Chapter 5

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A/n: So I did update chapter 4 to make the time skip a few days instead of just a couple hours. That way it doesn't seem like things are rush and I don't have to write a lot of filler. Don't worry there will still be a lot more chapters but not too many.


"Akaza?" I heard a soft voice say across the room.

I looked up and saw Y/n standing there, but not with her usually bubbly or tough look. She had a face of concern, shocked, and mostly fear.

She rushed to my side quickly, immediately dropping to the ground to see if she could help.

"Akaza, what happened?!"

I couldn't bare to tell her. I couldn't tell her that my boss was the one who hurt me, all because I told a lie. And that I came running here to see if she was alright. If I did, she would go after him, and then die.

"Come on, let me help you." She wrapped a arm around me and lifted me up. How she still had so much strength after going through so much is a mystery.

She put me down in one of the chairs we had and ran off somewhere in the house.

Why was she doing this? Why is she help me, a demon? A demon that could very well betray her at any given moment. A demon that shouldn't give two shits about her, and yet I worry about her safety and health.

She came back with towels and medical supplies in her arms, dropping some items as she ran back to me.

"It's going to be fine. I-I'll stop the bleeding." She kept saying little things here and there about helping me. She did everything a human would do to keep another human alive. The only difference is that I'm a demon, and I need other things to survive and get better.

I didn't really pay attention to what she was doing or saying. That was until I heard sniffles.

"Please, don't die Akaza." I could see tears starting to form in the corner of her eyes.

She looked at me. I could almost see the gears turning in her head, thinking of something unbeknownst to me.

And it wasn't until I heard what she said next did I fully began to think. Think long and hard about what would happen next.

"Akaza, you need food."

"Well last I check we don't have any for me. *cough*"

"You have me."

I stopped and looked at Y/n, seeing if she was joking. She can't be serious right? She knows I don't eat women.

"You don't have to eat me, just take a little bite enough to draw blood. That way you at least have some of your strength back."

What is she thinking?!? She can't be serious, can she?

"I won't do it." I said as I attempted to sit up.

"You need to do it. I may not understand a lot about demons and how you work, but I do understand that when a demon is hurt, they need to eat." She sounded serious.

"But you know-"

"Yes I know you don't like eating women. But it will only be this one time, one time! And then I'll leave you alone about it." She cut me off.

Should I do it? I don't want to hurt her, or even kill her. But she's right, I do need to eat, even if it's just a little bit.


She got closer to me, closer than what friends do. Yet still had a good amount of distance between us.

"I don't care where you bite. Just get it over with so we can get some rest." She said. She's looking away from me as well.

I sat there for a moment, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to hold her nor did I know how to feel about this.

I guess you could say that I was nervous, but also a little bit happy as well. Happy that she has this must trust in me.

I decided to have one of my hands on her side and the other on her face. That should make her feel comfortable and relax right?

I decided to bite right where the neck meets the shoulder. Once I bit her I immediately got the taste of her.

It's was sweet like honey, a lot better then the men I've had. It was such a good taste, she probably is a marechi.

I brung her closer to me, almost hugging her. I was surprised she did try to push me away. After about 3 minutes she made me stop, but she did it gently.

If she didn't stop me I would probably have killed her.

"You need to rest now, we both need it." She said as she laid her head on my shoulder. Probably to avoid looking at me.

"You can take the bed." I said.

"Can you carry me? I feel a little bit weak in the legs."


I carried her into the room and layed her in the bed. She didn't even look at me, she just turned to face the wall.


"Night Akaza."

I decided to rest on the couch. Good thing I got it when Y/n came.

Y/n pov

I couldn't sleep. I let a demon bite me. I don't know why but I didn't feel scared when Akaza bit me. I would have if it was any other demon. So what makes him special?

All I knew was that I couldn't stop the little smile on my face. I don't know exactly why I was happy. Maybe because he was so gentle with me. Or maybe because he didn't treat me like I was just another meal to him.

I don't know how he felt about it though. I didn't look at him so I can only assume he got better.

Though now I definitely can't go back to the demon slayer corps. But strangely, I don't feel bad about it. Yeah I do miss everyone, but life with Akaza seems better.

I don't have to worry about risking my life everyday. I get to relax and do whatever i want. And Akaza is great company.

He brings home food for me, he even trys to help out with cooking. He makes sure that the house is clean as well. Half the time I forget that he is a demon.

And let's not forget how handsome he is. I swear I can't go a day without taking a look at his bare chest.

Wait...... no...... I shouldn't be saying that..... I shouldn't fall in love with a demon. I don't even think that woudl work out. Can it?

I need to sleep. Probably why I'm thinking these thoughts.


Hello everyone! Hope you don't think this was rushed. Sometimes I just make the story up as I go.

Only sometimes I have stuff pre written that I add onto when I feel ready.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Until next time, bye bye!

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