home till nearly sunrise. But he just went straight to his room and didn't say a word. My guess is he is still upset about what happened.

I wont tell him that Douma saw the whole thing or talked to me. That'll just make him more angry or frustrated, and that's the last thing we need now.

The afternoon had come around and Akaza final came out of his room.

"I'm sorry." Was the first words he said. He had his head down as to not look me in the face. He must feel ashamed for hurting a woman. I know that goes against his own set fo rules.

"It's fine, I shouldn't have pushed you that far anyway." I replied as best I could. My windpipe was still healing so my voice sounded like a broken record.

"Your voice...." He looked up at me with a worried and shocked look on his face.

"It's fine. I'll get better in the meantime." I put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"We do need to talk however. I think that maybe we should make some rules for us. That way something liek this doesn't happen again." I said leading him to the couch so we could sit.

I began listing the rules to him that I thought of while he was gone as well as this morning.

1. Respect each other's space
If a person doesn't want to talk about something don't push them to talk. Unless it is a life or death situation.

2. Trust each other
We should be able to trust that none of us would run away from this place. This means I can go out into town without him worrying that I'll run.

3. Protect each other
No matter the situation, we protect each other. If a demon mentions me, Akaza makes them dismiss the thought of me being there.
If a human mentions Akaza, I do the same. And so on

Those were the three main rules. More will be added if needed to make living with each other better.

"I can't really go anywhere because of my situation. So I want to make me living with you work out." I said.

"I understand."

I don't know what came over me in that moment. Maybe because he reminded me of my past a bit. But I suddenly hugged Akaza like I hadn't seen him in forever.

"I don't want us to fight like that ever again. I just..... I just want us to be happy, like we use to be."

He obviously was shocked at my actions and my words, but eventually hugged back. Or at least he tried to hug back.

Since we needed to replace plates and silverware as well as fix the wall, I would have to go out to town. Akaza said he would deal with the wall the night once he got back.

Akaza was sent to go do work for his boss. He trust that I would keep the place clean and that I wouldn't go farther than the town. And I trusted that he would come back.

Before he left he said he would bring me back something. He didn't specify what exactly,  but at least it's something.

A week went by and Douma hasn't shown up. Akaza is still out and probably will be for another week or two.

Since we were running out of food, I decided to go out to town to buy some. While I was there I thought that I might as well buy plates as well as things needed the fix the wall.

It was strange walking into that town full of people. Guess that's what happens when you only spend time with one person.

I was halfway done with my shopping and already had my hands full. Luckily I had brung a basket to carry that I found on the side of the road.

I place my stuff down and took off the basket and began to pack the food and dishes in the basket. As I was about to grab my bag of potatoes, another hand also tried to grab it.

"Here let me get that for you." A soft, but rough voice said. Wait...... I know that voice.

"You shouldn't trying to carry a lot of stuff at this time. Ever heard of man eatting demons?" Right then it hit me.

I started to look up from the ground slowly. The white straps around the calves, the green tinted uniform that I knew all to well, the sword that I would clash with every second I trained with him, the scars that would double each time I saw him, and the snow white hair that I would see everyday.

Sanemi. The one person I wouldn't think of meeting at this time.

"Helloooo???" He snapped his fingers in my face a couple of times.

"I asked if you've seen anyone who might be a demon."

"N-no I haven't sir." Surely he won't recognize me right? My hair has grow a bit and my voice sounds like shit so he can't recognize me.

"Well at least let me help you out. You don't sound too well. Almost like you've broken your windpipe." He said picking up my basket.

"It's only a cold, and I don't need help carrying my stuff. My place isn't that far anways."

"It's still dangerous for a women such as yourself to be walking alone." He said. Still the same stubborn Sanemi.

I let out a sigh of defeat and began walking to get the things I needed for the wall to ne fixed.

It was mostly quite between the two of us. About halfway through the walk back to the house he asked me a question.

"You wouldn't have happen to see another demon slayer around here would you? She's about your height and  carries two weapons around with her."

"No I haven't. You're the only one who's come down to this town as far as I remember." I lied. I can't have him figuring out anything.

"Oh, my apologies then. Also I couldn't help but notice the scars on your arms as well as the nail imprints on your neck. You sure nothing is going on?"

Shit! I forgot about that.

"Just a little accident is all. Nothing inportant."

"Then why is there a demon bite mark on your neck as well?" He stopped right there and looked at me with a serious face.

'I am so fucked now'

Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a good day/night.

Apologies for taking so long to put out new chapters. School has been stressing rm out a bit with SOLs and it getting to the end of the year.

Im also packing up for my move as well. And to top it all off I've started practice again for sports.

So chapters might take awhile to be published, but just know that this book will be updated eventually.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. And I hope you all have a good day/night. Bye bye 👋

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