Chapter 11

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"That's not right. I told you, you gotta do it like this." Jay said, annoyance creeping in after having to show him the routine for like the fifth time.

"Yeah, sorry." Lloyd answered, desperately trying to refocus his brain. All he could think was how he just wished it could all go back to normal. Lloyd wasn't meant to be the Green Ninja.

It's got to be a mistake. Lloyd thought constantly. I'm not meant to be the hero.

Later that night, Lloyd crept into the bathroom while everyone slept. For the whole day, he'd been aching to just hurt himself, to see his own blood and feel the sharp pain run through his body.

He brought with him a knife, locked the bathroom door, and clicked on the lights. He pressed the blade to his skin and immediately he felt that familiar thrill, something that made things feel more right.

This is how it's meant to be. Lloyd thought as the blood soon ran down thick, dripping to the floor.

It was just going to be one or two cuts, he had to go back to training soon in the morning. But Lloyd found himself coming back again. Soon there were multiple deep slashes of red on his wrists. Blood dripped from the wounds all the way to the floor in little puddles of red.

Lloyd reached out for the counter, trying to steady himself. This time he'd gone too far. His eyes were going blurry, his legs were turning to jelly.

I think I might die. Lloyd thought rather nonchalantly, happily even, considering his situation. He didn't mind this in all honesty. Although he did wish he could've written his suicide letter. Lloyd wanted to tell Harumi how much he loved her. He wanted to tell Kai, too, how much all that Kai had done helped him. He wanted to tell the world he was sorry for being such a letdown.

I hope Harumi will remember how much I love her.

Lloyd's consciousness quickly faded, and he fell to the floor with a thud. Lying in his own fallen blood.


Like many nights recently, Sensei Wu couldn't fall asleep, so instead he stayed up researching more about the Green Ninja and the Overlord from all the ancient scrolls and scriptures. He'd been peacefully sipping on his tea whilst doing so when he heard a thud, coming from the bathroom directly above.

That's odd. None of the ninja should be up at this hour. He thought. Something seemed off, so he went up to check. He reached the bathroom door, knocking loudly.

The other side of the door stayed dead silent.

"Hello?" Sensei Wu asked. When there was once again no response, he tried to open the door. His concern grew at the realization that the door was locked.

Sensei Wu had a terrible feeling rising up in his stomach. With a sense of urgency, Sensei Wu kicked down the door.

At the revealed scene, he went into total shock. He could barely move his body to look at Lloyd, he felt sick. Quickly Wu ran up to Lloyd. Sensei Wu took Lloyd in his arms, trying to prop up his head which kept lolling back. Sensei Wu could see the scars on Lloyd's wrists, still bleeding. Lloyd's blood had tainted his clothes and seeped all the way to the floor.

"NINJA! PIXAL!" Wu yelled loudly, still hoping not to disturb Lloyd.

The gang all immediately rushed over. They'd never heard Sensei Wu so loud, so uncalm.

"What is it?" Nya said, rushing over first. When she came into view, her mouth dropped, and tears began to form in her eyes.

"We need to get him help!" Wu said seriously. All had similar reactions of horror, until Kai came and saw last. Kai felt himself gasping for air, not even caring enough to hold back tears.

"He's alive, right?" Kai called out desperately.

"He may not be for long." Sensei Wu said gravely. "We need to get him to the ER. We can't deal with this here."

"On it." Pixal led them all quickly into one of the flying vehicles.

When only 2 people could go, Kai and Wu stepped into the plane.

Time seemed to stretch forever, Lloyd was losing more and more blood and the only thing they had was some useless cloth to stop it.

"Lloyd, you can't die. Not yet. There's still so much left... " Kai whispered before trailing off as his emotions threatened to give Kai a complete breakdown. But Kai knew this wasn't the time. Right now, he had to stay strong for Lloyd.

Finally, they got to the ER, where Lloyd was immediately rushed into the ICU. Before all the doctors completely disappeared, Kai held one back.

"Is he going to be okay?" He asked desperately. He needed Lloyd to be okay. No matter what it took, Kai would not let Lloyd die.

The momentary silence of the doctor wasn't a good sign, but finally he said delicately to Kai,

"We'll do everything we can." 

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