Like We Were in Paris

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Elijah traveled to New Orleans for the first time in over seven years. It felt wrong to return to a city he had fled all those years back. Hayley reassured him if he stuck to the outskirts of the city and avoided being seen, everything would be fine. Elijah knew he was being selfish by risking it, but he couldn't help himself. He had tried to legislate his feelings for Hayley for sixteen years to no avail.

Unfortunately for Elijah, it was a long drive back to New Orleans. It gave him too much time to debate his decision. He almost turned the car around multiple times, but the thought of Hayley's smile as she walked away down the alley kept him moving forward. He missed seeing her that happy and relaxed. His family had caused her so much pain over the years, she deserved to be happy, and Elijah would do everything in his power to keep her that way.

He had stopped in a town not far outside of New Orleans to eat before heading to the bayou. He wasn't sure how often Hayley went to their home and replenished it. As Elijah was compelling the waitress to forget his visit, he felt his phone buzz.

He read the message as he headed to his car, a smile crossing his face as he saw it was from Hayley.

I'm picking up gumbo and a bottle of wine. I can't wait to see you.


Freya drove as Hayley and Hope sat in the back seat; Hayley's arm wrapped protectively around her daughter. Hope was still shaken up by everything that had happened over the last couple of weeks and needed the comfort of her mom. Hayley also needed to just hold her daughter and remind herself that they would all be okay. She was still struggling herself but as long as her daughter was safe, she could get through anything.

Klaus had promised to astral project as soon as they got back to the house in New Orleans to visit with Hope. They would be driving through the night so Klaus planned to have a buffet of beignets waiting for them when they arrive. Hayley knew he was trying to do everything he could to make up for the years of no contact.

"How is my brother doing?" Freya asked from the front seat. It had been quiet for a while and Hayley felt that Freya had been wanting to ask that the whole time. While Freya had often visited Rebekah in New York and Kol wherever he happened to be at the time, she had not gotten to see Klaus since he cut communication.

"You've talked to Klaus as much as I have." Hayley responded. Although that wasn't completely true, Klaus hadn't revealed any personal information in any of their conversations. His sole focus was on Hope.

"Yes, I will make sure I interrogate that brother when he visits later, but that was not the brother I was referring to." Freya smirked, looking at Hayley in the rearview mirror.

Hope seemed to sit up a little straighter at this. Hayley looked out the window for a moment. The guilt for kissing Elijah was already seeping in. She never wanted to hurt Declan and she shouldn't have drug out their relationship as long as she had. It wasn't fair to him.

"Is something going on with you and Elijah?" Hope asked, sounding offended.

"No." Hayley replied quickly. "We just got lunch today while he was in town."

Hope didn't seem to believe this, and Hayley didn't want to lie to her but she needed to figure it out herself before having her family weigh in on it.

"What about Declan? You know your boyfriend, the man who was like a father to me for the past few years."

Hayley knew how much Hope liked Declan, it was the main reason she started dating him. Declan had come into their life when Hope was only nine years old. He came to New Orleans to investigate Cami's death and wound up staying. Because of his job at Rousseau's, he seemed to always be around. He took to Hope quickly and would often look after her as Hayley met with the factions at the bar.

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