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Thank you so much for reading bamboo doesn't grow in dark spaces. This has been an unedited first draft, and your feedback (which may inform future edits) is highly appreciated. If you have the time, I would genuinely be super grateful for any/all answers to the following questions. Just answer along with the inline comments ☺️💜

Did the story hold your interest from the very beginning? If not, why not?

Could you relate to or empathize with the main character (Case)?

Were the characters believable? Are there any characters you think could be made more interesting or more likable?

Did the descriptions and setting (predominantly The Basement) hold your interest? What were your thoughts on the inclusion of outside settings via flashbacks, stories and dreams?

Did the pacing manage to keep you invested in finding out what would happen next? Did the story ever lag? If so, where?

Were there any parts that confused you? Were there times you felt under- or over-informed? Which parts, and why?

Did you notice any discrepancies or inconsistencies in time sequences, places, character, or other details?

Did the inclusion of flashbacks feel like an interruption to the main narrative? Were there any flashbacks you felt weren't needed, or may need expanding? Any that felt in the wrong place?

Did the dialogue keep your interest and sound natural to you? If not, whose dialogue did you think sounded artificial or not like that person would speak?

Was there enough conflict, stakes, and intrigue to keep your interest? Did you feel there was an adequate balance of rising and falling tension?

Was the ending satisfying? Believable? Predictable?

Did the sexual and/or violent content feel too graphic to you? Do you think this was an appropriate level for the author to properly explore their intended themes?

What age would you recommend to be the target audience? Would you recommend this as Young Adult or New Adult fiction?

Any other feedback?

bamboo doesn't grow in dark spaces. [80K Words / Complete]Where stories live. Discover now