Chapter 2

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Akaza pov

I manage to find a chair and some rope to tie the girl up until she calmed down. I made sure to gently place her in the chair and tie her up tight enough to keep her still, but not enough to hurt her.

As I was tying her up I notice that she had a tattoo on the back of her neck. It wasn't noticeable while I was fighting her because she had her collar up to hide it. The tattoo read 'evil', strange.

I didn't bother with it anymore and grabbed her weapons and put them in a hidden box under the floor boards.

I sat and waited till she woke up. Judging by the placement of the sun I would say it is around mid day. That means I would have to wait to go out and get food for her and me. And as she starts to get more comfortable I will have to grab her things to entertain herself with. Taking care of a human is hard.

Y/n pov

I soon woke up and opened my eyes to see the demon infront of me. I tried to get up and attack him but I fell down and hit the ground. I then realized that I was tied to a chair.

The demon then picked up the chair and then placed it back down. He pulled up an extra chair and sat right across from me, laying his chest on the back of the chair with his arms rested on the top.

"Why are you doing this? You're supposed to kill demon slayers aren't you?" I asked.

"I wouldn't be complaining if I were you. You should consider yourself lucky. Most other slayers would be dead by now." He said completely ignoring my questions.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. You're too much of a pussy to fight women. Do you do this to all female demon slayers you fight? Because I bet I'm not the first female to try and fight you."

"No, I don't just tie up every female demon slayer that I pass. You just so happened to come into my home and attack me. You weren't even given a mission to find me since you came here purely for revenge." He said as he got up and started to walk towards me, placing one of his hands on the wall behind me.

"And I assume you told no one of your revenge plan either. That means you'll be stuck with me until I figure out what to do with you." He said looking down at me.

"That being?" I questioned.

"I'm not quite sure yet. I won't eat you so you don't have to worry about that but there are many more options. I could forcefully make you into a demon, but you might die from that if I don't take care of you properly. I could give you to another demon, whom I know loves eating women."

He then leaned closer towards my face. "Or maybe I can learn to love you. Then we can have some real fun."

My face went bright red and I looked down keeping my mouth shut.

"Wow! You were all talk before, but now you've gone quite. Was that all I needed to do to shut you up?" The demon then started to laugh as he walked away from me and sat back in his seat.

"If I'm being honest, I might just turn you into a demon once I think you're ready. Until then I'll just take care for you. And once you become a demon I won't have to deal with you anymore." He say laying back in the chair.

"Well what am I supposed to do? I'm tied to a chair and can't do anything."  I said.

"That's why when night hits I'll go out and get us both food. Then when you earn my trust I'll slowly but surely let you go other places rather than this house. But until then you will stay tied to the chair." Akaza said.

"What about entertainment? I can't just sit here all day and night."

Akaza let out a sigh. "You complain too much. Count to 100 or something, just stop complaining." He said as he stood up and left to go to another room.

"Bitch." I whispered to myself.

I started to look around to see if I could find a way to escape. I couldn't see my sword or polearm anywhere, as expected, so it will be hard to leave without them. I also don't feel like getting chased again by my swordsmith.

-Time skip-

"9,995.....9,996.......9,997.....9,998......9,999......10,000." I counted. Just them the door opened to Akaza carrying a bag and a dead human. He threw the person aside and sat on the ground and began to empty out the contents of the bag.

Inside the bag was some fruit, vegetables, other canned foods, and a pre-cooked dinner. I'm guessing he went shopping and then order food from a random restaurant and brought it back.

"There is meat out in the ice box outside if you want that. I'll just have to cook it if you want some." He said as he opened up the pre-cooked food and picked up a piece of food with chopsticks.

"Now open you mouth." He said holding the food up to my face.

"Why can't I feed myself?" I asked.

"Because then I would have to untie you. And since it's your first day that won't happen. So you either starve tonight or eat the food I got for you." He said a little frustrated.

"Fine." I said and took the food from him.

We continued till the food was gone. There were a few times where he would try and rush me and got food on my face or clothes, but he picked it up as best as he could. With me kicking him a few times of course.

To which he just made a face at me and continued to clean up. He then later began to eat his food. I didn't like the sight of him eating human flesh, it made me feel uneasy.

He later realized it bothered me and turned my chair to face the other direction. Maybe he somewhat cares about me, that or he is just playing fool and just trying to get close to me.

Either way I need to earn his trust so I can leave. Once I'm able to go outside and find my swords I'll leave this place in the morning. That way he can't follow me back to the demon slayer corps.

Until then I'll just have to learn to put up with him and ignore the fact he killed Kyojuro.

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