Chapter 1

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 "You can take two, right? We need to give him enough time." Harumi whispered to Lloyd as the two looked at the ninjas surrounding them. Lloyd nodded, clenching his fists.

"Kai and Nya." Harumi began to slide her swords out of her sheath, facing Cole, Zane, and Jay. "Good luck."

"You too." Lloyd whispered, steadying his hand as he pulled his swords out as well.

"Well, are you guys gonna attack or not? Are you scared?!" Kai asked, edging them on. He had his signature smirk on his face, his flames heating up and catching onto his sword.

With that, both Harumi and Lloyd leapt out at their new opponents. Something Lloyd had always been told by his father in battle: Never let the enemy make the first move.

He swung his swords at Kai, which were easily blocked with the sound of clashing metal. Nya was coming up from behind, leaping in the air to hit him. Lloyd used his left to block her, the blade faltering slightly when he blocked it, while trying to leave the other on Kai.

I need to get it one on one. If I can just knock one of them back or something. Lloyd thought, thoroughly examining his options. Without an elemental power and one less person, he had the overall disadvantage.

I can do this. He had to.

Around them was the rubble of destroyed buildings, and small fires burning the now ruins. Close to where they were battling was a crumbling building, unsteady and breaking. Lloyd began backing away at each strike, attacks coming at him fast and sharp. After all this defense, they ended up in what used to be a typical office building.

Once they were amidst the cracked floors, Kai noticed what Lloyd had done.

Shit. He wanted us in here. It'll be easier with all the hazards. Kai thought. But we can't just leave. Obviously he won't let us. He needs these better odds.

Kai clenched his jaw in determination, then lunged for Lloyd. Fire burned on his swords, so hot that blurry waves radiated off the shining gold.

I've got them in a place I can win. One fall and they could die. Lloyd then took urgent notice of the burning steel of Kai's swords. One hit and he'd be charred.

"You better be careful. You've caused enough trouble that we have no issue killing you." Kai said, looking rather dangerous as he approached Lloyd. Lloyd didn't back off, but was being forced back to a crumbling corner. The edge was just about a foot away, a foot away from plummeting to his death.

"Likewise." Lloyd responded, springing up and trying to get behind him. However, Nya came up in front of his escape, her swords pushing him into a slash of Kai's sword. The tip had sliced his clothes and skin, blackening and shriveling away the purple cloth. There was a bright red slash, dripping with blood. Lloyd couldn't help staggering back, holding his arm. He felt flames in his skin, felt hot blood dripping down.

But Nya was coming in for a follow-up. Lloyd had no time to waste, so he stood up. He just needed to get one alone. When Nya swung, he hit back as hard as he could, sending Nya flying back onto the very unstable staircase. She fell back with a groan, before quickly scrambling back off of the stairs. They fell to the ground below, leaving about a 12 foot gap. If she hadn't gotten off when she did, she would've gone down with it.

This is just what I need. Lloyd thought, ignoring his pain and charging for Kai. Kai attempted a block, but was pushed back from the power. Lloyd knocked him to the ground, feeling more powerful than usual. Energy was surging through his body, pumping through his veins.

Kai was on the ground, two sharp blades and a dangerous drop blocking him from getting up. He struggled helplessly.

This is it. I can finally do what Father wants. With a ceremonious touch, Lloyd prepared to strike with his right sword right on Kai's neck. Cold sweat dripped down Kai's back. He was going to die.

But as the sharp blade came closer and closer, it slowed. Lloyd's hands were slightly shaky, and at the slightest brush at Kai's neck, he stopped. All that was left was a small cut, and Lloyd left frozen and shaky.

I... I couldn't do it...

Kai knew an opportunity when he saw it. Within those few moments, he quickly took the offensive, aiming both swords at Lloyd.

"Why didn't you do it? You had it right there!" Kai asked, not showing his confusion of why he would possibly hesitate. He could've killed me. But he couldn't do it.

Lloyd stayed silent. He hated himself so much. A chance to kill the fire ninja, so easily there. He even could've killed Nya afterwards. I fucked up. I'm gonna be the one dead when Father finds out.

"I... I don't know."

"Kai!" Nya ran up, giving Kai a nod. He seemed to understand, because in an instance, they had Lloyd restrained, dragging his defeated body. The cut still held vicious pain as Lloyd walked an unsteady walk. He was trying hard not to pass out after being thoroughly knocked on the head to insure that he wouldn't try anything.

The view of the blindfold was getting blurry, and thoughts were getting harder and more foggy.

No... I've got to... get back... He thought uselessly, before collapsing to the ground.

"Lloyd?" Harumi whispered softly to herself. In the midst of battle, she glimpsed to see her brother's body limp on the ground.

She knew she needed to focus. She had three highly trained people aiming weapons at her. What happened to him? Is he okay?

With a scarily close blow, she wanted to run to save Lloyd, but she needed to retreat. The ninja couldn't kill him, it was against their brand. But she couldn't win either of those battles now. When the time was right, Harumi would come back for Lloyd, and later they'd kill the ninja together, with their father.

"I need to get out of here." Harumi spoke hurriedly into her communicator. She quickly disappeared into alleyways, then was picked up by a henchman.

"What about Lloyd?" The driver asked as they speeded down the street.

"They took him. But they won't have him for long." Harumi responded, her face in the form of rage.

I'll make them regret anything they do to Lloyd. 

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