chapter thirty-two.

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Case kissed Sir.

Because he needed the affection, the connection, the love. Because Case couldn't remember the last time he'd kissed someone and it meant something. Deep down, he needed a justification for not escaping. He needed proof Sir loved him; proof someone finally loved him.

Even deeper, he needed proof this wasn't rape. Because if he was raped at that party, then what the fuck had Sir been doing to him this whole time?

His lips made contact with Sir's. For a millisecond.

"Woah," Sir jerked back, holding Case at a distance. "What are you doing?"

"Kiss me." Case clung to Sir. "C'mon, you said so yourself. We're bonded to each other. This has never happened to you; it's never happened to me. You . . . you're the biggest thing that's ever happened to me. We wouldn't feel this way if we weren't meant to be together.  Kiss me."

Sir pulled further away from him. "What's wrong with you?"


But Sir pried himself out of Case's hold. "God, why are you like this?" He pulled away, backing out of the bed. "You get so . . . emotional, and clingy," he said, disgusted. He swung his legs over the other side of the mattress, propelling himself out of bed. He gathered his jeans, turning them the right side out. "I do so much for you, Casey. I keep you fed, keep you satisfied—unless you're a better liar than I gave you credit for. And you go and pull this shit? I don't know what more you want from me."

"I just want you to love me! I want someone to fucking love me."

Sir glared at him, halfway through pulling his pants up his legs. "There's something wrong with you, Casey."

"Me?" Case got out of bed, gathered his own clothes. Stumbled as he pulled his on his sweatpants. "No, not me, you! There's something wrong with YOU! You're a piece of shit who has to kidnap and lock people in a fucking rape basement because you can't find anyone to love YOU!"

Sir's eyes narrowed, turning black with storm clouds. He lunged.

Case kicked Sir in the belly, bringing him to his knees, winded.

Oh, shit. That's it. He's done it now. He's crossed too many lines, pushed too many boundaries. Sir isn't going to let him come back from this.

He's going to die.

Sir was doubled over, still winded. Time ticking.

Well, if Case was gonna die, then he was gonna take back the one last bit of power he had. Rob Sir of the satisfaction of killing him.

Case darted to the space under the stairs, pulling open the drawers. He rummaged through the folded clothes, finding his secret stash. The Reese's pieces he'd kept, too scared to surrender them. Shaking, he tore open the wrappers, the paper still stuck to the chocolate as he shoved three pieces of peanut-butter cups into his mouth. Chew. Chew. Swallow.

Sir grabbed him, turned him around. "What the fuck are you doing?"

Case grinned, his teeth thick with chocolate. "Told you I was allergic."

Sir brought his face closer to Case's, sniffing. "You little shit." Sir shoved his fingers into Case's mouth, hooking onto and scooping out the slimy chunks of chocolate.

Case laughed, already feeling the anaphylaxis setting in: the lightheadedness, the hives tingling down his arms to his fingertips.

Sir swore. "Fine! This is what you want? You've brought this on yourself." He left, the basement door slamming behind him.

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